Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Up an Add-on Product Using es-setup

  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center machine where the add-on is installed.

  2. Go to the Sun Management Center sbin directory, for example:

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

    If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory than /opt, go to /installdir/SUNWsymon/sbin, where installdir is the directory that you specified.

  3. Determine the directory name of the add-on.

    List the contents of the installdir/SUNWsymon/addons directory, for example:

    # ls -p /opt/SUNWsymon/addons
    AdvancedMonitoring/    PRM/              SystemManagement/          storage/
    EServices/             SunfireSun4dConfigReader/                        wgs/
  4. Set up the add-on by typing es-setup -p add-on-name, where add-on-name is the directory name for the add-on. For example:

    # ./es-setup -p SunfireSun4dConfigReader

    The setup process is started for the specified add-on. When the add-on setup completes, you are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center agent and server processes.

    • Type y to start the Sun Management Center agent and server.

    • Type n to exit without starting the Sun Management Center agent and server.