Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6

Creating Profiles

After setting up Solaris Container Manager, the user needs to do the following tasks to manage projects, pools, and zones:

Following are the necessary profiles:

Ensure that the user is associated with the necessary profiles by running the following command:

$ profiles <username>

If you find the necessary profiles missing, run the following command (as the superuser) and modify the profiles associated with a user:

# usermod -P "<comma separated list of necessary profiles>" <username>

If any profile does not exist on the system, please use the Solaris Management Console or smprofile to create the new profile. If the comma separated profile list is not specified, the existing setting for the given username will be removed.

Run the following command to find if the user is a part of the local access user list for the SCM module.

<BASEDIR>/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -M scm-container -s

If user is not part of the access list, run the following command:

<BASEDIR>/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -M scm-container -l <user_name>