Sun Management Center 3.6 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Chapter 2 Performance Reporting Manager Installation and Setup

This chapter contains procedures for installing and setting up the Performance Reporting Manager software using the installation and setup wizards. For information about using the command line for installation, see Appendix B, Installing Using the Command Line.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Performance Reporting Manager Software

Performance Reporting Manager is installed as an add-on to the Sun Management Center software.

The Performance Reporting Manager server layer runs on the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 operating systems on SPARC® systems only. The server layer requires that you have 1 Gbyte RAM and 1 Gbyte swap space available on the machine.

The Performance Reporting Manager agent layer runs on the following platforms:

The Performance Reporting Manager console layer runs on the following platforms:

The following disk space requirements are needed before performing the setup procedure on the Performance Reporting Manager software.

Before installing Performance Reporting Manager, you must have the following software already installed:

For any late-breaking information, please see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes.

The Performance Reporting Manager add-on software consists of the following packages:

Installing Performance Reporting Manager

You can install the Performance Reporting Manager add-on software either using the installation wizard or the command line. This section discusses how to install the software using the installation wizard. For information about installing using the command line, see Appendix B, Installing Using the Command Line.

The Performance Reporting Manager software can be installed at the same time that you install the Sun Management Center software. Installation can also be done after Sun Management Center is already installed.

Performance Reporting Manager must be installed on the following layers of Sun Management Center:

ProcedureTo Install Performance Reporting Manager During Sun Management Center Installation


    For more information and detailed steps, see Installing Sun Management Center in Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide .

ProcedureTo Install Performance Reporting Manager Individually

Note –

Perform this procedure only after the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 software has been installed.

  1. As superuser (su -), start the Sun Management Center installation wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiinst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center installation wizard appears.

  2. Provide the source directory of the Performance Reporting Manager files when prompted.

    • If installing from the software CD-ROM, type:

    • If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:


      where disk1 is the corresponding name of the location where the software was copied.

  3. If installing the server layer, select the languages from the Select Language Support panel and click Next.

    The Checking for Available Products panel appears. When the progress bar is finished, the Products Already Installed panel appears.

  4. Review the list of products already installed and click Next.

    The Select Add-on Products panel appears.

  5. Select Performance Reporting Manager from the list of add-on software to be installed, and click Next.

    The Add-on Products License Agreement panel appears.

  6. Read the license agreement. You must click the I Agree button to proceed with installation.

    The Confirmation Panel appears.

  7. Review the Confirmation Panel and click Next.

    The Installation Complete panel is displayed when the software installation is complete.

See Also

Once installation of the Performance Reporting Manager software is complete, the setup wizard will guide you through the setup process for the software. For more information, see Setting Up Performance Reporting Manager.

ProcedureTo Install Performance Reporting Manager During Sun Management Center Installation on the Microsoft Windows Platform

  1. Copy the winImage.tar file from the source image.

    The usual location is disk1/Window/winImage.tar.

  2. Use winzip to extract the tar file, and then save the file to a directory.

  3. Change to the directory in which the files were placed, if needed.

  4. Start the installation wizard by typing:


    The Sun Management Center installation wizard for the Microsoft Windows platform appears.

  5. Provide the name of the installed directory, for example, C:>\Program Files\SunMC.

  6. From the list of products available for installation, select Performance Reporting Manager.

    The software is installed.

ProcedureTo Install Performance Reporting Manager Individually on the Microsoft Windows Platform

  1. From the directory from which Sun Management Center is installed, type:

    C:>\Program Files\SUNWsymon\SunMC\SunMC3.5\SunMCInst.bat
  2. To start the installation wizard, provide the location of the extracted files by typing:

  3. Select Performance Reporting Manager from the list of add-on software to be installed, and click Next.

    The software is installed.

