Sun Management Center 3.6 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Customizing the Appearance of Reports

Some custom report templates have an option that enables you to customize the appearance of your Line Graph, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart reports. You add these customizing features when you create the report request. You can also modify the report request at a later time to include the desired appearance customization.

After you click the Customize button in the report template, the Customize Graph dialog box appears. The dialog box contains the following three tabs, from which you can specify these appearance changes:

Note –

Some of the options in the Customize Graph dialog box are not available for Pie Chart reports.

Once you have finished selecting all the customizing options, click OK to dismiss the dialog box. You must also click OK from the report template for these options to be saved to the report request.

Line Breaks

The legend of a report lists all the data properties contained in the report. You can insert line breaks in the legend to enhance appearance. You use HTML commands to do this. Inserting a line break by using an escape character such as \n does not work as this character is not recognized.

ProcedureTo Insert a Line Break

  1. From the report window, choose Edit, then select Customize Graph.

    The Customize Graph dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Line Attributes folder.

    The view changes to show the options already selected.

  3. From the drop-down menu in the Selected Line field, select the name of the data property you want to edit.

    The name of the data property selected in the Selected Line field appears in the Text field. You edit this field to insert the line break. The HTML tag <p> is used to create the line break.

  4. Insert the line break by typing:


    The line break appears wherever the <p> tag is inserted. You can place this tag anywhere in the full data property name. For example:

    <html>% CPU <p>Kernel Time(0)</html>

    results in the line break appearing after % CPU in the report legend.

  5. Click OK.

    The line break appears in the report legend. Repeat this procedure for as many line breaks as you want to insert.