C H A P T E R  1

Sun MTP Messages

This chapter lists the Sun MTP system messages in numerical order.

0000-0499 Messages

0099I	unikixmain startup options: <%s>

Description: The message is written to the unikixmain.log file listing the options used to start the Sun MTP main server process.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0100E	[%r] system errno %d from %s system errno %d (%s)

Description: An unexpected return code was received from a system function. The first line of the message gives the system error number and the name of the system function. The second line of the message translates the error number into text.

0101I	-d option specified

Description: unikixmain was started with the -d option. Internal Sun MTP debug messages appear in unikixmain.log.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0102F	%s option requires an argument

Description: The option was specified on the unikixmain command line without an argument.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command and ensure that the option has an argument.

0103F	The %s environment variable is not set

Description: The specified environment variable is not set.

Solution: You must set the KIXSYS and PATH environment variables before starting the region.

0104F	%s option must be greater than zero

Description: The option was specified on the unikixmain command line with a zero argument.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command and make sure that the argument has the correct value.

0105F	Cannot change to directory %s, errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP could not change its directory to $KIXSYS. The error code is from the chdir system function.

Solution: Refer to the operating system documentation to analyze the error code returned from the chdir system function.

0106F	Argument for -M option must be c or t

Description: The value for the unikixmain -M option is invalid. The option -M requires the c (core value) or t (threshold value) argument.

Solution: Specify a correct value for these options. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

0107F	%s option must be greater than %s

Description: The option was specified on the unikixmain command line with an argument value that is too low.

Solution: Resubmit the command with a correct value.

0108F	%s option must not be greater than %s

Description: The option was specified on the unikixmain command line with an argument value that is too high.

Solution: Resubmit the command with a correct value.

0109F	Argument for -T option must be M or A 

Description: The -T option was specified on the unikixmain command line with an argument other than M or A.

Solution: Resubmit the command with the correct argument.

0110F	Length of processor name in %s option must be 13 or less

Description: The processor name (not including the path) specified in the unikixmain -t option must be 13 characters or less.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with a correct value.

0111I	Terminating

Description: A Sun MTP process is terminating. When the unikixmain process has terminated, the region is down.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0112F	errno %d from execv( %s ) in process %d

Description: An attempt to fork the specified Sun MTP process failed.

0113F 	-l option requires a local full path

Description: The -l option to the unikixmain command must specify a full path (starting at the root directory).

Solution: Resubmit the command using the complete path name.

0114F 	Time-out while starting the %s daemon

Description: A Sun MTP process being started failed to respond within 60 seconds.

0115F 	Invalid option: %s

Description: The option specified on the unikixmain command line is not a valid option.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with a valid option.

0116F 	Options -l and -t (or -v) are mutually exclusive

Description: On the unikixmain command line you cannot specify the -l option if you also specify the -t option.

Solution: Resubmit the command with the correct options.

0117F 	Process %d (type %s ) ended unexpectedly: exit code %d signal %d

Description: A Sun MTP process has terminated unexpectedly.

Solution: Check for a message in the unikixmain.err file. See message 0143 for a list of process types.

0118F	IPC create of %s ( %d ) failed, errno = %d

Description: Could not create an internal Sun MTP queue.

Cause: The error code is from a call to one of the interprocess communications (IPC) system calls: shmget(), semget(), or msgget().

Solution: Make sure that the region is not running. Then, run the kixclean command again.

0119F 	%s option has an invalid size qualifier. Enter M for Megabytes and K for Kilobytes

Description: On the unikixmain command line the abbreviations M and K (in upper- or lowercase) can be used when specifying a number. Other letters are not allowed.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with the correct size qualifier.

0120F 	%s option has an invalid size argument

Description: The option specified on the unikixmain command line requires a numeric size argument.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with the correct size argument.

0121F	Process memory not available ( %d bytes requested)

Description: The process has run out of local memory.

Solution: Read the message for the number of bytes requested.

0122I	External security Manager %s in use

Description: A startup message that indicates whether external security is defined for this region. This message reflects the setting of the KIXSEC environment variable.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0123F	Error occurred during initialization of VSAM

Description: An error occurred while opening VSAM files during region startup.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0124E	Error occurred while closing VSAM files

Description: An error occurred while closing VSAM files during region shutdown.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0125E	[%r] Call to kxsndm() failed

Description: An attempt to send a message to another Sun MTP process failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0126E	[%r] Call to kxrcvm() failed

Description: An attempt to receive a message from another Sun MTP process failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0127E	[%r] Unexpected message type %d received

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0134W	%s option must be greater than %s, using default min of %s\%
0135F	Error on shutdown request to recovery processor

Description: The recovery processor was unable to shut down normally.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0136W	%s option must not be greater than %s, using default max of %s\%

Description: The default value for the percentage of the buffer pool to use for virtual storage access method (VSAM) index blocks (50%) has been overwritten with an incorrect value.

Solution: No action is required at this time. the region continues to run using the default maximum buffer pool percentage specified in the error message.

0137F	No transaction processors are defined in VCT

Description: The VSAM Configuration Table (VCT) is invalid.

Solution: Delete the $KIXSYS/vct.tbl file to start with default values.

0138F	semctl failed

Description: Sun MTP was unable to set a semaphore during startup processing.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0139F	Call to kxsemget() failed

Description: Sun MTP was unable to create a semaphore during startup processing.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0140F	No such NRFS device

Description: A nonexistent NRFS device was specified.

Solution: Provide a valid NRFS device.

0141E	Number of blocks exceeds max (524288)

Description: A maximum of 2 Gbytes is allowed for a recovery file, unless Sun MTP supports files larger than 2 Gbytes on your platform.

0142W	sysconf returned -1, errno <%d>, # processors online set to 1

Description: Set the number of processors online to 1.

0143I	Process %d of type %s started

Description: A Sun MTP process has started. The message gives the process ID and one of the following codes, indicating the process type:



Sun Mainframe Administration Tool server



Brixton intersystem communications processor



Extrapartition data processor



Transaction initiator



Socket interface processor



Sun MTP main server



Print processor



Recovery processor



Start processor



Transaction server



Communications manager



TCP/IP intersystem communications processor

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0144F	Format of KIXBTCH environment variable is invalid or KIXBTCH is same as KIXSYS

Description: The value of $KIXBTCH uses an incorrect format, or the $KIXBTCH value is set to the same value as $KIXSYS.

Solution: Reset the value of $KIXBTCH, making sure it does not point to the $KIXSYS directory. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

0145F	Userid not authorized to start this MTP (UNIX-APPLS permission)

Description: The profile for this user ID in the UNIX-APPLS asset class does not allow the user to execute the UNIX application defined as $KIXSYS.

Solution: Inform the security manager for your site.

0146F	External security manager not available

Description: The environment variable KIXSEC has been set to YES to indicate that security should be managed by an external facility, but the external security manager is not present on the system.

Solution: Inform the security manager for your site. KIXSEC can be set to NO to use Sun MTP built-in security. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

0147F	Shared memory not available (%d bytes requested)

Description: Sun MTP has run out of shared memory. The message gives the number of bytes requested.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring shared memory.

0149F	%s not found (errno %d from stat)

Description: Could not find the file specified in the message, which is required for Sun MTP operation.

0150F	Format of vct.tbl is invalid

Description: The VCT is invalid.

Solution: Delete the $KIXSYS/vct.tbl file to start with default values.

0151F	Default userid %s not configured in SNT

Description: There is no Sign-On Table (SNT) entry configured for the specified user ID with a password, as required, in order to run Sun MTP using external security.

Solution: Inform the security manager for your site.

0152F	Format of sit.tbl is invalid

Description: The System Initialization Table (SIT) is invalid.

Solution: Delete the $KIXSYS/sit.tbl file to start with default values.

0153F	Default userid %s failed external security manager login validation

Description: The external security manager rejected the login of the default user ID configured in the SNT.

Cause: The login failed for either of the following reasons:

Solution: Inform the security manager for your site.

0154F	Shared memory area of %d is too small, must be at least %d, increase -S

Description: The size of a shared memory block, as specified in the -S argument on the unikixmain command line is too small.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with the correct value.

0155F	User memory option -m option of at least 512k required

Description: The -m option on the unikixmain command line requires an argument of at least 512 Kbytes.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixmain command with the correct value.

0156F	Process %d of type %s has died unexpectedly

Description: A Sun MTP process has terminated or abended unexpectedly. The type code is one of the following:



Sun Mainframe Administration Tool server



Brixton intersystem communications processor



Extrapartition data processor



Transaction initiator



Socket interface processor



Print processor



Recovery processor



Start processor



Transaction server



Communications manager



TCP intersystem communications processor

Solution: If the process is type t, a new unikixtran process is started. If the process is any other type, the region shuts down.

0157F	Writing abort dump to $KIXSYS/ABORT.prt

Description: Sun MTP is writing a dump before terminating.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail on the cause of termination.

0158E	Unexpected end of file on %s 

Description: An attempt to read from the specified file resulted in an unexpected end-of-file condition.

0159F	Potential abort loop - Terminating

Description: The region shuts down if the number of unikixtran aborts exceeds the number of transaction processors plus 3 within the last 90 seconds.

0160I	Shutting down tran processors

Description: During shutdown processing, the transaction processors are being terminated.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0161I	Killing process %d

Description: During shutdown processing, the transaction processors are terminated by sending each one a kill signal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0162I	Calling rollback for processor %d

Description: A transaction has abended and is being rolled back.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0163E	EXEC CICS START: Termid %4.4s not logged on.

Description: A START command was issued specifying a terminal ID that is not currently logged in.

0164E	EXEC CICS START: Client not up for termid %4.4s TCT entry=%d

Description: A START command was issued specifying a terminal ID; the terminal ID was found in the Terminal Control Table (TCT), but there is no process associated with it.

0165E	No background tasks allowed, START ignored

Description: The number of background tasks specified in the VCT is zero.

Solution: If you are using asynchronously started transactions, you must specify at least one background task in the VCT.

0166E	Retrieve error for AUX TS queue %s item %d

Description: An attempt to read this temporary storage queue item failed. A trace dump (trace code DRTT) is produced.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0167E	[%r] Error deleting TD record (eibrcode=%x)

Description: An attempt to delete a transient data queue item failed after reading the item. The EIBRCODE is as defined for CICS DELETE command.

0168T 	Invalid FREEMAIN address

Description: The address specified in a CICS FREEMAIN command is not an address previously allocated with a CICS GETMAIN command.

0169E	[%r] Unexpected value in dfheiv0[2]

Description: An internal error occurred during processing of the CSSN or CSSF transaction.

0170E	Out of storage while allocating trace table

Description: The transaction processor has run out of local memory while executing a CICS TRACE command.

0171E	[%r] Environment %s cannot be longer than 114 characters

Description: The value of the environment variable that determines the location of a database file or the recovery file is too long.

Solution: Make sure the environment variable specifies a path name less than 114 characters.

0172E	[%r] Value not found for environment variable %s

Description: The environment variable that determines the location of a database file or the recovery file has no value.

Solution: Define the environment variable for the database or recovery file.

0173I	This MTP system is licensed for %s %s

Description: The message, which is written to the unikixmain.log file, indicates how many users are specified in the license file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0174E	Native recovery file system has not been configured

Description: The NRFS has not been configured.

Solution: You must configure the NRFS before specifying that the recovery file goes on a raw disk partition. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide.

0175E	[%r] %s does not have a recovery segment in NRFS

Description: The NRFS configuration does not include the current value of $KIXSYS.

Solution: Define the KIXSYS environment variable.

0176E	[%r] Cannot allocate needed space

Description: The process has run out of local memory.

0177F	[%r] Cannot link to shared memory

Description: An attempt to attach to shared memory failed. The message will indicate the process that could not attach.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about changing the location where the region attaches to shared memory at startup.

0178F	Not all files passed have an FCT record associated with them

Description: An internal error occurred while opening the VSAM database.

Solution: Verify that all files in the VSAM catalog have an entry in the File Control Table (FCT).

0179F	[%r] cmsopen failed opening file %s

Description: An attempt to open the specified file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0180E	[%r] kxrcvm failed, errno = %d

Description: An attempt to receive a message from another Sun MTP process failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0181E	Message received must be of I/O request type

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0182E	No buffers in shared memory or in msg present

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to write to a file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0183E	Record to be read is beyond end of file

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to read from a file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0184E	Record to be written is beyond end of file, record = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to write to a file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0185E	Cannot allocate record, record number is incorrect

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to allocate a record at the end of a file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0186E	cmsclose failed closing file %s, errno = %d
0187E	cmsclose failed closing index file %s, errno = %d

Description: An error occurred during an attempt to close the specified file. The error number is from the close() system call.

0188E	[%r] %s

Description: Generalized messages associated with error conditions that occur when the loader cannot find a shared library or a symbol within a library.

This is an example of the text returned from a Solaris system:

0188E	[crload] ld.so.1: unikixtran: fatal: dlysym: can't find symbol %s

Solution: Refer to your system documentation for information about the error and what action to take.

0189E	[%r] Shared memory buffers not defined

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to open, read, or write to a file.

0190E	[%r] Error locating file %s

Description: The specified dataset name was never opened.

0191E	Record to be written has incorrect type, file type = %d, rcd type = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an attempt to write to a file.

0192E	[%r] I/O error from cmswrite1, rcode = %d

Description: An error occurred during an attempt to write to a file.

Cause: The error code is from either the lseek() or write() system calls.

0193E	[%r] Error %d unlinking queue file %s
0194E	[%r] Error %d erasing temporary file %s
0195E	[%r] Error %d erasing temporary index file %s
0196E	Error %d closing temporary file %s

Description: An error occurred during an attempt to close a file.

Cause: The error code is from the close() system call.

0197E	[%r] Error %d erasing old file %s

Description: An error occurred during an attempt to delete a file.

Cause: The error code is from the unlink() system call.

0198E	Error %d linking old file %s to new file %s

Description: An error occurred during an attempt to link a file.

Cause: The error code is from the link() system call.

0199E	IPC create of %s ( %d ) failed

Description: Could not create an internal Sun MTP queue.

Cause: The error code is from the msgget() system call.

Solution: If this message is returned when executing the kixstart or unikixmain command, determine if the unikixmain process is already running. If it is, either connect to the running region, or stop the region and run the kixstart or unikixmain command again. If the unikixmain process is not running, run the kixclean command, then restart the region. If it fails again, check the system IPC limit. It is probably too low; increase it.

