Solaris Container Manager 3.6 Release Notes

Container Manager Bugs

These runtime bugs might occur in Solaris Container Manager 3.6 software.

Agent Performance Becomes Degraded or Unresponsive (6247892)

An agent has crashed leaving scm-container* files in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/ directory. When the agent restarts, it might not perform in an optimal manner. This condition might identify itself by the following error message:

Insufficient security privilege to complete the operation.

You can determine the state of the processes on the agent by typing the following command:

% ps -eaf | grep esd

Workaround: To improve performance, type the following commands:

  1. Become superuser.

    % su -

  2. Stop the agent.

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin es-stop -a

  3. Delete the state files.

    # rm /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/scm-container*

  4. Restart the agent.

    #/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -a

Java Web Console Does Not Restart After Reboot (6252233)

Following a server reboot, the Java Web Console does not start automatically.

To start the Java Web Console, type the following commands:

  1. Become superuser.

    % su -

    Type root password.

  2. Restart the Java Web Console.

    # /usr/sbin/smcwebserver restart

  3. Ensure that Java Web Console restarts in the future.

    # /usr/sbin/smcwebserver enable

Workaround: None.

Zone Creation Fails When Invalid Locale Is Selected (6259233)

If an invalid locale is selected from the Locale drop-down menu in the New Zone wizard, zone creation fails. The Locale drop-down menu might contain invalid locale values.

To determine valid locales, go to “Supported Locales” in International Language Environments Guide.

Workaround: Choose a valid locale from the Locale drop-down menu in the New Zone wizard. If you are unsure of a locale value, select C for the English locale.

Tool Tip Displayed Instead of Alarm Badge (6219617)

If an alarm condition exists, the tool tip of the alarm badge might appear instead of the alarm badge itself.

If you navigate to another pane, then return to the alarmed object's icon, the badge on the icon is correctly displayed.

Workaround: None.

Exception Might Occur When Clicking the Browser Back Button (6241424)

When you click the browser back button, Container Manager might throw an exception. The browser back button is not supported in this release.

To recover from this exception, go to https://server_name:6789/containers and navigate to the appropriate page.

Workaround: None.

Some Processes Owned by User nobody Are Not Moved to a Container (5011290)

On the Solaris 9 Operating System, some processes, for example, the JavaTM application run by user nobody, are not moved to a container because of a bug in the newtask command.

Workaround: Start the applications that are run by user nobody in the appropriate container by using the newtask command.

# /usr/bin/newtask -p projectname command

projectname is the project in which the application is to be started and command is the command to start the application.

For more information, see the newtask(1) man page.

Using nscd as a Match Expression Causes Host to Hang (4975191)

If you use one of the following match expressions when creating a container definition and subsequently activate it, the agent host hangs:

Workaround: Start the nscd process in the appropriate project by using the newtask command:

# /usr/bin/newtask -p projectname command

projectname is the project in which the application is to be started and command is the command to start the application.

For more information, see the newtask(1) man page.

Agent Hosts Missing After Reinstalling or Running Setup of Server Layer (4964051)

If you plan to reinstall the Solaris Container Manager 3.6 software on the server layer, be sure to save the data when uninstalling. Similarly, if you run setup again on the server layer, be sure to answer No when asked if you want to recreate the database. Otherwise, agent hosts previously discovered might be missing from the database if the data was not saved and you then reinstall or set up again on the server layer.

Workaround: If hosts are missing after you reinstall or rerun setup, restart the Sun Management Center agent on the hosts by doing the following procedure:

  1. Log in to agent system.

  2. Become superuser.

    % su -

  3. Stop the Sun Management Center agent by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a
  4. Start the Sun Management Center agent by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -a