Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing 2.0.1 User's Guide

Automatic Switching of Metadisks

Metadisks can be automatically switched from the active path to the alternate path in two situations:

When the active path fails, an automatic switch is attempted only if an alternate path is available. The failed path is then marked unavailable, or tried. You can identify the tried paths with apconfig -S:

# apconfig -S

c1      pln0  P A
c2      pln1  T

In this example, the currently inactive path, pln1, is marked with a "T", which indicates that path was tried but failed.

The tried flag is only significant for automatic switch operations (not for manual switch operations). AP never attempts to automatically switch to a tried path. (This prevents thrashing in the case that both paths may have failed.)

You can reset the tried flag with any of the following actions:

You can manually reset the tried flag as shown in this example:

# apdisk -w pln1

In this example, pln1 is a controller with the tried flag set to true. The apdisk -w feature should be used judiciously. This command merely clears the tried flag; it does not address any potential problems with the controller or device. This command should only be used in situations where the failed path has been restored without an intervening DR operation or reboot.

Note that you can attempt to perform a manual switch to a path that is marked as tried.