0200E	ftok failed: path=%s id=%d

Description: An attempt to create a key from the value of $KIXSYS has failed.

0201I	All daemons ( %d) have been started

Description: The region is ready for processing.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0202E	[%r] Invalid process number calling this routine

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred.

0203F	Invalid header on free space item. Index = %d, Addr = %x

Description: A block of shared memory is corrupted.

0204E	No dynamic free space available

Description: The region has run out of shared memory.

0205E	Could not create shared memory keykey = %x, size = %d, id = %d

Description: An attempt to create a key from the value of $KIXSYS has failed.

0206E	key = %x, size = %d, id = %d

Description: Unable to create or get the identifier of the shared memory block.

Solution: In the log file or on the console, the operating system error is printed before this error number. If the operating system error is:


Permission to attach to the shared memory denied. This error can happen if one of the Sun MTP cooperative processes was not started by the same user. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.


A shared memory segment already exists for the identifier. If the region is still active, you can continue to use the region or shut it down. If the region is not active, execute the kixclean command to remove any shared memory segments not released when the region aborted.


Contact your operating system administrator to change the system limits.

0207E	Error in releasing memory - invalid address = %xmemaddr = %x, memptr = %x

Description: The address of the block to be released does not point to a valid shared memory block.

0208E	memaddr = %x, memptr =  %x

Description: Unable to reattach to shared memory at memaddr from memptr.

Solution: Internal problem. Contact your authorized service provider.

0209E	kxgetdm error, kxgetsm failed, next ptr = %x, index = %d

Description: An attempt to attach to shared memory failed.

0210I	Acquired %x (hex) bytes of shared memory (segment %d of maximum %d )

Description: An informational message indicating the allocation of a dynamic shared memory segment.

Solution: If the number of segments allocated approaches the maximum of 10, use a value of at least 2 Mbytes for the -S option on the unikixmain command line.

0211E	[%r] Invalid argument

Description: An internal Sun MTP routine was called with an invalid argument.

0212E	[%r] A lower level semaphore is already locked

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has caused two semaphores to be acquired out of order. A trace dump (trace code LLSL) is generated.

0213E	[%r] Semaphore already locked, semaphore = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has caused an attempt to lock an already locked semaphore. A trace dump (trace code KXLE) is generated.

0214E	[%r] Semaphore = %d, rc = %d from kxlocksem

Description: An attempt to lock a semaphore failed.

Cause: The error code is from the semop() system call.

0215E	[%r] Call to kxgetdm failed

Description: An attempt to attach to shared memory failed.

0216E	[%r] Semaphore already unlocked, semaphore = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has caused an attempt to unlock an already unlocked semaphore. A trace dump (trace code KXUE) is generated.

0217E	[%r] Semaphore = %d, rc = %d from kxunlocsem

Description: An attempt to unlock a semaphore failed.

Cause: The error code is from the semop() system call.

0218E	[%r] msgrcv failed, sem = %d, queue = %d queue id = %d

Description: An error occurred while waiting for a locked semaphore to become available.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0219E	[%r] Received message of wrong type (%d)

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

0220E	[%r] msgsnd failed, queue = %d queue id = %d

Description: An error occurred while attempting to send a "semaphore unlocked" message to another Sun MTP process.

0221F	[%r] semop failed, semid = %id semnum = %d

Description: Sun MTP is unable to access a semaphore.

0222E	[%r] MTP semaphore number of %d is invalid

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred during a semaphore operation.

0223E	[%r] MTP system environment not found

Description: An attempt to create a key from the value of $KIXSYS has failed.

0224E	Error <%d> from locking/unlocking mutex call
0225E	[%r] Error getting queue %s
0226E	[%r] Error deleting queue %s, queueid = %x
0227E	[%r] Error getting memory %s
0228E	[%r] Error deleting memory %s, memoryid = %s
0229E	[%r] Error getting semaphore %s
0230E	[%r] Error deleting semaphore %s, semaphoreid = %x

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0231E	[%r] Local memory not available (%d bytes requested)

Description: A Sun MTP process has run out of local memory. The message gives the number of bytes that were requested.

0232E	[%r] Shared memory not available (%d bytes requested)

Description: The region has run out of shared memory. The message gives the number of bytes that were requested.

0233I	[%r] Retrying semop operation

Description: A semop() system call failed with the errno value EINTR. The call is being retried.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0234I	[%r] Memory corruption %s at %x fixed, proceeding normally

Description: The specified memory corruption was detected at the specified location and fixed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0235I	Fixing the corrupted memory block at %x and releasing to free memory

Description: The message states that the corrupted memory starting at the specified address was able to be salvaged. The memory block will be returned to the free list for later use.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0236E	 [%r] Irrecoverable memory corruption encountered at %x %s

Description: Sun MTP has detected corrupted memory starting at the specified location and was unable to safely make the memory usable again. It will be removed from use.

0237E	[%r] kxopenprt error, print file number = %d

Description: An attempt to open a file in which to place a spooled print file has failed.

0238E	[%r] Print line too long, length = %d

Description: The maximum line length that can be written to a print file is 139 characters.

0239E	[%r] Invalid control character %x

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred while printing a file.

0240E	[%r] No free printers

Description: Sun MTP has used up its 15 internal printer blocks.

0241E	[%r] Dequeue error %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing.

0242I	[%r] Block beginning at %x, doesn't belong to free or allocated space

Description: The message indicates that the kixdump utility detected a memory block that is an orphan. It is not contained in the free chain and is not in use.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0243E	[%] Terminating the free chain prematurely

Description: The free chain has become corrupted. Because of the corruption, memory contained farther down in the free chain cannot be used.

0244F	[%r] msgget failed, queue=%d key= %x

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred when trying to retrieve the message queue identifier associated with the key.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message describing the specific error encountered. Contact your authorized service provider.

0245I	Init_start unikixtran(%d) %s

Description: The path name of the transaction server that is running.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0246I	Re_start unikixtran(%d) %s

Description: The path name of the transaction server that is running.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0247F	Erroneous call to <%s> in a non-COBOL environment

Description: A call to a COBOL function was made in a non-COBOL environment.

Cause: The region is running transaction processors that were built without COBOL support, and the execution of a COBOL-type transaction was attempted.

Solution: Execute a different transaction, or submit the transaction to a different region that was built with COBOL.

0248I	%s not found (errno %d from stat). Probably not supported on this platform

Description: Attempted to start the Communications Manager, but the executable file could not be found.

Cause: This message is displayed if the Communications Manager is not supported on this platform.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0249E	[%r] Error %d from flushrcv
0250E	[%r] Error %d from rollmsg
0251E	[%r] File %s before image read error %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing or a before image write.

0252F	[%r] Memory allocation failed, size <%x>. Max data size is <%x>. Try increasing the -S parameter for unikixmain.

Description: There was an insufficient amount of shared memory that could be allocated to the process.

Solution: Restart the region, increasing the value of the -S parameter to the unikixmain command.

0253I	[%r] aborting
0254I	[%r] end of transaction
0255I	[%r] syncpointing

Description: These messages appear only if the -d option is specified on the unikixmain command line. They indicate that an abort, normal end of transaction, syncpoint, or a rollback is being executed.

Solution: Informational messages; no user action is needed.

0256E	Rollback user exit returned error code = %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_rollback returned a nonzero return code.

0257E	Commit user exit returned error code = %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_commit returned a nonzero return code.

0258E	[%r] kxsndm failed
0259E	[%r] kxrcvm failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0260F	[%r] Transaction processor could not get shared memory, <%x> bytes, for program <%8.8s>. Process will exit.

Description: The transaction processor required more shared memory than could be allocated to run the program.

Cause: This error can occur if the region was started with a shared memory value that was less than that required by the program. The transaction processor rolls over, but will not be able to run the program until the region is restarted with more shared memory.

Solution: Restart the region, increasing the value of the -S option to the unikixmain command.

0261E	[%r] No recovery buffers are freeindex = %d at %x, owner = %d, locked = %d, entries = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing.

0262E	index = %d at %x, owner = %d, locked = %d, entries = %d

Description: This message prints a list of information about the recovery buffers. It is a continuation of message KIX0261.


Recovery buffer number


Memory address of the buffer


Owner of the recovery buffer


Indicates if the recovery buffer is locked.


Number of before images collected in the recovery buffer.

Solution: Internal problem. Contact your authorized service provider.

0263F	[%r] Error finding next recovery buffer

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing.

0264E	[%r] writecon failed
0265E	[%r] startcon failed
0266E	[%r] readcon failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication with a client.

Solution: Examine previous log messages for more information.

0267E	[%r] kxsnds failed
0268E	[%r] kxrcvsf failed
0269E	[%r] Terminal %4.4s not found

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication with a client.

0270E	[%r] kxsndts failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0271E	[%r] reopen of %d failed, errno = %d

Description: An attempt to reopen one of the standard file descriptors failed.

Cause: The error code is from the open() system call.

0272E	[%r] reopen of %d returned %d

Description: An attempt to reopen one of the standard file descriptors returned the wrong file.

0273E	[%r] Transaction %4.4s not found in PCT

Description: The specified transaction code is not in the Program Control Table (PCT).

0274F	Password invalid

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is invalid.

Solution: Make sure that this file is located in the proper directory. To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0275F	Password expired

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, has expired.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0276W	Password will expire in %d day(s)

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, will expire shortly.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0277F	Password invalid for this version of software

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is valid only for an earlier version of Sun MTP.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider

0278F	MTP not authorized for this hardware

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is not valid for this hardware platform.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0279F	MTP function not authorized: %s

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is not valid for this function.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0280F	MTP not authorized for this host name

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is not valid for this host name.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0281F	[%r] Local memory not available (%d bytes requested)

Description: A Sun MTP process has run out of local memory. The message indicates the number of bytes that were requested.

0282E	Routine called with invalid length %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred.

0283E	[%r] Memory area at %x has been corrupted

Description: A check word has been overwritten in a block of memory allocated by Sun MTP.

Cause: This error can indicate that an application is writing outside its bounds, or an internal Sun MTP error has occurred.

0284E	[%r] Memory area at %x is fixable, continuing

Description: The specified memory corruption was detected at the specified location and fixed.

0285E	[%r] Pad in the allocated block %x has been corrupted, continuing

Description: Sun MTP is currently running with additional memory added to the end of each memory allocation request. This additional pad space has been corrupted in the specified memory location. Because of the padding, Sun MTP can continue using this memory block.

0286E	[%r] Head of next block beginning at %x has been corrupted

Description: Writing beyond the end of a previous memory block has corrupted the header information for the specified memory location.

0287E	[%r] Error from NCI_resbit function, pgmname = %s

Description: A negative return code was received from the COBOL function NCI_resbit.

0288E	[%r] kxmkflnm failed

Description: An attempt to create a fully qualified file name failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0289E	Start txn user exit returned error code %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_start_txn returned a nonzero return code.

0290I	Transaction processor rolled back; received signal <%d>

Description: Displays the number of the signal received by the transaction processor when the error message was written to the unikixmain.log file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0292E	End txn user exit returned error code %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_end_txn returned a nonzero return code.

0293E	Terminal id %s not found

Description: The terminal ID specified in a CICS START command is not valid.

0294E	Write of start_tranx record to recovery file failed

Description: An attempt to write to the recovery file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0295E	[%r] Call to putenv(%s) failed

Description: An attempt to set an environment variable failed. The putenv function returned a nonzero return code.

0296I	Local terminal processor received signal %d [%s]

Description: The local terminal handler received a signal. The actual signal number replaces %d and the symbolic name of the signal replaces %s.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0297E	[r%] Pop handle error during goback in program <%8.8s>. Possible system or application error.

Description: The message indicates the program name where this error occurred.

Solution: Verify that your application has no EXEC CICS PUSH HANDLE or EXEC CICS POP HANDLE logic errors. For example, for each POP, there must be a corresponding PUSH. If you verified the code and the problem still exists, contact your authorized service provider.

0298E	Semaphores = %x at end of tran %s

Description: A transaction ended without unlocking all the semaphores it had locked. This error generates a trace dump (trace code KXUN).

0299I	Process memory (%x) exceeds threshold (%x) - terminating txn processor

Description: The transaction server is terminating because its process memory reached the threshold. The memory required typically increases as application programs are loaded and executed. After the server is terminated, it is restarted with no application programs loaded.

Solution: This is an informational message.You can increase or decrease the threshold with the -M t option of the unikixmain command, if necessary.

0300I	Re-start unikixsched

Description: The unikixsched processor has died and will be started again.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0301I	Entering (VER. %s)

Description: A Sun MTP process has started. The version and date of the program appear.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0302W	[%r] warning ... fcb wait queue for batch

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred.

0303F	License file %s missing

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is missing.

Solution: To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0304E	[%r] Error deleting temporary file %s
0305E	[%r] Error rolling back temporary file %s
0306E	[%r] Error syncpointing temporary file %s
0307E	[%r] File %s not found in VSAM FCT

Description: A file opened for output has a dataset name that is not found in the FCT.

0308E	[%r] Error closing temporary file %s

Description: An error occurred during processing of a file in a batch program.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0309E	[%r] kxgetenv error, variable %s

Description: This message usually indicates a missing environment variable.

0310E	[%r] Path too long: %s

Description: The path to a program or map contains too many characters. The maximum is 129 characters.

Solution: Change the path name to 129 characters or fewer, and resubmit.

0311E	%s environment variable must be set to the directory where the license file resides. The check for license key has failed.

Description: The KIXLICDIR environment variable is not set.

Solution: Set the KIXLICDIR environment variable to the directory where the license file is installed, and try again.

0312E	Number of ISC sessions defined %d exceeds number allowed in license %d

Description: The number of ISC sessions you are trying to use is greater than the number licensed.

Solution: Compare the total number of sessions specified in the TCPRTERM, TCPSTERM, DCLRTERM, and DCLSTERM environment variables with the number of sessions in your license. Reduce the value of one or more of these environment variables so that the total is less than or equal to the number of sessions allowed by your license.

0313E	Batch job ended unexpectedly: exit code %d signal = %d

Description: A batch job has disappeared unexpectedly.

Solution: Look for a message in the unikixmain.err file.

