Installing and Administering Solaris Container Manager 3.6.1

ProcedureTo Modify a Project Using a Resource Change Job

  1. If the Container Manager GUI is not already open, access it as described in To Start the Container Manager GUI.

  2. Select the Containers view.

  3. In the navigation window, select the project name.

    The project must be associated with a host to proceed.

  4. Select the Jobs tab from the right pane.

    The Resource Change Job table is displayed.

    Figure 4–3 Sample: Resource Change Job Table

    Resource Change Job screen

  5. Click the New Resource Change Job button located in the table.

    The Resource Change Job wizard appears. The Overview panel appears.

  6. Provide a name for the resource change job. Providing a description is optional.

    The length of the name cannot exceed 32 characters. Spaces, dash (-), underscore (_), and dot (.) are all accepted. A space is converted to an underscore (_).

    The Select Hosts panel appears. The names of all the hosts with which the selected container is associated appears in the Available list. You can change the resource limits for one or more hosts by selecting them from this window.

  7. Select each host from the Available list, and click Add to move each host to the Selected list. Or click Add All to move all hosts.

    The host names move to the Selected field.

  8. Provide a new minimum CPU reservation (CPU shares). A memory cap is optional.

    The new resource limits apply to all the hosts selected in the previous step.

  9. Provide a start date, start time, and interval for the resource change job.

    The changes to the resource limits are effective at the requested time.

  10. Review your selections in the Summary panel. To many any corrections, use the Previous button. When you have completed all changes, click Finish.

    The wizard is dismissed. The job is added to the Jobs table. The status is listed as queued until the day and time when the Job is scheduled to run. The changes to the resource limits become effective at the time requested.