Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide

(On Solaris 10) Installing and Setting Up a Sun Management Center Server Inside a Whole Root Zone

Zone is a virtualized operating system environment that you can set up for systems that run the Solaris 10 Operating System. Every Solaris system contains a global zone, the default zone for the system. You can create non-global zones. Non-global zone can either be a whole root zone or a sparse root zone.

Before You Begin

The following must be available:

Table 1–5 Task Information



Install Sun Cluster 3.1 Update 4 on each cluster node 

This task is required only if the user wants to configure Sun Management Center in a Sun Cluster environment. 

Chapter 2, Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster Software, in Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS.

Install and configure Sun Cluster HA agent for Solaris Container data service 

This task is required only if the user wants to configure Sun Management Center in a Sun Cluster environment. 

Chapter 1, Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Solaris Containers, in Sun Cluster Data Service for Solaris Containers Guide

Enable a zone to run in a failover configuration 

To Enable a Zone to Run in a Failover Configuration

Configure and install a whole root zone 

To Configure a Whole Root Zone and To Install a Whole Root Zone

Install and set up Sun Management Center inside a whole root zone 

To Install and Set Up Sun Management Center Server Inside a Whole Root Zone

ProcedureTo Enable a Zone to Run in a Failover Configuration

  1. Register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus

  2. Create a failover resource group.

    # scrgadm -a -g solaris-zone-resource-group

  3. Create a resource for the zone disk storage.

    # scrgadm -a -j solaris-zone-has-resource \

    -g wholerootzone-resource-group \

    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \

    -x FilesystemMountPoints=/global/zones/HA

  4. Add an entry for logical host in the /etc/hosts file on each cluster node.

    # scrgadm -a -L -g sunmc-zone-resource-group -j sunmc-lh-rs -l logical host name

  5. Enable the failover resource group.

    # scswitch -e -j solaris-zone-has-resource

    # scswitch -Z -g wholerootzone-resource-group

ProcedureTo Configure a Whole Root Zone

  1. Start the zone configuration.

    #zonecfg -z wholerootzone, where wholerootzone is the name of the new whole root zone.

  2. Create a configuration for the specified zone.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> create -b

  3. Set the zone path.

    The zone path must specify a highly available local file system. The file system must be managed by the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> set zonepath=/global/zones/HA/wholerootzone

  4. Set the autoboot value.

    If the autoboot value is set to true, the zone is automatically booted when the global zone is booted. The default value is false.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> set autoboot=false

  5. If resource pools are enabled on the system, associate a pool with the zone.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> set pool=pool_default, where pool_default is the name of the resource pool on the system.

  6. Add a network virtual interface.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> add net

  7. Set the IP address for the network interface.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> set address=

  8. Set the physical device type for the network interface.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> set physical=hme0

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> end

  9. Verify and commit the zone configuration.

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> verify

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> commit

    zonecfg:wholerootzone> exit

ProcedureTo Install a Whole Root Zone

  1. Install the whole root zone that is configured.

    # zoneadm -z wholerootzone install, where wholerootzone is the name of the whole root zone that is configured.

  2. Boot the whole root zone.

    # zoneadm -z wholerootzone boot

  3. Log in to the zone console.

    # zlogin -C wholerootzone

  4. Log in to the zone.

    # zlogin wholerootzone

  5. (required for Sun Cluster environment) Add the entry of the whole root zone to the /etc/zones/index file on the cluster node.

  6. (required for Sun Cluster environment) Copy the wholerootzone.xml file to the /etc/zones/index directory on the cluster node.

    # rcp zone-install-node:/etc/zones/wholerootzone.xml

  7. Verify the zone installation and configuration.

    # zoneadm -z wholerootzone boot

    # zlogin -z wholerootzone

ProcedureTo Install and Set Up Sun Management Center Server Inside a Whole Root Zone

  1. Ensure that you are inside the whole root zone that is configured and installed.

  2. Follow the steps in the install wizard to install Sun Management Center.

  3. Edit the /etc/project file for shared memory before setup. Otherwise, database setup will fail.


    1073741824 is shared memory in bytes. This depends on the amount of physical memory.

  4. Follow the steps in the setup wizard to set up Sun Management Center.

    Sun Management Center supports the server layer of all add-ons inside a non-global zone. Sun Management Center does not support the agent layer of add-ons like ELP Config Reader, X86 Config Reader, Solaris Container Manager, and Volume System Monitoring (VSM) inside a non-global zone.