0314I	Batch job %s ended, status = %d

Description: A batch job terminated with the status code given in the message. If the status code is nonzero, any VSAM database updates made by the program since the last syncpoint are rolled back.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0315I	Batch job %s started, pid = %d

Description: A batch job has started execution. The name of the job and its process ID are displayed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0316E	Batch job initiation failed for program %s, errno = %d

Description: An attempt to initiate a batch job failed.

Cause: The error code is from one of the execv or execvp functions.

0317E	MEF channel could not be opened
0318E	Write to MEF channel failed
0319E	Job %d not found on batch queue
0320E	Read from MEF channel failed: unknown message type %d
0321E	getenv(XUANUM) failed

Description: A problem has occurred in the Sun MBM software or its message exchange facility (MEF).

0322E	Subprocess initiation failed for program %s, errno = %d

Description: An attempt to initiate a subprocess (for example, the Sun MTP Table Manager or the Record Editor) failed.

Cause: The error code is from one of the execv or execvp functions.

0323E	Subprocess %d ended unexpectedly: exit code %d signal %d

Description: A subprocess, such as the Sun MTP Table Manager or the Record Editor, has disappeared unexpectedly.

Solution: Look for a message in the unikixmain.err file.

0324E	[%r] %s not found

Description: An attempt to start the specified subprocess failed because the program could not be found.

0325E	[%r] Subprocess %s ended: exit code %d, signal %d

Description: The subprocess identified by %s has ended with an abnormal exit code.

0326I	%s in vct.tbl is being overridden by value specified in license file

Description: The value entered on the screen is greater than allowed by the license file.

Solution: Reenter a valid value, or contact your administrator about getting a larger license.

0327E	Trace dump suppressed: %s

Description: A serious error has occurred for which a trace dump was generated if the trace table was not suppressed by a parameter specified on the unikixmain command line.

0328E	During syncpoint, UQE is found with before image not yet flushed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the logs.

0329E	Unable to create trace file: %s, errno = %d

Description: Unable to create an internal trace file in the dump directory. Check the unikixmain.log file for the KIX0332I message about the dump directory.

Solution: Refer to your operating system documentation to analyze the error codes returned from the UNIX open() system function.

0330E	Trace dump requested: %s

Description: A serious error occurred and a trace dump has been generated.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0331I	Trace dump written to file: %s

Description: Informational message indicating that the internal trace dump was written to the dump directory.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.log file for the KIX0332I message about the dump directory.

0332I	Trace dump directory is: %s

Description: Informational message displaying the directory to which internal trace dump files are written. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about the KIXDUMPDIR environment variable.

0333E	Requested trace table does not exist

Description: A request has been made to dump a non-existent internal trace table.

Solution: This error is for technical support personnel and will have no impact on the region.

0334E	Formatted application dump skipped because maximum exceeded (%d)

Description: A formatted application dump was not generated because the limit on these dumps has been reached. The default limit for dump files is 20.

Solution: Restart the region to reset the count. You can set the limit to a higher value with the -N option on the unikixmain command line. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

0335E	[%r] Trace request could not be processed

Description: An internal trace request was not able to dump the internal trace dump file.

0336E	Invalid pointer=%x passed to kxsym2func

Description: A bad pointer was passed to kxsym2func, which converts a program name pointer to a shared object entry pointer.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about the EXEC CICS LOAD ENTRY statement used with Liant Open PL/I shared objects.

0337E	PL/I libraries for run-time environment not found

Description: Is displayed in the unikixmain.log file during startup when the transaction servers are starting and they detect that the Processing Program Table (PPT) has Liant Open PL/I programs, but the Liant Open PL/I runtime libraries are not available.

Solution: Make sure that the Liant Open PL/I runtime libraries are available, then restart the region.

0338E	Erroneous call to  <%s> in a non-PL/1 environment

Description: This message is displayed on the user's terminal when a transaction is invoked that causes a Liant Open PL/I program to be launched, but the Liant Open PL/I runtime environment is incorrect. The transaction will terminate.

Solution: Make sure that the Liant Open PL/I runtime libraries are available and resubmit.

0339F	Program  %s not found in shared library

Description: The transaction ended abnormally because the loader could not find an object in a shared library.

0340E	Program <%8.8s> not in PCT. SYSSTART/SYSTERM/USERSTART transaction bypassed.

Description: A program specified in the Program List Table (PLT) was not found in the PCT; therefore, it was not executed.

Solution: Make sure the program is specified correctly in the PLT.

0341E	SYSTERM transaction <%4.4s> is not authorized so it will not be invoked.

Description: A program specified in the PLT to be invoked on system termination will not run because the user terminating the system is not authorized for the transaction.

0342F	%s process not started by unikixmain. Process will exit.

Description: Sun MTP detects a server process that it did not start and terminates the process. The process might have been started manually by a system administrator.

Solution: No action required.

0343E	[spool:kxopenprt] Error: open failed for file %s, errno = %d

Description: The print writer has encountered an open file failure. For example, it could not open the transaction abort dump file.

Solution: Investigate the UNIX errno and make the appropriate corrections. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

0344I	No extra Java Classpath.appends provided

Description: An informational message indicating that the $KIXSYS/kix_java/Classpath.appends file is not available.

Solution: No action is required if the Javatrademark virtual machine (JVMtrademark) does not require CLASSPATH extensions. Otherwise, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using MQSeries and the MQ-JMS Bridge.

0345I	No extra Java Libpath.appends provided

Description: An informational message indicating that the $KIXSYS/kix_java/Libpath.appends file is not available.

Solution: No action is required if the JVM does not require LIBPATH extensions. Otherwise, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using MQSeries and the MQ-JMS Bridge.

0354F	Terminal %4.4s failed external security validation, configured userid: %14.14s

Description: The specified user ID configured in the specified TCT entry was denied login authority using the password configured in the SNT.

Solution: The user ID and password in the SNT must be valid for login with the external security manager in order to be preconfigured in TCT entries.

0355F	Could not create socket

Description: An attempt to create a socket for communication with clients on other systems has failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0356E	Printer initialization failed

Description: A Sun MTP process could not initialize its connection to a printer.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0357F	Error occurred while opening VSAM files

Description: The region is unable to open its VSAM database.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0358E	Allocate user exit returned error code %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_allocate returned with a nonzero return code.

0360I	Setting system shutdown flag

Description: The region is going into shutdown mode.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0361E	Deallocate user exit returned error code %d

Description: The user exit routine kxuser_deallocate returned with a nonzero return code.

0362E	%s should not have any component of length more than 14

Description: Each component of the path name for the $UNIKIX and $KIXPROGS environment variables must be 14 characters or less.

0363I	[%s] spin count set to <%d>

Description: The maximum spin count allowed during a spin lock is set to the indicated value. This value is set with the -j option on the unikixmain command line.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0364E	Spinlocks not supported on %s platform

Description: Indicates that spin locks are not supported on the specified platform.

Solution: If you used the -j option on the unikixmain command line, remove it to start the region with semaphores.

0365I	Transaction <%d> completed

Description: During system shutdown, the unikixmain process received a message that the specified transaction completed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0366I	Transactions still executing [%d]

Description: During system shutdown, transactions were instructed to terminate, but those specified in %d are still executing critical code.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0367E	[%r] Unknown file type [%d]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0370T	Transaction %4.4s not found in PCT

Description: A transaction code was entered that is not in the PCT.

Solution: Add the transaction code to the PCT. Restart the region and resubmit the transaction.

0371T	System was shut down

Description: The transaction was abended because the region was shut down.

0372E	Return code %d from kxTRwr
0375E	Return code %d from kxTRrd
0376E	Return code %d from kxTRdis
0377E	Return code %d from kxTRend

Description: An error occurred during transaction routing.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0380E	[r%] unexpected error message number = %d

Description: Internal error. The license check returned an unexpected error message. The check for the software enabling key has failed.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0390E	[%r] UNIX error returned from getpwnam = %d

Description: Unable to read the entries in the password file. The value in %d will provide additional information.

Solution: Contact your operating system administrator.

0391I	DBCS is enabled

Description: Indicates that double-byte character set (DBCS) support is enabled for the region.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0401T	TIOA overflow

Description: Data to be added would overflow the terminal input/output area. The data to be sent to the terminal is truncated. You are limited to writing 7000 bytes of data for a terminal output command.

0402T	Out of storage

Description: The transaction abended due to the inability to acquire local storage.

0403T	CSPG transaction missing

Description: The $UNIKIX/lib/CSPG.int file is missing.

0404T	Map set %8.8s not found on disk

Description: The physical mapset specified by the CICS command was not found on the default mapset disk.

Solution: Make sure the KIXMAPS environment variable is set correctly. Also verify that the file specified by the mapset is on the disk.

0405T	Map set %8.8s empty/corrupted or not in PPT

Description: The mapset referenced in a CICS command is empty, corrupted, or is not defined in the PPT.

Solution: If the mapset is empty or corrupted, fix it. Add the mapset to the PPT, if it is not listed.

0406T	Map set %8.8s alignment is wrong

Description: The mapset referenced in a CICS command specified an alignment (byte or halfword boundary) that differs from the system alignment specified in the SIT.

0407T	Map %8.8s not found in map set

Description: The map referenced in a CICS command was not found in the physical mapset specified by the MAPSET option of the command.

0408T	TD queue %8.8s not defined

Description: The transient data queue referenced in a CICS command is not defined in the Destination Control Table (DCT).

0409T	Error deleting TD record from queue %8.8s

Description: A CICS READQ TD command failed due to an error that occurred during the deletion of the record following the read.

0410T	Program %s not in PPT

Description: The program that you are attempting to execute is not in the PPT.

0411T	Terminal write command failed

Description: An error occurred when Sun MTP attempted to write data to a terminal.

Cause: This error usually indicates that the data stream being sent to the terminal contains one or more invalid characters.

0412T	Terminal read command failed

Description: An error occurred when Sun MTP attempted to read data from a terminal.

0413T	Background task attempted I/O

Description: A background transaction (one not attached to a terminal) abended because it attempted terminal input/output (I/O).

0414T	Recovery file full

Description: The recovery file is filled. The oldest transaction in the system, which is the transaction reporting the error, is about to terminate to free space in the file.

0415T	Deadlock detected

Description: Two or more transactions are involved in a deadlock situation. The transaction whose request caused the deadlock is terminated to resolve the situation.

0416T	Program %8.8s encountered internal error trying to restore working storage.

Description: The %s variable indicates the program that encountered the problem.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0417T	File %s not defined in Catalog

Description: Cannot access the referenced VSAM file because it is not defined in the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Define the file in the VSAM catalog and restart the region.

0418T	Program %s not found on disk

Description: A program that was to be loaded was not found in any directory referenced by the KIXPROGS environment variable.

0419T	Terminal initial read failed

Description: An error occurred when Sun MTP attempted to read data from a terminal at the start of a transaction.

0420E	Number of open files %d exceeded the maximum %d allowed by system

Description: The number of open files has exceeded the maximum allowed for your operating system.

Solution: Close some files.

0421E	Terminal %s timed out

Description: If a terminal is inactive for a specified period, it is forced to log out.

Solution: Log in again. If necessary, adjust the timeout period in the SIT.

0422E	Number of open files must be less than %d as defined in the kernel configuration

Description: An attempt was made to open more files than allowed by the kernel configuration.

Solution: Ask your system administrator to redefine the limit in the kernel configuration.

0423E	Attempt to access a file that is closed

Description: An operation was attempted on a dataset whose status was closed.

Cause: The dataset might never have been opened or might have been closed explicitly by the operator.

Solution: Open the dataset with the kixfile utility. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

0424I	Entering CISAM Process

Description: Indicates that some process is using the C-ISAM interface to access VSAM data. This message is written to the unikixmain.log file when the process opens the first file and the transaction processor is busy.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0424I	Entering IQ Process

Description: The interactive query (IQ) process has started.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0425I	CISAM Process Terminating

Description: The message is written to the unikixmain.log file when the last file is closed by a process using the C-ISAM interface to access VSAM data, and the transaction processor is released.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0425I	IQ Process Terminating

Description: The IQ process has terminated.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0426E	Releasing of dataset %8.8s failed

Description: An attempt to close the indicated dataset has failed.

0428E	The mirror program has abended

Description: The mirror program executing the remote request ended abnormally.

Solution: Follow the action from the previous message to resolve the problem.

0429I	Possible working storage change for program <%s>. Transaction processor will terminate.

Description: For a CINI request, the internal Sun MTP counter for the program is reset. The current transaction processor contains the old copy of the counter for the program, but a new copy of the program has been loaded by a different transaction processor.

Solution: Resubmit the transaction.

0430I	Shared info: ppt_plad <%x> ppt_plen <%d> ppt_seqno <%d>
0431I	Local info: pgmwsptr <%x> pgmwslen <%d> pgmseqno <%d>

Description: A COBOL transaction program has possibly corrupted its working storage save area in shared memory.

Solution: Use the information in the messages to fix the programming problem.

0432E	Memory corruption. Transaction processor will terminate.

Description: Memory validation has detected a significant memory corruption problem.

Solution: The transaction processor will terminate to prevent further corruption.

0435E	Transaction processor received signal SIGTERM

Description: The specified process has received the SIGTERM signal. This message indicates that the process will terminate as soon possible.

0436F	unikixept processor received an unexpected signal %d [%s]. Process will terminate.

Description: The unikixept processor received an unexpected signal, where %d is the actual signal number and %s is the name of the signal, such as SIGTERM or SIGUSRI. The unikixept process will terminate.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0437I	Received signal 13 [SIGPIPE].

Description: The unikixmain process received and ignored a SIGPIPE signal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0447E	No program is currently active so no memory address available for display

Description: While using the CEDF transaction, the user pressed the PF6 function key before invoking a program. Because no program is active, the system cannot display the storage.

Solution: Press the Clear key and continue the CEDF session until the program is invoked. Then press PF6 to see the contents of the storage.

0448E	Animator cannot be invoked on a non-COBOL system

Description: Animator is the COBOL source code debugger. The current system was not built with COBOL.

Solution: Choose the correct debugger for the language you are using.

0449I	[%r] Requested format not supported for READ on extra partition queues yet

Description: An application READQ TD request has been rejected for an extrapartition transient data queue.

Solution: Change the extrapartition transient data queue to LINE record format.

0450I	[%r] Intrapartition queues not supported for set tdqueue

Description: The SET TDQUEUE option requested is not supported except on extrapartition transient data queues.

Solution: Change the transient data queue to an extrapartition type, if required.

