Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Create DVD Images

  1. In a terminal window, log in as root by typing su - root.

  2. Create a directory to which you will copy the DVD.

    For example:

    # mkdir /SunManagementCenter
  3. Change to the directory you created for the DVD images.

    For example:

    # cd /SunManagementCenter
  4. Create a diskn directory for each DVD, where n is the sequence number of the disk.

    For example:

    /SunManagementCenter# mkdir disk1 disk2
  5. Make sure the vold daemon is running.

    /SunManagementCenter# ps -eaf | grep vold
    root 19033 19000  0 08:37:55 pts/9    0:00 vold

    If the grep command returns only the system prompt, then the vold daemon is not running, and must be started as follows:

    /SunManagementCenter# /usr/sbin/vold &
  6. Insert Sun Management Center 3.6.1 DVD in your DVD drive.

  7. List the contents of the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 installation DVD. Then copy the contents to the disk1 subdirectory.

    When the copy completes, list the contents of the DVD and the directory to verify the contents of the disk image.

    For example:

    /SunManagementCenter# cp -r /<DiskMountDir>/.* disk1
    /sunmanagementcenter > ls -acp /<DiskMountDir>/.*
    .          .CD        Copyright  image/      lib/
    ..         .CD01      classes/    install/    sbin/
    /sunmanagementcenter > ls -acp disk1
    .          .CD        Copyright  image/      lib/
    ..         .CD01      classes/    install/    sbin/

    Caution – Caution –

    <DiskMountDir> is a symbolic link. Copy only the Sun Management Center directory as shown in the above example.

  8. Make the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 DVD image directory NFS-shared.

    Using NFS to share the DVD image directory enables you to install Sun Management Center 3.6.1 from other machines by using the DVD installation images instead of manually installing from the DVDs.

    1. Stop the Network File System daemon mountd:

      /SunManagementCenter# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
    2. Add the following line to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

      share -F nfs -o ro image-dir

      where image-dir is the Sun Management Center 3.6.1 image directory that you created in Java Environment Variables and Path.

      For example: share -F nfs -o ro /SunManagementCenter

    3. Save and close /etc/dfs/dfstab.

    4. Start the Network File System daemon mountd:

      /SunManagementCenter# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

      The Sun Management Center 3.6.1 image directory is now accessible from other machines.

    You can now use the Sun Management Center DVD images to install Sun Management Center 3.6.1, or to upgrade previous versions of Sun Management Center as described in the following chapters.