Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide

es-inst Options

The syntax for the es-inst command is:

es-inst [-S dir][-T dir][-R dir][-C file][-A file][avh]

The following table describes the es-inst parameters.

Table B–2 es-inst Options


Modifying Options 




Perform an automated installation using the specified configuration file filename. This option is ignored if —C is also used.



Specify a file in which to store the configuration details entered during installation and setup. The file can be used for subsequent automated installation. 



Install Sun Management Center on a remote machine that is network file system read/write accessible from the root login account on the local machine.

See Installing on a Remote Machine.



Specify the source directory. 



Specify the target directory. 



Perform an agent-only product installation. See To Install or Update Agents From an Agent-Update Image Using agent-update.bin.



List the es-inst options.



Perform an installation using verbose full log mode.