0451E	Invalid function key

Description: The user pressed a function key that is not valid on the current screen.

Solution: Use a function key supported on the current screen.

0452E	Invalid hex value

Description: The value entered is not a valid hex value.

Solution: Enter a valid hex value, which can be between 0-f or 0-F only.

0453E	Address exceeds virtual storage size

Description: The user entered a memory address that is not valid.

Solution: Enter a valid address that is within the process address space.

0454E	Must be YES or NO

Description: The user entered an invalid option.

Solution: Type YES or NO only.

0455E	Animator cannot be invoked on a 3270 type terminal

Description: Animator is not supported on the current terminal type.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about debugging using Animator.

0456E	May not be changed during transaction

Description: The debugging option cannot be changed in the middle of the current debugging session for the transaction.

Solution: Change the debugging options at the end of the current transaction.

0457E	EDF cannot be invoked on a routed terminal

Description: The CEDF transaction is not supported on a routed terminal.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about supported terminals.

0458E	Userid %s not recognized

Description: The user ID specified does not match the user ID in the SNT.

0459E	Userid %s requires a password

Description: The user ID specified requires a password defined in the SNT.

0460E	Password invalid for userid %s

Description: If external security is in use, the password or new password provided could not be authenticated. If external security is not in use, the password specified for this user ID does not match the password defined in the SNT.

Solution: Inform the security manager at your site.

0461E	New Password is not accepted for userid %s

Description: The new password specified for this user ID was not accepted.

Solution: Carefully retype both new password entries. The current password is unchanged.

0462I	Sign-on transaction CESN cancelled

Description: This messages is displayed when the CESN transaction is exited.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0463I	Userid %s signed on terminal %s

Description: The user ID specified in the CESN transaction is signed on to the specified terminal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0464I	Userid %s signed off terminal %s

Description: The CESF/CSSF transaction has signed off the current user at the current terminal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0465I	Sign-off failed at terminal %s. No user signed on

Description: The CESF/CSSF transaction cannot be completed at this terminal, because no user ID is signed on.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0466E	USAGE: CEDF [termid|sysid] [,ON|,OFF]

Description: The options specified on the CEDF transaction are incorrect.

Solution: Specify the CEDF transaction with the correct options.

0467E	No debug terminals configured

Description: The number of debug terminals configured in the VCT is zero; therefore, use of the CEDF transaction is not allowed.

Solution: To enable debugging, modify the VCT so that the number of debug terminals configured is greater than one and restart the region.

0468E	Maximum debug terminals will be exceeded

Description: The maximum number of debug terminals, as configured in the VCT, are already active; therefore, no new CEDF sessions are allowed.

0470E	Animate not allowed for TR terminal, CICS Debugger terminated.

Description: A transaction routed terminal cannot use the Micro Focus Animator.

0471I	CICS Debugger initialized

Description: Debug mode has started.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0472I	CICS Debugger terminated

Description: Debug mode is terminated.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0473E	Transaction not authorized by user.

Description: The information in the SNT does not authorize this transaction for this user.

0474E	Transaction not authorized for Transaction Routed 3270 terminal.

Description: You cannot execute the following transactions at a transaction-routed 3270 terminal: CMNU, CEMT, CTBL, CFMS, CRED, and CSGU.

0475E	Transaction not authorized for 3270 terminal

Description: You cannot execute the CMNU and CSGU transactions at a 3270 terminal.

0476E	System is to be shutdown, no new transactions

Description: The system is in the process of being shut down. No new transactions are allowed.

0477E	System is in Quiesce or Batch mode, no new transactions

Description: No new transactions are allowed in these modes.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for information about system states.

0478E	Illegal format for batch transaction

Description: The data supplied with the CBCH transaction is too long or not present.

0479E	Transaction %4.4s not authorized for terminal %4.4s user %-8.8s

Description: The transaction indicated was submitted for background execution, but is not authorized for the user who submitted it.

0480E	Turn off animation before issuing a system transaction.

Description: Turn off the COBOL Animator before issuing any Sun MTP system transactions (those starting with C) other than CEDF.

Solution: Run the CEDF transaction and set the Animator field to N. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about the CEDF transaction. The other system transactions are described in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

0481E	Userid %s not authorized for resource

Description: The user ID entered with the CESN transaction is not authorized to run from this terminal or on the region.

Solution: Inform the security manager at your site if the user ID should be authorized, or log in with a user ID or terminal name that is authorized.

0482E	Transaction %4.4s not authorized for LU0 or LU1 terminal

Description: The transaction cannot be executed from this type of terminal.

Solution: Submit a valid transaction on the current terminal, or submit the transaction from a 3270 terminal.

0483E	Operator %s not authorized for terminal %s

Description: The operator is not authorized to use this terminal.

Solution: Inform the security manager that the operator needs authorized for this terminal.

0490E	Unknown error %d in transaction %s

Description: The transaction returned an unexpected EIBRESP2 value from an EXEC CICS command.

0491E	Operator %s not recognized

Description: The operator name specified does not match the operator name defined in the SNT.

0492E	Password invalid for operator %s

Description: The password specified for this operator name does not match the password defined in the SNT.

0493I	Operator %s signed on terminal %s

Description: The operator name specified in the CSSN transaction has been signed on to the specified terminal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0494E	Tran %s abended: EIBFN = %d

Description: The specified transaction has abnormally ended from an EXEC CICS command identified by the EIBFN number.

0495E	Usage CESN [USERID=userid[,PS=password [,NEWPS=newpassword]]]0495E	Usage CSSN [NAME=operator name[,PS=password]]

Description: The options specified on the CESN/CSSN transaction are incorrect.

Solution: Resubmit the transaction using the correct format, as shown in the message.

0496E	Terminal %s is already logged on elsewhere

Description: The terminal ID specified already exists.

0497E	Terminal %s is already signed on, you must sign off

Description: The transaction cannot be completed at this terminal because there is a user already signed on.

0498E	Password disabled for userid %s

Description: The password for this user ID is suspended.

Solution: Contact your site security administrator.

0499E	%s password expired for the operator

Description: The password has expired, according to the rules established by the Sun MTP administrator.

Solution: The operator must enter a new password, which will be in effect for the next session, and can continue using the system

0500-0999 Messages

0500E	% password disabled for the operator

Description: The operator's password has been disabled.

Solution: Contact the Sun MTP administrator.

0501I	Executing %s

Description: The batch program named in the message started executing.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0502E	Program %s not found

Description: The batch program named in the message was not executed because it could not be found.

0503I	Terminating %s

Description: The batch program named in the message is terminated.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0504E	Too many arguments on the command line

Description: The maximum number of arguments to the unikixvsam command is 250.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixvsam command with the correct number of arguments.

0505E	Error returned from cobfunc = %d

Description: The return code from the COBOL function cobfunc (used to execute a batch program) was less than zero or greater than 127. Any VSAM updates made by the program since its last syncpoint are rolled back.

0506E	The %s environment variable is not set

Description: The environment variable named in the message is not set. If %s is TERMDEV, you are attempting to run a batch job standalone rather than under the control of Sun MTP.

0507E	The value of %s (%s) is too long

Description: The character length of the TERMDEV environment variable named in the message is too long. The maximum length allowed is 20.

0508E	-p option requires a program name

Description: A program name was not supplied as an argument to the -p option of the unikixvsam command.

Solution: Resubmit the unikixvsam command, specifying a program name argument to the -p option.

0509E	Invalid option: -%c

Description: The option specified in the message is invalid on the unikixvsam command line.

Solution: Enter the unikixvsam command with a valid option.

0510E	Invalid parameter %s to kixvsam subroutine

Description: The Sun MTP routine kixvsam was called with an invalid argument. The valid values are SYNCPT and ROLLBACK.

0511E	Invalid VSAM request from batch program - %2.2x %2.2x

Description: A VSAM command in a batch program generated a request code that Sun MTP does not understand.

0513E	unikixvsam must be started by MTP. It may not be executed directly

Description: Batch jobs must be submitted by copying a shell script into the $KIXBTCH directory, or by executing the CBCH transaction.

0514E	Program name too long: %s

Description: The name of a program passed to the Sun MTP batch VSAM processor is too long. The maximum length is 129 characters.

0515E	Terminating -- No file status variable defined

Description: A Sun MTP VSAM function called from a COBOL batch program requires that the file being accessed have an associated file status variable.

0516E	VSAM filename too long or missing: %s

Description: The name of a VSAM file passed to the Sun MTP batch VSAM processor is too long. The maximum length is eight characters.

0517E	Key was lost in kxdeffle

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred while opening a file in the batch VSAM processor.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0518E	No free entries in ldtbl for kxget

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred in the batch VSAM processor while opening a file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0520E	<%r> No Trigger Msg found: <CicsException>

Description: The MQSeries trigger queue either had no trigger message or it was improperly formatted.

Solution: Read the MQSeries documentation for the trigger message format.

0521E	<%r> Error during 'onMessage': <Exception desc>

Description: There has been a Java error in the onMessage method of the Java Message Service (JMS) application.

Solution: Correct and retry.

0522E	<%r> Exception <JMSException>

Description: The MQ-JMS Bridge has encountered a JMS exception.

Solution: Read the JMS documentation as well as the unikixmain.log and unikixmain.err files. Correct and retry.

0523E	<%r> Exception <ClassNotFoundException>

Description: The MQ-JMS Bridge class loader cannot find the named class.

Solution: Examine the Classpath.appends file in the $KIXSYS/kix_java directory to make sure all the classpath entries are there. Also, make sure that the fully qualified class name is spelled correctly in the PPT.

0524E	<%r> Exception <ClassCastException>

Description: The MQ-JMS Bridge cannot load an application that does not implement the MessageListener interface or that has no onMessage method. This message could also have the ClassInstantiationException.

Solution: Correct the application so that it implements MessageListener interface and retry.

0525W	<%r> Exception <FileNotFoundException>

Description: This messages indicates that the MQJMS.properties file was not found or read. The default property values will be used.

0526E	<%r> Exception <IOException>

Description: A Java I/O exception of some kind has occurred.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.log and unikixmain.err files for previous messages that can clarify this problem.

0527E	<%r> Rollback Complete Exception <Exception desc>

Description: Due to a failure during message processing, a rollback was performed.

Solution: Examine the exception, and take the appropriate corrective action to avoid future failures.

0539I	-Djava.class.path=<%s>

Description: This message shows the directory elements of the Sun MTP Java virtual machine (JVM) class loader classpath. There is one message for each directory element. For example:

unikixtran0 :KIX0539I -Djava.class.path=/net/dilithium/local_space/rrhunikixtran0 :KIX0539I /net/dilithium/local_space/rrh/MTP8.0.0/binunikixtran0 :KIX0539I /opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.jarunikixtran0 :KIX0539I /opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mqjms.jar...

This message is output each time transaction server 0 is started or restarted. All other transaction servers process the classpath information, but do not display this message when started or restarted.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0540I	-Djava.library.path=<%s>

Description: This message shows the elements <library path directory element> of the Sun MTP JVM class loader library path. There is one message for each directory element.

This message is output each time transaction server 0 is started or restarted. All other transaction servers process the library path information, but do not display this message when started or restarted.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0550W	DBCS not enabled (-B ignored). You must specify a conversion table file

Description: Conversion table not provided.

Solution: Restart the region with the -A conversion-table option to the unikixmain command.

0551E	Invalid conversion file %s. Length=%d, expected %d.

Description: Supplied conversion table is of incorrect size; expected size is %d and the file size is %d.

Solution: Start the region with the correct file.

0552E	Errno %d from open of %s

Description: Unable to open the conversion table file %s.

Solution: Correct the problem Errno %d, and restart the region.

0553E	The path to the file does not exist

Description: Conversion table does not exist.

Solution: Start the region by providing a correct conversion table file.

0554E	Errno %d from read of %s

Description: Error while reading conversion table file %s.

Solution: Correct the problem Errno %d, and restart the region.

0555W	Errno %d from close of %s

Description: Error while closing the conversion table file %s.

Solution: Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

0556E	Errno %d from stat of %s

Description: Error while getting the status of the conversion table file %s.

Solution: Correct the problem Errno %d, and restart the region.

0600E	%s specifies length too long for fixed records: %d

Description: The maximum length for a fixed-length record is 4072.

0601E	[%r] Attempt to open %s with invalid environment

Description: The value of %s is a 28-character string where the first 14 characters represent and file name and the next 14 characters represent the environment. The environment portion of the string is invalid.

0602I	3270 logged in, LU name %8.8s, pid = %d

Description: Message written when a 3270 terminal successfully logs in to the region. The logical unit (LU) name is the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) secondary logical unit (SLU) name of the device and the PID is the process ID of the client.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0603I	Dup new logon message, sending ACK

Description: Message written when a duplicate login message is received. The message is acknowledged as having been received, but ignored otherwise.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0604E	[%r] Start browse failed
0605E	[%r] Read next failed

Description: An attempt to read the VSAM catalog failed.

Cause: The VSAM catalog might be corrupted.

Solution: Read the error that is displayed on the line that follows.

0606E	[%r] Invalid type %s in Catalog

Description: An entry in the VSAM catalog is invalid.

Solution: Examine the VSAM catalog; it might be corrupted.

0607E	[%r] Error in kxgetdar: file %s

Description: The specified file was not found in the VSAM catalog.

0608E	%s - User trying to log in on the same terminal

Description: There is already a user logged on to the region using the specified terminal.

0609E	%s - All terminals are assigned

Description: A user tried to log in to the region but could not because all TCT entries are used.

Cause: The maximum number of logins specified in the VCT has been reached.

0610E	%s - Unable to locate GTA

Description: The client is unable to attach to the Sun MTP shared memory.

0611E	%s - Terminal must be at least 24x80

Description: A user is attempting to log in at a terminal with a screen size or window that is too small. The terminal device name is given at the start of the message.

0612E	[%r] Interrupt terminated

Description: A client was terminated due to receipt of an interrupt signal.

0613E	%s - User not authorized

Description: The user client session is not authorized by the security manager to run from this terminal or on the region.

Solution: See the security manager for your site, or terminate and restart the client session with a user ID or terminal that is authorized.

0614E	[%r] Path %s not found

Description: Could not find a shell script or program to be executed by the client.

0615F	[%r] kxgetdm failed
0616F	[%r] kxgetsm failed

Description: An attempt to attach to shared memory failed.