Setting Up Performance Reporting Manager

After installation is complete, you must run the Performance Reporting Manager setup wizard to configure the server and agent layers. The setup procedure is not required for the console layer. You can perform the setup procedure directly after the software installation is complete, or you can exit the installation wizard and perform the setup procedure later. If you did exit after installation, the Sun Management Center core server layer must be set up before you start the Performance Reporting Manager setup procedure.

The Sun Management Center installation wizard can start the Performance Reporting Manager setup wizard. The setup wizard appears after the Installation Complete panel when using the installation wizard. The Performance Reporting Manager setup wizard guides you through the setup procedure. For the command-line instructions for running the setup script, see Appendix B, Installing Using the Command Line.

Note –

If you later run the re-setup option (es-setup -F) for the base Sun Management Center software in addition to the Performance Reporting Manager software, you can lose the scheduled report information. This problem can occur when you choose not to preserve the base product's data but choose to save the Performance Reporting Manager data. In this case, you will need to reschedule the report requests manually. The original report requests are preserved.

ProcedureTo Set Up Performance Reporting Manager During Sun Management Center Installation


    For more information and detailed steps, see Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

ProcedureTo Set Up Performance Reporting Manager Individually

Note –

Perform this procedure only after the Sun Management Center software has already been installed and setup. This procedure assumes that you chose not to set up Performance Reporting Manager at the end of the installation process.

  1. As superuser (su -), start the Sun Management Center setup wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guisetup

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center setup wizard appears and guides you through the setup process for the software.

    Note –

    If you have installed more than one add-on product, the setup wizard for each product appears automatically. Each wizard guides you through the setup process for its add-on product. Each new setup wizard appears automatically after the setup process is completed for the previous add-on product. The setup wizard for the Performance Reporting Manager software might not be the first to appear, in this case.

  2. The Overview panel appears first. Click Next to continue through the wizard panels.

  3. Review the list in the Stopping Components panel and click Next.

    The Sun Management Center components must be stopped before the setup process can continue.

  4. The Advanced Setup Options panel appears if you have completed the setup process for some of the add-on products installed. The remaining add-on software can be set up now. Select from the following and click Next:

    • Reconfigure All — The setup process is run again for the base Sun Management Center software and all add-on software. All the Sun Management Center software that was previously set up is set up again.

    • Configure Addons — The add-on software that was recently installed, but not yet set up, is now set up.

  5. Review the list of products in the Setup Complete panel and click Next.

    The Select Add-on Products panel appears. All products newly installed on the system that will be set up are listed. You are also given the option to run setup again on any product that has already been set up.

  6. Confirm that Performance Reporting Manager appears as a product to be set up now and click Next.

    The Performance Reporting Manager setup progress bar appears.

    • If you are setting up the agent layer, after the progress bar is done go to Step 10.

    • If you are setting up the server layer, the Performance Reporting Manager DB Size panel appears after the progress bar is done. Go to Step 7.

  7. From the Performance Reporting Manager DB Size panel, provide the desired database size by selecting Small, Medium, or Large, and click Next.

    The three sizes are based on the number of agent machines and data properties you will monitor. For more information, see Performance Reporting Manager Software.

  8. Provide the full path to three directories in the Performance Reporting Manager DB Directories panel and click Next.

    You are prompted in a single panel for three data file locations. While you can use the same directory three times, try to use three different directories located on three different file systems. This separation reduces disk I/O contention and results in better product performance.

    The space required depends upon the size of the configuration you choose during setup. The data file locations require disk space as listed in the following table.

    Configuration Size 

    First Directory Size 

    Second Directory Size 

    Third Directory Size 


    2048 Mbytes 

    1536 Mbytes 

    1536 Mbytes 


    5120 Mbytes 

    4096 Mbytes 

    3072 Mbytes 


    8192 Mbytes 

    7168 Mbytes 

    7168 Mbytes 

    The Performance Reporting Manager DB Configuration Panel appears.

  9. Once the progress bar in the Performance Reporting Manager DB Configuration Panel completes, click Next.

    Configuration of the database takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Once done, the Add-on Products Setup panel appears.

