Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6

ProcedureTo Modify a Container Using a Property Sheet

  1. If the Container Manager GUI is not already open, access it as described in To Start the Container Manager GUI.

  2. Select the Containers view.

  3. Select the container.

    • If the container is not currently used for any active project, select the Containers Group from the navigation window. This method displays the Container and Groups table in the right pane. Select the project from the table.

    • If the container is being used with any active projects, select the container from the navigation window. If needed, click the different Container groups to expand the list of individual containers. This method displays the Hosts Associated with this Container Definition table from which you can deactivate the project instances.

      Note –

      All project instances that use this container must be deactivated before you can change the properties. If any instances show the status as Active, use the Deactivate button in the Hosts Associated with this Container table after selecting all hosts before continuing.

  4. Select the Properties tab from the right pane.

    The property sheet for the selected container appears. You can make the following changes in the text fields:

    • Description – Provide the description of the container.

    • Project Type – Provide the User, Group, or Application.

    • UNIX User Name – Change existing entry for UNIX user name.

    • Additional User – Change existing entries or provide additional valid UNIX user names. Separate multiple entries with a comma.

    • Additional Group – Change existing entries or provide additional valid UNIX group names. Separate multiple entries with a comma.

    Note –

    If the Save button is not available and the text fields are grayed out, the container is being used in one or more container instances. Verify that the state is Inactive for all hosts listed in the Hosts Associated with this Container Definition table. If any show status as Active, you must deactivate them.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

    The property sheet remains displayed.