0617F	[%r] Network port number %d is being used; use -s option

Description: The port number specified in the -s option on the unikixmain command line (or the default port number 2001) is already being used.

Cause: This message can appear if the unikixtrin process did not terminate properly after the last execution of Sun MTP.

0618F	[%r] Attempt to create socket failed

Description: An attempt to create a socket for communication with a remote processor was not successful.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0619I	[%r] LU name (%8.8s) match; assign TCT, pid = %d

Description: Indicates an SLU name for a 3270 terminal was found in the Sun MTP TCT and was assigned. The pid is the process ID of the 3270 client.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0620E	[%r] KXSNANODE error in kxsndts

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication with the 3270 client initiator.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0621E	[%r] KXSNANODE kxsndm error to KXSTRTQ

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between processes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0622E	[%r] KXTRMALC/KXTRMLST LU (%s) not found in TCT

Description: Could not locate the SLU name for a 3270 terminal in the Sun MTP TCT.

Solution: Use the Sun Mainframe Administration Tool (Sun MAT) to determine which terminals are known to the region. You might need to log the terminal in to the region again.

0623E	[%r] KXTRMALC/KCTRMLST error in kxsndm

Description: The transaction initiator server process received an error trying to send either a 3270 terminal allocated or 3270 terminal lost message to the Sun MTP start server process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0624I	[%r] Send KXTRMALC/KXTRMLST to start processor

Description: A 3270 terminal allocated or 3270 terminal lost message was sent to the start server process.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0625E	[%r] KXTRINAVL error in kxsndts

Description: An error occurred sending a message across sockets to the 3270 client initiator server process, telling the client initiator that the region is still active.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0626E	[%r] Error in kxsndts

Description: An error occurred sending a message across sockets to the 3270 client initiator server process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0627E	[%r] Can't assign terminal, error code = %d

Description: A 3270 terminal could not sign on. Only one error code is defined:
-3, Duplicate login id.

0628E	[%r] kxsndm to KXSTRTQ failed
0629E	[%r] kxsndm to KXPRTQ failed
0630E	[%r] kxsndm to transaction processor failed

Description: The transaction initiator server process received an error trying to send a message to another Sun MTP process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0631E	DCT entry %4.4s conflicts with FCT entry of %8.8s

Description: The name of a transient data queue defined in the DCT cannot match the name of a dataset defined in the FCT.

0632F	Start processor's parent pid is not equal to unikixmain's pid

Description: This validity check failed during initialization of the Sun MTP start server process.

0633F	A start processor is already running

Description: There is already a start processor running for this region.

0636E	Attempt to clear TERMQ failed

Description: An attempt to remove any messages sitting in a terminal's queue has failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0637E	[%r] Unexpected message type %d received

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

0638E	[%r] Cannot send signal to client, trmid = %4.4s, pid = %d

Description: An error occurred as the result of an attempt to send a signal a local terminal; or an error occurred sending a message across sockets to a remote client.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0640E	[%r] Not enough TCT slots - increase # users in VCT

Description: There are not enough users defined in the VCT.

Solution: Increase the number of users specified in the VCT, if your license permits.

0641E	[%r] kxrcvm failed
0642E	[%r] kxsndm failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0643E	[%r] Quitting due to error

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred in the menu processor.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0644E	[%r] Menu function %8.8s not found

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred in the menu processor.

0645E	[%r] kxduptbl failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred while initializing a Sun MTP process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0646E	Segment indicator mismatch on %s

Description: The segment indicator on a physical file does not match the expected value.

0647E	%s - Terminal must be at least 43x80 for Model 4 support
0648E	%s - Terminal must be at least 27x132 for Model 5 support

Description: A user is attempting to log in at a terminal with a screen size or window that is too small. The terminal device name is given at the start of the message.

0649E	Dataset %s has missing %s file

Description: The key-sequenced (KSDS) dataset specified is missing one or more of its data files or its index file. Sun MTP has closed all files for that dataset, as well as any alias datasets.

Solution: Restore the missing files from backup files, or delete the remaining files for the specified dataset, if the dataset needs to be reinitialized. Reopen the dataset and all alias datasets with the kixfile command to resume normal access, or to rebuild the dataset with the unikixbld utility.

0650E	File %s can't recover free block chain.

Description: The specified KSDS file had flawed header information, which was not recoverable.

Cause: This error can occur on nonrecoverable KSDS files after a system crash. As a result, any existing free blocks on that file have been unlinked and are unusable.

Solution: No immediate action is necessary. The file can continue to be used without further compromising the remaining valid data. Any new records are added to the end of the file, so that file can grow in size. You can use the kixvalfle utility on the file to report the number of unlinked blocks on the file to determine if a significant amount of free space has been lost. If you want to reorganize the file and reclaim the lost file space, quiesce activity on the file, then unload and reload the file using the unikixbld utility. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for more information about the kixvalfle and unikixbld utilities.

0651E	Activity count error on %s

Description: The activity count on a physical file does not match the expected value.

0652W	File %s does not exist. File to be created

Description: The specified file was not found during region initialization.

Solution: The file is created with no records.

0653E	File %s is already open

Description: The specified file was not closed during the previous Sun MTP session. This error usually means that the previous session did not terminate normally.

0654E	Disk is full. File %s set to read only

Description: The specified file is marked as read only because the disk on which it resides is full.

0655E	File %s is read only

Description: The specified file is opened in read-only mode

Solution: Check the access permissions on the file.

0656E	Disk is full. File %s not created

Description: The specified file was not created because the disk on which it was to reside is full.

0657E	Disk is read only. File %s not created

Description: The specified file was not created because the disk on which it was to reside is read only.

Solution: Check the access permissions.

0658E	Not enough FCT entries

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during database initialization.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0659E	File %s defined in CATALOG but not in FCT, file is tagged deferred open

Description: The indicated file is defined in the VSAM catalog but not in the FCT. It is not accessible.

Solution: Define the file in the FCT.

0660E	File %s already exists, cannot be created

Description: Sun MTP encountered the specified file still existing when attempting to create/initialize the KSDS data and index files for the dataset being opened. The dataset will remain closed.

Solution: Determine if there are missing files for the dataset and, if so, restore them from backup files. Otherwise, delete the remaining files for that dataset. Reopen the dataset with the kixfile command to resume normal access, or rebuild the dataset with the unikixbld utility.

0661E	Dataset %s could not be opened; missing file %s

Description: Sun MTP detected that the indicated KSDS spanned file segment of the specified dataset is missing, while other segments exist. The dataset will remain closed.

Solution: Restore the missing files from backup files, or delete the remaining files for the specified dataset, if the dataset needs to be reinitialized. Reopen the dataset and all alias datasets with the kixfile command to resume normal access, or rebuild the dataset with the unikixbld utility.

0662E	Dataset %s could not be initialized; segments still exist

Description: Sun MTP reports this message along with the 0660E message when attempting to open a dataset using spanned files.

Solution: Determine which files are missing for the dataset and restore them from backup files. Or, delete the remaining files if the dataset needs to be reinitialized. Reopen the dataset with the kixfile command to resume normal access, or rebuild the dataset with the unikixbld utility.

0663E	Table %s has invalid version header

Description: The table file indicated by the %s variable (for example, the PPT) contains an invalid version header; cannot process the table file.

Solution: If you recently migrated to a new major release of Sun MTP, make sure you converted the tables using the kixcnvtblnn utility, where nn is the current release level, such as 80.

0664E	[%r] Invalid directory: %s

Description: The specified directory name appearing in the Group Control Table (GCT) contains an environment variable that does not have a value.

0665E	[%r] File open error: %s

Description: Could not open the specified table file from the GCT.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0666E	[%r] File read error: %s

Description: Could not read the specified table file from the GCT.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0667E	Duplicate DCT entry %s in file: %s

Description: The specified table entry appears twice in the table.

0668E	Unknown DCT entry %s in file: %s

Description: The entry type of the specified DCT entry is not ID, ED, or RD, corresponding to intrapartition, extrapartition, or remote, respectively.

0669E	Duplicate FCT entry %s in file: %s

Description: The specified entry appears twice in the table.

0670E	Unknown FCT entry in file: %s

Description: The entry type of the specified FCT entry is not FE.

0671E	Duplicate JCT entry %s in file: %s
0672E	Duplicate PCT entry %s in file: %s
0673E	Duplicate PLT entry %s in file: %s
0674E	Duplicate PPT entry %s in file: %s
0675E	Duplicate SNT entry %s in file: %s
0676E	Duplicate CVT entry %s in file: %s

Description: The specified entry appears twice in the table.

0677E	[%r] Memory not available for %s

Description: Sun MTP was unable to allocate memory for the specified table.

0678E	Activity count error on cluster %s, override status to deferred open

Description: The indicated file was not closed properly during a previous Sun MTP session. This error can also occur if the files making up a dataset become out of sync, for example, through failure of a restore process.

Solution: Examine the log from the previous session for errors. Reset the activity counts using the kixverify command.

0679E	error accessing CATALOG, file is open to another MTP system currently or it was not closed properly

Description: The CATALOG file was not closed properly during a previous Sun MTP session, or it is currently being used by another region.

Solution: Verify that no other region is using the database, then reset the activity counts using the kixverify command.

0680W	Table  %s not found. Defaults directory copied

Description: Warning message. Default values used for the specified directory. If %s is unikix.dir, the entries in the $UNIKIX/lib/unikix.tbl directory have been copied to the $KIXSYS/unikix.dir directory. This action allows the administrator full access to these tables while providing a backup copy in the original location.

Solution: Warning message; no user action is required.

0681W	Table  %s not found. Defaults set

Description: Warning message. Default values used for the specified table file.

0682E	[r%] Zero Length Memory allocation attempt for %x

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0683E	[r%] Unable to allocate file for auxiliary temporary storage

Description: Could not open the files used for auxiliary temporary storage (TEMPSTG.dta and TEMPSTG.idx).

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0684E	Cannot erase file %s

Description: Could not erase the auxiliary temporary storage file.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0687E	Data set %8.8s opened for read only

Description: Could open only one or more files associated with the associated dataset in read only mode. Therefore, can only access the dataset for read access but not for write access.

0689E	Inconsistent data in Catalog for data set %8.8s (%1d)

Description: Sun MTP was unable to find necessary information in the VSAM catalog to locate the components of the specified dataset. The error number indicates which of four possible errors occurred.

0692E	Spanned file entry not found for data set %8.8s, non-span assumed

Description: The specified dataset was specified as spanned, but no spanned file entries were found for the dataset in the VSAM catalog.

0694E	Data set %8.8s could not be opened

Description: Could not open the specified dataset.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0695W	Dataset %8.8s specified as deferred open

Description: Could not open the indicated file.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0697E	Cannot locate %s in Catalog

Description: The alternate file specified in the message is not in the VSAM catalog.

0698E	File %s defined in FCT but not in Catalog

Description: The specified file has an entry in the FCT, but not in the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Add the file to the VSAM catalog using File Manager.

0699E	FCT entry doesn't refer to cluster or data set %s

Description: The specified dataset has an entry in the FCT, but does not have a corresponding entry in the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Add the file to the VSAM catalog using File Manager.

0700I	MTP is processing System PLT transactions, wait!!

Description: Informational message. The Sun MTP server is in the process of starting. The client attempts to connect for approximately 10 seconds.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0701F	MTP is still running System PLT transactions, try later!!

Description: After trying for 10 or more seconds, the client could not connect to the Sun MTP server, which is still in the process of starting.

Solution: Shut down the region, execute the kixclean and kixverify utilities, then try starting the client again.

0702F	System is in Batch mode, non-system user cannot logon
0703F	System is in Quiesce mode, non-system user cannot logon
0704F	System is to be shut down, non-system user cannot logon

Description: When Sun MTP is in Batch mode, Quiesce mode, or is in the process of being shut down, only a user with system authority can log in as an online user.

0705F	Logofile not found

Description: Could not open the file $UNIKIX/lib/logofile.

Solution: Check for the existence of the file or access permissions.

0706F	Invalid logofile

Description: The file $UNIKIX/lib/logofile has an invalid format.

0707F	Serial number file not found
0708F	Invalid serial number
0709F	Invalid password
0710F	Error reading logofile or serial number file

Description: The license file, $KIXLICDIR/hostname.lic, is invalid.

Solution: Verify that this file is located in the proper directory. To get a new software enabling key, contact your authorized service provider.

0711F	Terminal id %s is already in use

Description: This terminal was previously connected to Sun MTP and is disconnected.

Solution: Wait and retry the login operation. This condition should clear.

0712F	MTP is already running on %s

Description: A user is already logged on from the specified device; a second attempt to log in was rejected.

0713F	MTP connection not authorized

Description: You cannot connect to the region.

Cause: This message can be displayed under the following conditions:

Solution: Issue the kixclean command from the same user ID that started the region. If this is not possible, use the ipcrm commands to remove the memory segments that are still associated with the region you are trying to terminate.Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide.

0714F	MTP/Application synchronization error: %s version <%x>, gva size <%d>

Description: This message is displayed twice in the unikixmain.log file. One message gives the version and shared memory size of Sun MTP; the other message gives the version and shared memory size of the application. These messages typically indicate that a mismatch exists between the versions of Sun MTP and the other application.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0740F	VSAM block size of the file doesn't match the system VSAM block size

Description: The -b option specified on the unikixmain command does not match the block size of the catalog or the VSAM file block sizes. This error occurs when the VSAM catalog is one size, the -b option specifies another size, and the system files are yet another size.

0741W	VSAM block size of %d specified doesn't match with VSAM block size of %d in CATALOG. Using the CATALOG VSAM block size.

Description: The -b option specified on the unikixmain command line does not match the block size of the VSAM catalog. The block size of the VSAM catalog will be used.

0742I	Using VSAM block size of %d

Description: The system will use the block size shown.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0743W	Dataset %s VSAM block size doesn't match the system VSAM block size. Tagging the VSAM dataset closed.

Description: The dataset identified has a block size that does not match the system VSAM block size. Sun MTP closes and disables access to this dataset.

Solution: For information about converting the VSAM block size of datasets, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

0744F	%s option has an invalid size argument. Use 4K, 8K, 16K, or 32K

Description: The -b option specified on the unikixmain command line does not match any of the valid VSAM block sizes.

Solution: Choose a valid size argument and resubmit the command.

0745F	%s option has an invalid size qualifier. Enter K for Kilobytes

Description: The -b option specified on the unikixmain command line requires a K after the size qualifier to indicate the correct size.

