Solaris Container Manager 3.6 发行说明

Procedure卸载 Sun Web Console

如果系统中已安装了以前版本的 Sun Web Console 软件,则必须在安装 2.2.3 版之前卸载该 Sun Web Console。如果您打算先从系统中删除 Solaris Container Manager 3.6,然后再删除 Sun Web Console 软件,也可以使用本过程。

注 –

运行命令 setup -u 时,应确保不在目录 /usr/lib/webconsole 或其子目录下,否则 pkgrm 命令将失败。

  1. 键入以下命令成为超级用户:

    % su -

  2. 要删除 Sun Web Console 软件包,请以超级用户身份 (su -) 键入以下命令启动删除脚本:

    # /usr/lib/webconsole/setup -u
  3. 脚本运行结束后,系统会提示您删除 Tomcat 服务器和 Java 1.4.2 软件。要保留这些软件,请对以下问题回答 "No":

    If you have other work that requires use of the
    Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container software, you may wish to
    not delete it from your machine.
    Do you want to delete it? [n]? n
    If you have other work that requires use of the
    Java 1.4.2 software, you may wish to not delete it
    from your machine.
    Do you want to delete it? [n]? n