Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6


active project

A project that has been associated with a host and whose minimum CPU reservation and memory cap have been set. An entry for the active project exists in the /etc/project file on the host with which it is associated. The kernel enforces the resource boundaries of an active project. An active project can also be referred to as being deployed, meaning that the project has been pushed out and is now active on a host.


To bind a project to a host.


A project that has been created, named, and saved for future use. The project has not been associated with a host, nor have the resource boundaries been set. In the 1.0 version of this product, a container was known as a container definition.


See active project.

dynamic resource pools

A Solaris 10 feature, dynamic resource pools enable you to adjust each pool's resource allocation in response to system events and application load changes.

fair share scheduler (FSS)

A scheduling class that enables you to allocate CPU time that is based on shares. Shares define the portion of the system's CPU resources that are allocated to a project.


A host is a system on which the Container Manager agent software has been installed and which is part of the Sun Management Center server context. When installation is complete, the host is automatically discovered and the name is added to the navigation window in the Hosts view.

inactive project

A project that has been associated with a host and for which resource boundaries are set, but not currently enforced by the kernel.


The IP quality of service feature enables you to provide consistent levels of services to network users by controlling the inbound and outbound traffic of a Solaris zone.

limit node (lnode)

In the Solaris 8 release, the mechanism by which per-user data is held.

match expression

An expression used to identify the processes that are associated with an application.


See resource pool.


A container that has been associated with a host. An abstraction layer that helps organize and manage the collection of physical system resources.

In the Solaris 9 release, the project provides a network-wide administrative identifier for related work.

project identifier (ID)

The means by which the Solaris kernel tracks resource usage. All the processes that run in a container have the same project ID.


In resource management, an aspect of the computing system that can be manipulated with the intent to change application behavior.

resource management

A functionality that enables you to control how applications use available system resources.

resource pool

In resource management, a configuration mechanism that is used to partition machine resources. Also referred to as a pool.

shared memory

Total amount of memory that is allowed to be used by the processes that run within a project.

time-sharing scheduler (TS)

A scheduling class that tries to provide every process with relatively equal access to the available CPUs, allocating CPU time on a priority basis.


A virtualized operating system environment that you can set up for systems that run the Solaris 10 Operating System. Every Solaris system contains a global zone, the default zone for the system. You can create, delete, modify, halt, and reboot non-global zones.