0746F	%s option has an invalid size argument

Description: The option specified on the unikixmain command line requires a numeric size argument.

0747F	Invalid VSAM catalog file version

Description: This message is issued from the VSAM startup, and indicates that the VSAM catalog file is not compatible with this release of Sun MTP.

Solution: You must migrate the VSAM catalog to the current release with the kixcnvtcat utility. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for a description of the utility.

0752E	[%r] Buffer pointer is nil

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM operation.

0753E	[%r] Buffer lock count already zero

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM operation. The previous line indicates the file and block number.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider because it might cause a loss of data.

0754E	[%r] Can't find primary dataset from alternate dataset %8.8s

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during an update operation on an alternate dataset.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0757E	No unused buffers availableBuf Addr Dataset     Block Lock Brws Serv

Description: Sun MTP has run out of buffers for use during VSAM functions.

Solution: Increase the number of buffers specified in the VCT.

0760E	Browse count already zero 

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM browse operation.

Solution: The previous line indicates the file and block number.

0761E	Block has lock count %d 

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM operation. All lock counts should be zero at the end of a transaction, but in this case, were not.

0762E	Block is beyond last block %d 

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM read operation. The file might be corrupted.

Solution: The previous line indicates the file name and block number.

0763E	Error in wrtrecov for alloc of block

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing.

Solution: The previous line indicates the file name and block number.

0765E	Block is already in use 

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM operation. This might mean the file is corrupted.

Solution: The previous line indicates the file name and block number.

0767E	Invalid header on recovery file

Description: The recovery file has an invalid format.

0768E	Recovery file was not created by this version of MTP.

Description: If the previous Sun MTP session crashed, use the same version of Sun MTP to recover files.

Solution: If the previous Sun MTP session terminated normally, you can safely delete the recovery file. Otherwise, restart Sun MTP using the previous version. This action is required due to a change in the structure of the recovery file.

0769F	File error %d during %s of recovery record %d

Description: An I/O operation on the recovery file failed.

0770E	[%r] File %s has no fcb

Description: During region initialization, the recovery file specified that records need to be rolled back in a file that is no longer defined to the region.

0771E	Recovery file record has invalid function value %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing, or the recovery file is corrupted.

0772I	Records initially restored for database = %d

Description: If the record count is nonzero, some records were rolled back during region initialization, because the previous execution of Sun MTP terminated abnormally.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0773I	Records restored thus far for database = %d

Description: During an emergency restart, this message is displayed for every 100 records restored by the recovery process to the database.

0778F	[%r] Unexpected message type %d received

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during communication between Sun MTP processes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0779F	Recovery initialization failed (error %d)

Description: An error occurred during initialization of the recovery processor.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

0780I	Rolling back processor %d

Description: A transaction has abended. If any records were updated by the transaction, they are rolled back.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0781I	Records restored for processor %d = %d

Description: Displays the number of records that were rolled back because a transaction abended.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0782I	Recovery file full (processor %d)
0783I	Recovery file full (processor %d is rolling back processor %d)

Description: Informational messages. Because the recovery file is almost full, the oldest transaction in the system must be rolled back. The processor might be the one generating the message (0782), or a processor rolling back another processor (0783).

Solution: If a valid long-running transaction caused the recovery file to fill, consider making the recovery file larger. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for a discussion of the issues to consider when using recovery with batch jobs.

0784F	Abort vsam during recovery

Description: The recovery processor failed during an attempt to update the database.

0785E	Invalid update type in recovery record

Description: An invalid entry was found on the recovery file.

0786E	Recovery failed for %s

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during recovery processing. The message gives the name of the file being processed. The message line that follows in the log file indicates the type of error that occurred.

0787I	Before Images Statistics
Reads     %d
Writes    %d
Average recovery records per buffer = %f
Average recovery records per physical write = %f
Average recovery records per physical read = %f

Description: This message is displayed at the end of a Sun MTP session and is followed by some statistics on the usage of the recovery file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0794I	Data base recovery is active

Description: Sun MTP recovery is active.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0795I	Data base, Transient Data Queue and Temporary Storage Queue recovery is NOT active

Description: Sun MTP recovery is not active.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0796E	file error %d during %s of recovery file

Description: An I/O operation on the recovery file failed.

0797E	System finish write did not take place (error %d)

Description: The write of the last record to the recovery file failed. The error code is from the UNIX lseek() or write() system calls.

0798F	Recovery file protected or read only, MTP terminating

Description: The recovery file must be writable by Sun MTP.

Solution: Correct the access permissions.

0799E	Recovery file completely full

Description: Processing of transactions must pause while the oldest transaction in the system is rolled back.

0801E	Tran %s has abended: Function %s Condition %s

Description: Transaction %s has terminated abnormally. The current function is %s and the condition was %s.

0802E	Tran %s has abended: Function %s Abcode = %s 

Description: Transaction %s has terminated abnormally. The current function is %s and the abort code is %s.

0803E	Tran %s has abended: Function %s Eibrcode = %s

Description: Transaction %s has terminated abnormally. The current function is %s and the Eibrcode code is %s.

0804E	Tran %s Function %s Eibrcode = %s

Description: The transaction executing is %s, the current function is %s, and the Exec interface block (EIB) code is %s.

0805E	EXEC CICS ABEND called with ABCODE( %s )

Description: The user has called the EXEC CICS ABEND command with the ABCODE specified in %s.

0806E	Transaction %s program %s has abended

Description: Transaction %s, which was executing program %s has abended.

0807I	Transaction %s program %s

Description: Transaction %s was executing program %s.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0808I	Function %s CID# %s Incomplete

Description: Function %s, at source identifier %s, is still executing.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0809I	Function %s CID# %s Condition %s

Description: Function %s, at source identifier %s, has returned condition %s.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0810I	Function %s CID# %s Condition Successful

Description: Function %s, at source identifier %s, completed successfully.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0811I	Function %s CID# %s Eibrcode = %s

Description: Function %s, at source identifier %s, has the EIB code of %s.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0812I	Processor is idle

Description: Transaction processor does not have any transactions to execute.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0813I	Transaction is waiting for %s

Description: Transaction is waiting for the specified resource.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0814I	Transaction %s executing CICS Application Code

Description: The specified transaction is executing application code.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0815I	Transaction %s executing MTP code

Description: The specified transaction is executing the Sun MTP code.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0820T	Transaction %4.4s cancelled

Description: This message is displayed after a transaction was cancelled by a debug mode user.

0821I	Transaction %s executing user exit code

Description: Sun MTP transfers control to functions at certain events. Users can extend these functions to add functionality or customize the product. When the message was displayed, Sun MTP was in control of the code that the user extended.

0822E	Transaction CSGU is not supported on MTP for Windows NT

Description: You cannot use the CSGU transaction on Windows NT. The SGU is not supported.

Solution: Use the kixbms utility to generate map files from basic mapping resource (BMS) macro files.

0823I	SHELL is not set process will exit

Description: The shell environment variable is not set. This message only is displayed if you are using the unikixbld utility to rebuild a VSAM file with alternate indexes, and the alternate indexes are being rebuilt.

Solution: Set the SHELL environment variable and resubmit the unikixbld job.

0823I	SHELL is <value> prior to check

Description: The value is the actual contents of the SHELL environment variable. This message is written to the unikixmain.log file before a check is made to determine if $SHELL is corrupt. This message only is displayed if you are using the unikixbld utility to rebuild a VSAM file with alternate indexes, and the alternate indexes are being rebuilt.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0823I	SHELL is <value> after modification

Description: The value is the value of the SHELL environment variable after Sun MTP determined the original value was corrupted and corrected it. This message only is displayed if you are using the unikixbld utility to rebuild a VSAM file with alternate indexes, and the alternate indexes are being rebuilt.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0900E	Data set %8.8s

Description: Specifies the name of a dataset. The next message will describe the error.

0901E	Key type invalid for data set type

Description: The file type defined in the FCT does not match the options given in the application programming interface (API).

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get the correct information about the dataset.

0902E	RBA does not reference start of record

Description: The relative byte address (RBA) provided to fetch the entry-sequenced dataset (ESDS) record does not reference the start of a record.

Solution: Provide the correct RBA and then reference the record.

0903E	Data set not defined in FCT or FMU

Description: System was not able to create a file block for the dataset. This error can occur if the dataset was not defined consistently in the FCT and the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to correct the FCT or the catalog so that they have the correct information about the dataset.

0904E	Length of generic key is invalid

Description: For a GENERIC operation, the key length was zero or greater than the key length of the dataset.

Solution: Correct the program.

0905E	Key length not same as file definition

Description: The key length specified in the API and the key length defined to the system are not same.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get the correct information about the dataset.

0906I	Record not found in data set

Description: The record requested does not exist in the file.

0907I	Key already exists in data set

Description: The record requested to be inserted already exists in the file.

0908E	RIDFLD value does not equal record key

Description: The contents of the record identifier field (RIDFLD) does not match the contents of the record in the key position for the key length.

Solution: Correct the program to have consistent values in the RIDFLD and FROM parameters.

0909E	REWRITE requires prior READ UPDATE

Description: For a REWRITE request, a record must be positioned by issuing a READ command with the UPDATE option.

Solution: Correct the code to read the required record with the UPDATE option and then issue a REWRITE request.

0910E	REWRITE cannot change ESDS record length

Description: The ESDS record's length cannot be changed during a REWRITE request.

Solution: Remove the API from the code.

0911E	Primary key value changed by REWRITE

Description: The primary key value cannot be changed in a REWRITE request.

Solution: Delete the record with the old key value and issue a WRITE request with the new key.

0912E	Alternate access key changed by REWRITE

Description: In the REWRITE request, the alternate key value has been changed.

Solution: Delete the record. Issue a WRITE request with the new value(s) in the alternate key(s) position.

0913E	Record length exceeds input area length

Description: Not enough buffer was allocated to accommodate the record being read.

Solution: Increase the size of the buffer allocated for the VSAM request.

0914E	Length required for variable records

Description: The length parameter is required for variable records unless the SET option is used in the API.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get information about the dataset. Correct the code to increase the size of the buffer, or use the SET option, being sure to make the changes needed to use SET option.

0915E	Length incorrect for fixed records

Description: Buffer allocated to read the record is not equal to the length of the record defined in the VSAM catalog, for fixed length record files.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get the details about the dataset. Correct the code to use the correct length of the dataset.

0917E	Previous READ UPDATE requires UNLOCK

Description: The current READ for UPDATE request cannot be honored because there is an active READ for UPDATE request for the same file.

Solution: Release the previous record by issuing the UNLOCK, REWRITE, and DELETE commands, and then issue the request for READ with the UPDATE option.

0918E	No browse active on file for REQID

Description: Without establishing a browse, a VSAM browse operation was performed using the REQID value.

Solution: Establish a browse for the REQID value, and then issue the current BROWSE request.

0920E	Key sequence error on forward browse

Description: In a READNEXT request the key was changed to a lower value when compared to the previous successful browse operation.

Solution: Issue a RESETBR request with the current key value.

0921E	Key type changed during browse

Description: A browse was established for a particular type of file, and in the current request, the type was changed.

Solution: Correct the code to use the correct options.

0922E	REQID is already active for file

Description: A browse is already established for the current REQID value.

Solution: Use a new REQID value.

0923I	End of file on forward read

Description: There are no more records to retrieve for the current READNEXT operation.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0924E	READPREV issued with generic key

Description: A READPREV operation was requested on a browse established with the GENERIC key.

Solution: This operation is not allowed.

0925I	Start of file on reverse read

Description: There are no more records to retrieve for a READPREV request.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

0926E	RIDFLD changed on reverse browse

Description: READPREV request was issued by changing the key value from the previous browse and the browse was established on an alternate key.

Solution: This operation is not allowed.

0928E	Cannot delete ESDS record

Description: A DELETE request was issued for an ESDS file.

Solution: This operation is not allowed.

0929E	Alternate key already exists for data set.

Description: A WRITE request was issued on a file where the alternate key already exists and it was defined as no duplicates.

0930I	Duplicate alternate key on read

Description: A duplicate key exists for this alternate key.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.


Description: For a DELETE request, a record must be positioned by issuing a READ command with the UPDATE option or a RIDFLD value must be provided.

Solution: Change the code to establish a READ for UPDATE on the record and then issue DELETE or provide the RIDFLD for the current DELETE request.

0932E	Alternate index pointer not in keyed DS

Description: The primary and alternate key files are not consistent. Records in the alternate file do not exist in the primary file or vice versa.

Solution: Users might have restored wrong versions of primary and alternate files, and issued the kixverify command before starting the region.

0938E	Record length does not include keys

Description: The LENGTH option used for the current request is less than the key offset in the record plus the key length. If the dataset is of variable type, the minimum length of the record is the farthest offset of the key position plus the key length including alternate keys.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get the dataset details including alternate files.

0941E	Output length exceeds max record length

Description: The buffer used to write to the file is larger than the maximum length allowed for this file.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to get the dataset details. Correct the code to provide the correct buffer size.

0943I	Data set is not open

Description: A VSAM request was issued against a dataset which had problems when opening the file.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to fix the file.

0945I	Data set is read only

Description: A VSAM update request was issued against a dataset which is read only.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to find out the availability of the file.

0946E	Disk is full

Description: A VSAM request was not able to complete because the disk is full.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP or system administrator to fix this problem.

0948I	Data set is disabled

Description: The dataset is disabled for the environment (system, batch, or online), or another user has it locked for exclusive control.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to find out the availability of the file.

0949I	Data set is closed

Description: A VSAM request was issued against a dataset which is closed.

Solution: Contact your Sun MTP administrator to find out the availability of the file.

0950E	Queue not found

Description: The QUEUE value used in the temporary storage request does not exist.

Solution: Contact a Sun MTP system programmer to get the queue information.

0951E	Item number invalid

Description: The ITEM value used in the temporary storage request does not exist.

Solution: Change the code to provide valid item number.

0963E	Error in MTP internal PID table

Description: Internal message sent to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the internal PID table Sun MTP maintains is corrupted.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

0964E	Use of third party RDBMS not authorized in license file

Description: The user is attempting to use a third-party relational database management system (RDBMS) and, according to the license file, there is no authorization.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider to resolve this problem.

0965E	Third party RDBMS validation check failed

Description: A validation check failed.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider to resolve this problem.

