Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing 2.0.1 User's Guide

Network Pathgroup

A network pathgroup, as illustrated in , consists of two network controllers connected to the same physical network. The terms alternate path, active alternate, primary path, and switch have basically the same meaning as they do for disk pathgroups.

To specify a network pathgroup, reference the corresponding metanetwork interface name, for example, mle1. (Metanetwork interface names are described in "Metanetwork Interfaces".) For example, shows the results of using the apconfig(1M) command to switch the active alternate of a network pathgroup.

Figure 1-8 Network Pathgroup


You reference a network pathgroup (for example, to switch from one path to another) by specifying the metanetwork interface, for example, apconfig -P mle1 -a le6.