Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Create an Agent-Only Installation Image Using es-makeagent

Note –

This procedure assumes that you installed Sun Management Center in the default directory /opt. If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory, replace /opt with the name of the directory you specified.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Place Sun Management Center 3.6.1 DVD in the DVD drive.

  3. Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-makeagent.

    You are prompted for the installation source files directory.

  4. Type the source directory:

    (SPARC) /<DiskMountDir>/image/SunOS/sparc

    (x86) /<DiskMountDir>/image/SunOS/i386

    (Linux) /<DiskMountDir>/image/Linux

    You are asked for a target directory in which to create the agent-only installation image.

  5. Type the name of the target directory.

    If the directory does not exist, you are asked whether you want to create it. Type y to create the directory, or type n or q to exit to the system prompt.

    The directory you specify must have write permission for root.

    For example:

    # enter the target directory: /es-makeagent-image
    Directory /es-makeagent-image does not exist
    Do you want to create it (y|n|q) y

    The es-makeagent script creates the subdirectories disk1 and disk2 in the directory you specified, and then copies the files required to the subdirectories.

    1. Remove the Sun Management Center installation DVD.

    2. Press Return.

      es-makeagent copies the remaining files from the DVD.

      You are informed that the agent-only product is available in the directory you specified. The command required to install the agent on the local machine is also displayed.

    Tip –

    Mount the target directory using NFS, so that the directory is accessible by other machines on your network. See Step 8 in To Create DVD Images.

  6. Type the command eject to eject the DVD.

    You can now install the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 agent using any of the following methods.

    Note –

    The agent-only installation image also contains a tar file that you can copy using ftp to other agent machines and uncompress on each agent machine to create an installation image. The uncompressed installation image directory contains the subdirectories disk1 and disk2. To install from the uncompressed image on each agent machine, change directory to the disk1/sbin directory, and use the es-inst command as described in Installing Sun Management Center Using es-inst.