0966W	Temporary Storage Queue <%8.8s> has reached the maximum of %d active items.

Description: This message is written to the unikixmain.log file when the number of active records for a temporary storage queue has reached the maximum, currently 32 Kbytes (32,768 bytes). These records are the result of transactions initiated by the START command with data. The data associated with the START command is stored in a temporary storage queue. An IOERR condition is returned to the program that issued the EXEC CICS START command.

1000-1499 Messages

1001I	Connected to database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate there was a successful connection to the specified external database. This message is echoed in the log file when a region is started, and every time a new transaction server is started.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1002I	Disconnected from database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the connection to the specified database was closed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1003I	Start of transaction in database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the start of a transaction in the specified database.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1004I	End of transaction in database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the end of a transaction in the specified database.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1005I	Committed transaction for database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the transactions have been committed in the specified database.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1006I	Transaction rolled back for database %s

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file to indicate the transactions have been rolled back in the specified database.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1097I	KIXRDBMS_BYPASS set, user exits bypassed

Description: The KIXRDBMS_BYPASS environment variable was set, enabling the region to be started without the RDBMS.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1098D	User err: %60.60s

Description: Debug message echoed to the unikixmain.log file, and displays the error returned by the database.

1099E	Generic database error %d

Description: Database error.

Solution: Check the actual database error indicated by error number 1098D during startup or shutdown. In all other cases, the database error is echoed on the user terminal.

1100E	VSAM internal error, job cancelled by system

Description: A VSAM internal error occurred in a batch program invoked by Sun MBM.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1101E	Unable to connect to MBM

Description: The region failed to connect to Sun MBM.

Solution: Start Sun MBM using the Batch Administration Manager (BAM) utility.

1102E	MBM not active

Description: The region failed to send message to Sun MBM; Sun MBM does not respond.

Solution: Start Sun MBM using the Batch Administration Manager (BAM).

1103W	Warning: me_putmsg interrupted

Description: Sun MTP message communication to Sun MBM failed; the system call was interrupted.

1104E	Error on me_putmsg tp_errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP message communication to Sun MBM failed. This is an internal error.

1105I	MBM (Version %s) active

Description: The Sun MBM process has started. The version and date of the program are shown in the message.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1106E	me_getmsg interrupted

Description: Sun MTP failed to read a Sun MBM message; the system call was interrupted.

1107E	Error on me_getmsg tp_errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP error when reading a Sun MBM message.

1108E	Error connecting MBM, me_getmsg returns msg = %d

Description: Unknown error when reading a Sun MBM message.

1109E	$KIXBTCH directory should be in the same file system as $KIXSYS

Description: Cannot locate the $KIXBTCH directory.

Solution: Sun MTP requires that the directories specified in the KIXBTCH environment variable be in the same file system as the $KIXSYS directory.

1110E	Error relinking batch programs, start processor owner should be root

Description: Could not relink the batch programs.

Solution: Change the owner of the $UNIKIX/bin/unikixstrt file to root. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide.

1111F	[%r] cfindnuc failed

Description: Sun MTP was unable to allocate an internal data area.

Solution: Check the kernel parameters and modify, if necessary. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

1112E	[%r] Delete table failed, rcode = %d

Description: An attempt to delete a Sun MTP table failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1113E	[%r] Write table failed, rcode = %d

Description: An attempt to write a Sun MTP table failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1114E	[%r] Open table failed, rcode = %d

Description: An attempt to open a Sun MTP table file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1115E	[%r] Close table failed, rcode = %d

Description: An attempt to close a Sun MTP table file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1116E	[%r] Group %s not found in GCT, write failed

Description: A table entry has a group name that is not defined in the GCT. The entry is not saved to the disk.

Solution: Define the group name in the GCT.

1117E	[%r] No write permission for $KIXSYS/unikix.dir/%.7s

Description: Table entries in the $KIXSYS/unikix.dir directory were requested to be updated, but did not have permissions to write to these files.

Solution: Change the permissions to the files and issue the command.

1119E	[%r] Generation of key table failed

Description: The menu screen file $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr has an invalid format.

1120E	[%r] Map not found in screen file

Description: The menu screen file $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr contains inconsistent entries.

1121E	[%r] Invalid number of fields in map

Description: The menu screen file $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr has an invalid format.

1122E	[%r] Buffer overflow

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred in the menu processor.

1123I	Connecting MBM 
MBM Node Dir=%s 

Description: Informational message. This region is making a connection to the Sun MBM node installed in the directory defined in the VCT.

Solution: COM VERSION in the message shows the Sun MTP communication version. To display the Sun MBM communication version, use the Sun MBM command batchelp -v. The communication versions for Sun MTP and Sun MBM must be compatible.

1124E	[%r] Screen file load failed

Description: Could not load the menu screen file $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr.

1126E	[%r] Menu not found in screen file

Description: The menu screen file $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr contains inconsistent entries.

1127E	[%r] Fork failed on starting grandchild

Description: The menu processor was unable to initiate a subprocess.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1128E	MBM:  invalid time synchronization, connection refused

Description: Sun MBM refused a connection to Sun MTP because the current date does not match.

Solution: Using the Sun MBM BAM utility or the kixdate utility, set the current date for both Sun MBM and Sun MTP.

1129E	[%r] SGU file load failed for %s

Description: Could not load the map file specified in the message.

1130E	[%r] Map table generation failed

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred when the menu processor (CMNU) attempted to generate a Sun MTP table.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider to resolve this problem.

1131E	[%r] Invalid buffer or address

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during menu processing.

1132E	[%r] Error loading SGU map set file

Description: Could not load a requested SGU mapset file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1133E	[%r] Error occurred during initialization of VSAM

Description: An error occurred while opening VSAM files during the initialization of a subprocess.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1134E	[%r] Open error on sequential file

Description: Could not open the input or output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1135E	[%r] Memory error in child process

Description: A subprocess of the build process ran out of system memory.

1136E	[%r] Unknown error %d from child process

Description: An error occurred in a process created to read a Micro Focus formatted file.

1137E	[%r] Child process timed out

Description: The build process failed due to a communication error between Sun MTP processes.

1138E	[%r] Read error on sequential file

Description: An error occurred while reading the input file during a build process.

1139E	[%r] Length error on sequential file

Description: A record with an invalid length was encountered in the input file during a build process.

1140E	[%r] Child process %d ended unexpectedly, exit = %d, signal = %d

Description: A subprocess of the build process ended abnormally.

1141E	[%r] Child process %d ended (status = %d)

Description: A subprocess of the build process ended with an unexpected exit code.

1142E	[%r] Open error on input VSAM file

Description: An error occurred while opening the input file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1143E	This MTP system is not configured to connect to MBM

Description: There is no Sun MBM subsystem configured for this region.

Solution: If the subsystem does not exist; create it using BAM. If the subsystem does exist, but the $KIXSYS value is incorrect, you must correct it using BAM. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Configuration Guide.

1144E	[%r] Disk write error %d

Description: An error occurred while writing the output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1145E	[%r] Open error on alt index output file

Description: Could not open the temporary alternate index sort file created by the build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1146E	MBM internal error . . . connection aborted

Description: The Sun MBM subsystem table is corrupted. The connection is broken.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1147E	[%r] Read error on VSAM file

Description: An error occurred while reading the input file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1148E	[%r] Write error on VSAM file

Description: An error occurred while writing the output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1149E	MBM: invalid protocol number, connection aborted

Description: The communication versions for Sun MTP and Sun MBM are not compatible.

Solution: Display the Sun MBM communication version using the Sun MBM command batchelp -v.

1151E	[%r] Sort script %s not found

Description: Could not find the shell script used to sort the temporary alternate index key file.

1152E	[%r] Close failed for alt key %d sort file

Description: The temporary alternate index sort file created by the build was not closed.

1153E	%d records are out of sequence, the first one is %d

Description: The sequential input file to a build VSAM file process should be sorted in primary key order. The out of sequence records are skipped.

1154E	%d records are duplicate, the first one is %d

Description: The sequential input file to a build VSAM file process should not contain duplicate primary keys. The records containing duplicate keys are skipped.

1155E	[%r] Close error on VSAM file

Description: An error occurred while closing the output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1157E	[%r] Close failed for alt key %d data file

Description: An error occurred while closing an alternate key output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1159E	[%r] Write failed on alt key %d sort file

Description: An error occurred while writing to a temporary alternate index sort file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1160E	[%r] Index level exceeds maximum allowable level of %d

Description: The number of index levels necessary to create this dataset exceeds the maximum supported.

1162E	Record number %d out of sequence

Description: The sequential input file to a build VSAM file process should be sorted in primary key order. The out-of-sequence records are skipped.

1164E	Embedded blanks not allowed

Description: The format field on the build file screen cannot include embedded blanks.

Solution: Remove embedded blanks in format field.

1165E	Illegal length for format procedure

Description: The name of the format procedure specified on the build file screen is too long.

1166E	Path name too long

Description: The path name specified for the format program on the build file screen is too long.

1167E	Format program %s does not exist
1168E	Format program %s is not accessible

Description: The format program specified on the build file screen does not exist or is not accessible due to permissions.

1169E	[%r] Build failed for %s

Description: The build process failed.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1170E	[%r] Required field not entered

Description: One of the required fields on the build file screen is missing.

1171E	[%r] Permission denied on input file

Description: The input file to the build process does not have the proper read permissions.

Solution: Correct the permissions on the file.

1172E	[%r] Build failed

Description: The build process failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1173E	[%r] File out of space, record count = %d

Description: The build process failed due to a disk full condition for the output file.

1174E	[%r] Function %s not found

Description: Could not find an internal Sun MTP function in the $UNIKIX/lib/KXMNUSCR.scr file.

1177E	[%r] Open failed for alt key %d data file

Description: An error occurred while opening an alternate key output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1179E	[%r] Illegal character in altdef

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred in File Manager.

1180E	[%r] Rewrite error on Catalog

Description: An attempt to rewrite a record to the VSAM catalog file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1181I	Processor %d purged by processor %d

Description: The CEMT transaction was used to purge a task.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1182F	unikixbld must be started as a batch job

Description: The unikixbld utility must be run from a script submitted to Sun MTP as a batch job.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide and the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for information about the unikixbld utility.

1183F	Directory %s does not exist

Description: A directory specified on the command line of unikixbld does not exist.

1185E	Fill percentage applies only to KSDS files

Description: A fill percentage was specified on the command line of unikixbld, but the file type is not KSDS.

1186F	No build argument specified

Description: You failed to specify a build argument.

Solution: You must specify one of the arguments -i, -tv, -ts, -tx, or -ta on the unikixbld command.

1187F	-ta and -tx options are for KSDS files only

Description: Either -ta or -tx was specified on the unikixbld command, but the file type is not KSDS.

1188F	VSAM file is read only

Description: The output VSAM dataset specified on the command line of unikixbld is read-only.

Solution: Use the kixfile utility to dynamically change the file status.

Description: This message can also appear if the permissions on the physical .dta and .idx files are read-only.

Solution: Change the permissions on the physical .dta and .idx files.

1190F	Invalid sequential file name

Description: The sequential file name specified on the command line of unikixbld is invalid.

Solution: Verify that the name in the -s parameter is correct.

1191F	File %s not found

Description: The sequential file specified was not found by the reporting Sun MTP process.

Solution: Verify if the file exists and is located in the directory where the process expects to find it.

1192F	Access permission denied on file %s

Description: The sequential file specified in the unikixbld command is not accessible.

Solution: Correct the permissions.

1193F	[%r] Unknown error code %d

Description: An unexpected error code has been returned from the build process.

1194F	VSAM file can't have the same name as Sequential file

Description: The input and output files specified on the unikixbld command line are the same.

Solution: Specify a different file name for either the input or output file.

1195F	Invalid record format program %s

Description: There is no format program corresponding to the format specified in the unikixbld command.

Solution: Place the format program in the $UNIKIX/local/bin or $UNIKIX/bin/build directory.

1196F	unikixbld received error from UNIX stat function

Description: An unexpected return code was received from the stat() system call on the input file specified to the unikixbld utility.

Solution: Check a previous error message for the error.

1197F	Status code %d occurred in kxaltsort, errno %d

Description: This error is returned when Sun MTP is trying to build alternate datasets, either in batch mode with the unikixbld utility or online from the Sun MTP Record Editor. The message displays the COBOL runtime error number for the error that caused the failure.

Solution: Refer to your COBOL documentation for the meaning of the error.

1198F	[%r] Open failed on file %s

Description: Cannot open the input file during a build process.

Solution: Correct the permissions on the file.

1199F	The input file %s is empty

Description: The input file specified on the command line of unikixbld contains no data.

Solution: Verify that you entered the correct input file name.

1201F	[%r] Write error on sequential file

Description: An error occurred while writing the output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1202F	[%r] Close error on sequential file

Description: An error occurred while closing the output file during a build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1203F	Invalid record format

Description: The record format is incorrect.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1204F	sortx memory specification (-M nnn) < 0 or > 999

Description: The memory argument passed using the -M option on the unikixbld command line is incorrect.

Solution: Provide a memory value in megabytes between 0 and 1000, and resubmit the step.

1205F	Abend occurred during build process

Description: Could not perform the build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1206F	Access permission denied on output file

Description: The output file specified on the unikixbld command line is not accessible.

Solution: Correct the permissions on the file.

1207F	Out of disk space for output file

Description: Cannot write the output file specified on the unikixbld command line because of lack of disk space.

1208F	VSAM fill is less than 0 or greater than 99

Description: The fill percentage specified on the unikixbld command line must be between 0 and 99, inclusively.

1209E	File is open exclusively by another process

Description: Cannot access a file opened for output by another process until a syncpoint occurs.

1210F	No data set name specified

Description: There is no dataset name specified on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Specify a dataset name on the command line.

1211F	Sequential file name is missing

Description: A file name was not specified for the sequential file on the unikixbld -s command line option.

Solution: Specify a name for the sequential file.

1212F	No -l option specified

Description: Failed to specify the -l option.

Solution: If more than one sequential file is specified and the -ts option is specified on the unikixbld command line, you must also specify the -l option.

1213F	-l option is not in 999[K|M|G] format
1214F	File size exceeds 2G limit

Description: The -l option on the unikixbld command line must be followed by a file size argument.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for valid formats.

1215F	Record format is wrong or missing

Description: The -r option specified on the unikixbld command line is invalid.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for valid formats.

