Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6

ProcedureTo Edit a Pending Resource Change Job

Use this procedure to make changes to a pending job whose status still shows as Queued in the Jobs table.

  1. If the Container Manager GUI is not already open, access it as described in To Start the Container Manager GUI.

  2. Select the Containers view in the navigation window.

  3. Select the Jobs tab from the right pane.

  4. From the Resource Change Job table, select the job to be changed by selecting the check box next to the name.

    A check mark appears in the box.

  5. To start the Update Resource Change Job wizard, click the Update Resource Change Job button.

    For a detailed description of the steps to move the panels, see To Modify a Project Using a Resource Change Job.

  6. When you have completed all changes, click Finish.

    The wizard is dismissed. The edits made to the job have been saved.