  10. To invoke the start wizard, click Next.

See Also

Once the setup procedure is complete, you have the option to start the Sun Management Center processes. For more information, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Before Generating Reports

Once you have completed installation and setup, you must start the Sun Management Center server. You can choose to start the server either after the setup process is completed, or manually later on. For more information about starting the server, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

You cannot generate reports until data is being logged and collected. For more information about how data is collected, see Data Collection Process. For more information about enabling the logging of data, see Data Properties Logging.

Backup and Restore

Use the Sun Management Center backup and restore scripts to back up or restore all Sun Management Center data, including Performance Reporting Manager. For information, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Performing frequent backups of your entire system enables you to recover the most current data possible, in the event of a system failure. Frequent backups will help to minimize any data loss.

Caution – Caution –

If you restore from a backup made before the Performance Reporting Manager software is set up, you lose your Performance Reporting Manager data.

Caution – Caution –

Do not attempt to restore a backup from a medium or large configuration if the machine has been converted to a small configuration. Problems might result from having insufficient disk space to restore the data, and you might experience performance degradation. This type of restoration is not supported.

Caution – Caution –

Do not attempt to restore a backup from any configuration to a machine that has a configuration of a different size. This type of restoration is not supported.

Agent Update Feature

Sun Management Center Agent Update feature enables you to update the agent layer. An update image is created on the server machine that is specified as the server context for the agent machines. Before using the Agent Update feature, the Performance Reporting Manager server layer must be installed on the server machine that is specified as the server context. The update image wizard prompts you to select from the list of products to include in the update image. You must select Performance Reporting Manager for inclusion in the update image. You must provide the server context for the agent machine when the update image wizard prompts you. For information about using the Agent Update feature, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Upgrading Performance Reporting Manager

If you have Performance Reporting Manager 3.0, 3.5, or 3.5 Update 1 installed on your system, the earlier software must be uninstalled as part of the upgrade procedure. If you want the Performance Reporting Manager data to be upgraded to version 3.5 Update 2, do not use the es-uninst script to uninstall the earlier software. This script does not offer you the choice to preserve the data from the previous version.

Instead, use the Sun Management Center installation wizard to remove the previous version software while installing the Sun Management Center software. The Sun Management Center installation wizard asks whether you want to preserve your previous version data files before removing the software. If you want to preserve your data files, answer Yes to this question. The installation wizard then proceeds to install the Sun Management Center software, and prompts you to select add-on products to install. You must say Yes to the installation of the Performance Reporting Manager 3.5 Update 2 software. The previous version data will be upgraded to version 3.5 Update 2 as long you install Performance Reporting Manager during the installation of Sun Management Center.

Note –

If you are upgrading the Sun Management Center server, the machine must have either the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Solaris 10 developer environment installed.

For more information about upgrading your Sun Management Center software, including detailed procedures, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Uninstalling Performance Reporting Manager

Use the Sun Management Center uninstall wizard to remove the Performance Reporting Manager software. The uninstall wizard removes both the Performance Reporting Manager packages and all the Performance Reporting Manager data and configuration changes made during setup. The Sun Management Center uninstall wizard gives you the option to save the existing data. Your selection regarding the saving of data applies to all the products chosen to uninstall at the same time. For more information about using the uninstall wizard, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

ProcedureTo Remove the Performance Reporting Manager Software

Note –

From a Microsoft Windows system, start the uninstall process from C:>\Program Files\SUNWsymon\SunMC3.5\SunMCUninst.bat.

  1. As superuser (su -), start the uninstall wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiuninst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center uninstall wizard appears.

  2. Select Performance Reporting Manager from the list of software, and click Next.

  3. Indicate whether to preserve the data files, and click Next.

    The Performance Reporting Manager packages and configuration files are removed. If you chose not to preserve the data files, these files are removed as well.

  4. Click Close to exit the wizard.