Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6

ProcedureTo Set an Alarm Threshold

  1. If the Container Manager GUI is not already open, access it as described in To Start the Container Manager GUI.

  2. In the Hosts view, select the host with which the container is associated.

  3. Select the Projects tab.

    A table appears that lists all containers that are associated with that host.

  4. In the table, click the appropriate project in the Project Name column for which you want to set an alarm.

    The Properties page for the container appears.

  5. Select the Alarm Thresholds tab.

    The Alarm Thresholds page appears. Three levels of alarms are available: Critical, Major, and Minor.

  6. Locate the level of alarm to be set, and provide the alarm values in the text fields.

    Three alarm settings are available:

    • CPU Threshold Less Than – Provide an integer or decimal value. The alarm is triggered when the CPU usage falls below this value.

    • Memory Threshold Greater Than – Provide an integer in Mbytes. The alarm is triggered when the memory usage exceeds this value.

    • Mail To – Provide a valid email address. An email alert is sent to this address when the alarm is triggered.

    Note –

    You can set one, two, or three levels of alarms at once. If more than one alarm is triggered, the alarm with the highest value appears as an icon in the GUI. Likewise, an email alert is sent for the alarm with the highest value.

  7. Click Save.

    The alarm is now set. The Container Manager monitors this container against the alarm values that are provided.

    You can add actions that will be executed when alarms are generated. You can add actions using the Java Console layer of Sun Management Center 3.6. For example, when a host running zones is not responding, the Container Manager generates a critical alarm. This alarm will be propagated to the host, where the action for critical alarms has been set.