1216F	Sequential file name <%s> longer than %d character max

Description: The sequential file name specified in the -s option on the unikixbld command line must be 14 characters or less. The full path name must be 143 characters or less.

1217F	No option specified after -t
1218E	Invalid -t option

Description: The -t option on the unikixbld command line must be followed by a, s, v, or x.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for valid formats.

1219F	Invalid number of records

Description: The value following the -v option on the unikixbld command line must be greater than zero.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command line and resubmit the batch job.

1220F	-d dataset option must be specified

Description: The -d option is required on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1221F	-s seqfile option must be specified to use -tv or -ts option

Description: The -s option is required on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1222F	-r seqfile option must be specified to use -tv or -ts option

Description: The -r option is required on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1223F	-i option and -tv, -ts, -tx, -ta options are mutually exclusive
1224F	-tv and -ts options are mutually exclusive
1225F	-tv, -ts and -tx, -ta options are mutually exclusive

Description: Cannot specify these options in combination on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1226F	Maximum 50 sequential files are allowed

Description: Can specify a maximum of 50 sequential files on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1227F	-l option must be specified to build multiple sequential files

Description: If more than one sequential file is specified and the -ts option is specified on the unikixbld command line, you must also specify the -l option.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1228F	-m option is only used for line, record or recordv format

Description: Cannot specify the -m option on the unikixbld command line unless the record format is one of the three named in the message.

Solution: Modify the unikixbld command and resubmit the batch job.

1229F	Cannot acquire exclusive lock to VSAM file

Description: Another process already has exclusive access to the VSAM file specified on the unikixbld command line.

1230F	Fatal error in releasing lock on VSAM file

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during the build process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1231I	Dataset %s access is also being quiesced

Description: All I/O activity to the specified dataset is being quiesced in response to a request to change its access state. The dataset is set to a PEND state. This message is displayed for each of the dataset names that refer to the same physical VSAM file, indicating that activity is being quiesced on all dataset paths to that file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed. You can find the message in the unikixmain.log file and determine when the access change was requested.

1232E	User %d tranid %s waiting for buffer %d of dataset %s, %s file, owned by user %d

Description: Transaction processor %d is waiting for the block number %d owned by transaction processor %d. The buffer has dataset %s records, and the dataset was of type %s and was executing transaction %s.

1233E	User %d tranid %s waiting for record key %s of dataset %s, owned by user %d

Description: Transaction processor %d is waiting for the record owned by transaction processor %d. The record has a key %s, from dataset %s, and is executing transaction %s.

1234E	User %d tranid %s waiting for queue resource %s, owned by user %d

Description: Transaction processor %d is waiting for the queue %s owned by transaction processor %d. The transaction process was executing transaction %s.

1235E	Error in deadlock detection logic, user = %d, runstat = %d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred while trying to detect a possible deadlock.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1236I	%d records processed

Description: Indicates the number of records processed that were specified in the unikixbld -v option.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1237I	Total number of records processed = %d

Description: Identifies the number of records processed when building a VSAM file from a sequential file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1238E	Error in redundant start removal for starts with no data when terminal is busy, tran=%s, datalen=%d

Description: An internal Sun MTP error has occurred.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1239I	`-k replace|noreplace' ignored when `-p reuse' is set

Description: The -k option on the unikixbld command line is being ignored.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1240I	`-p reuse|noreuse' and `-k replace|noreplace' invalid on RRDS VSAM files

Description: This informational message indicates that these unikixbld options are not supported for relative record dataset (RRDS) files.

Solution: Remove the -p and -k options if you are using RRDS files.

1242I	`-p reuse|noreuse' and `-k replace|noreplace' ignored if `-t v' not set

Description: The -p and -k options are ignored for any unikixbld operation where the -t v VSAM option is missing.

1243F	`-p reuse|noreuse' or `-k replace|noreplace' option wrong or missing

Description: The unikixbld operation failed due to a misspelled option.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit the unikixbld job.

1244E	VSAM file %s has not been defined with REUSE

Description: The VSAM file has the reuse attribute set to N, the file is not empty, and the user is requesting to reuse the file on the unikixbld command line.

Solution: Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you can change the file attribute, delete all the records in the file, or remove the reuse option on the unikixbld command line.

1245I	Process signal-terminated -- Signal=%d

Description: Process terminated because of signal %d.

Solution: If the process was aborted for other than a user request (where %d is the value 15), contact your authorized service provider with logs.

1246W	Signal-terminating kill of batch script and child

Description: Sun MTP processor sent a signal to the batch utility to abort. The utility did not get the signal and respond to the Sun MTP processor. The Sun MTP processor will kill the batch utility.

Solution: Internal problem. Contact your authorized service provider with logs.

1247E REPRO Counts: %s at %d Replace = %d

Description: These informational messages contain a summary count of activity during a unikixbld operation. A SYNCP message is written every nnn records, as determined by the -W option. An ENDJB message is written when the job terminates normally. A ROLBK message is written if the job terminates abnormally.

1249E	[%r] Step has aborted, I-O request other than CLOSE is received, current request %x

Description: The control has been passed back to the caller, for example, the COBOL Run Time System and VSAM has received a request other than CLOSE.

1250E	Dataset %s has no lock pending

Description: There is no pending lock request on the indicated dataset to be reset, so the kixfile -c dataset command was not completed.

Solution: Check the state of the indicated dataset with a kixfile -p command. No further action is needed if the state is not PEND.

1251E	Dataset %s still busy, can't reset lock pending

Description: The kixfile -c dataset command cannot complete while there is any active transaction or batch job processing on the indicated dataset. This message is followed by either a 1252E or 1253E message, and one or more 1254E messages, which all provide information about the transactions accessing this dataset.

Solution: Execute the kixdump -u command or use Sun MAT to search for active transactions or batch (CBCH) processing against the dataset. Allow those transactions or batch jobs to complete, then check the status of the dataset with the kixfile -p command.

1252E	Transaction processor %d (%s) waiting: check for pid %d

Description: This transaction set the pending lock and is waiting to change access to the dataset indicated in the preceding 1251E message. You can check the specified PID to identify what that process is (for example, unikixbld, kixfile).

Solution: None. This message provides additional information for the 1251E message. After the transactions or batch jobs listed in the following 1254E messages complete activity against the dataset, this waiting process changes the access state and automatically resets the pending lock request.

1253E	No transaction currently waiting, but:

Description: The dataset specified in message 1251E does have a pending lock status, but there is no longer any transaction processor responsible for that request. The waiting process apparently was killed and the PEND state is now residual. However, the kixfile -c dataset command cannot complete because there are still transactions/batch jobs with activity on that dataset that must still complete.

Solution: Wait for the transactions or batch jobs listed in the following 1254E messages to complete activity against the dataset. Then, resubmit the
kixfile -c dataset command to reset the pending lock.

1254E	Transaction processor %d (%s) has dataset busy

Description: The dataset specified in message 1251E still has activity from the indicated transaction that must complete before the pending lock state can be reset.

Solution: This message provides additional information for message 1251E.

1255E	Dataset %s waiting pid %d still alive, can't reset lock pending

Description: The specified dataset still has a pending lock request from the process indicated, and that process is still operational. There should be no need to use the kixfile -c dataset command to reset the pending lock.

Solution: None. If the PEND state persists for the dataset after this message is reported by the kixfile -c dataset command, contact your authorized service provider.

1256I	Dataset %s waiting pid %d has died

Description: The specified dataset still has a pending lock request from the process indicated, and that process has apparently just been killed or aborted.

Solution: None. The pending lock state will be reset and confirmed by the following the 1257I message, if it is still needed.

1257I	Dataset %s lock pending has been reset

Description: The kixfile -c dataset command successfully cleared the residual pending lock state.

Solution: None. This message is informational. You can also locate it in the unikixmain.log file and thus determine when the pending lock was reset.

1300	File %s block %d

Description: The lines that follow the message describe the problem encountered on the specified file and block.

1301E	No unused buffers found

Description: All VSAM buffers are currently in use.

Solution: Specify a larger number of buffers in the VCT.

1303E	Unexpected key continuation
1304E	AIX reposition error
1305E	EOF instead of continuation
1306E	Unexpected continuation
1307E	Attempt to read unallocated block
1308E	Split error
1309E	Index points to spanned situation
1310E	Data length error

Description: The VSAM dataset is probably corrupted.

Solution: Recreate the dataset using the unikixbld utility.

1312E	Received UQE which is corrupted

Description: A before image was not secured to the recovery file at the end of a syncpoint.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider and provide them with copies of the logs.

1316E	Index recovery failed
1317E	AIX error
1319E	AIX error at end of file
1320E	Segment continuation error
1321E	Spanned record error
1322E	Index continuation error
1323E	Previous data error
1324E	Spanned continuation error
1325E	Cannot locate start of spanned record
1326E	Unrecoverable index error
1327E	Alternate index correction failed
1328E	Alternate index length error
1329E	Free block error
1330E	End file for index
1331E	Linkage broken
1332E	Master index delete error

Description: The VSAM dataset is probably corrupted.

Solution: Recreate the dataset using the unikixbld utility.

1334E	Deadlock detected 

Description: A deadly embrace situation has occurred where two or more processes are waiting for resources owned by the other(s).

Solution: The process that has made the most recent resource request is abended.

1335E	Error during operation of recovery file

Description: An error occurred during the recovery process.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1336E	Index insertion error
1337E	Attempt to update index failed
1338E	Attempt to update index out of order

Description: The VSAM dataset is probably corrupted.

Solution: Rebuild index using the unikixbld utility.

1339E	Index out of range for setting acb pointers

Description: An internal Sun MTP error occurred during a VSAM operation.

1340E	[%r] Error writing to a file

Description: A VSAM write operation failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1341E	[%r] Error reading a file

Description: A VSAM read operation failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

1342E	Shared memory not available

Description: An attempt to acquire shared memory for use during an enqueue operation has failed.

1351E	Index search failed

Description: This error can indicate either that the VSAM dataset is corrupted, or that extremely heavy update usage of a VSAM block has made it impossible to acquire the block in 10 attempts.

1360E	Recovery file completely full

Description: The recovery file is full. Processing must wait until the oldest transaction in the system is rolled back.

1380I	[%r] Flip requested for journal %s id %2.2s

Description: A flush of the journal file was requested before the journal file size maximum was reached.

1382W	[%r] Accounting file id specified in SIT (%2.2d)not in JCT. Defaults used

Description: You must define the accounting file ID specified in the SIT in the Journal Control Table (JCT).

1384W	[%r] SIT Accounting file id (%2.2d) shall be used
for transaction %4.4s
for user %14.14s

Description: The accounting file ID specified in the user's SNT entry is not defined in the JCT. Therefore, the accounting file ID from the SIT is used.

1387I	[%r] Journal id %2.2d, filename %14.14s environment %14.14s 

Description: Informational message indicating a journal file has been opened.

1388W	[%r] Journal file id %2.2d, filename %14.14s, 
environment %14.14s
has buffer size (%d) < size of accounting rec. (%d)
No accounting shall be possible

Description: The size of the journal file specified is inappropriate for use as an accounting journal.

Solution: Increase the buffer size for the journal file to 32 Kbytes.

1391W	[%r] Journal file id %2.2d, filename %14.14s, 
environment %14.14s
has buffer size (%d) > file size (%d)
Buffer size being truncated to file size

Description: The buffer size for the journal file is to large.

Solution: Reduce the buffer size to match the file size.

1394E	[%r] Accounting id %2.2d not found in JCT

Description: The accounting ID was not found in the JCT.

1395I	[%r] Size of accounting file %s

Description: Journal %s has reached the size limits set by the administrator. The following line indicates the journal ID.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1396I	[%r] Passing file %s to
id %2.2s exhausted
'kixjournal' for processing
opened for accounting

Description: The accounting journal file is full and is being replaced by an alternate. The completed file is processed by the kixjournal script in the $UNIKIX/bin directory.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1400E	Maximum number of allowed transaction processors exceeded

Description: When attempting to enter the number of transaction processors in the VCT, the value exceeded the number of transaction processors licensed in the license file; or the user entered a number greater than 224.

1401E	Invalid key

Description: A program function (PF) key that is not accepted on the current screen was used.

1402E	Data invalid/required

Description: The highlighted field contains invalid or missing data.

1403E	File close error
1404E	File write error
1405E	File delete error
1406E	Program not JAVA type
1407E	File open error

Description: An error was returned from a file operation.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1408W	Table modified. Press PF3 if modification is only temporary.

Description: Table Manager modified a table. This message warns you that the modification is temporary.

Solution: Press the PF2 key to write the modifications to the disk, or press PF3 if you do not want to save the changes.

1409E	Duplicate key field

Description: This entry duplicates an entry already in the table.

1410E	Beginning of data reached

Description: The record displayed by Record Editor is the first logical record in the file. Pressing the PF7 key to page back in the file is invalid when positioned at the first record.

1411E	End of data reached

Description: The record displayed by Record Editor is the last logical record in the file. Pressing the PF8 key to page forward is invalid when positioned at the last record.

1412W	Press ENTER again to delete item

Description: This message is displayed to ensure that data is not accidentally deleted.

Solution: Before pressing the Enter key, make sure that the data displayed is data you want to delete.

1413I	Data modified

Description: The data entry fields on the screen were modified.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1414I	Write complete

Description: The write to disk is complete.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1415E	Delete not allowed

Description: Record deletions are not allowed for entry sequenced datasets.

1416I	Writing output file

Description: The system is currently writing a file to disk. When the write is complete, a new message is displayed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1417E	Read error on VSAM file

Description: An error occurred while attempting to read a VSAM file.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1418E	Dataset not found in File Control Table

Description: The dataset requested is not defined in the FCT.

Solution: Check the spelling to ensure that the dataset entered is the correct one. If it is, check the FCT to ensure that the file exists.

1419E	Dataset must be defined in Catalog

Description: The dataset requested is not defined in the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Check the spelling to ensure that the dataset entered is the correct one. If it is, check the VSAM catalog to ensure that the file exists.

1420E	Dataset is not a primary one

Description: Record Editor does not display data by alternate keys.

Solution: Specify the primary dataset and resubmit the request.

1421E	Out of local memory

Description: The operation has terminated due to an out-of-storage condition.

Solution: Terminate the current utility and restart it to reclaim memory.

1422E	Error on the write

Description: An error was returned from a VSAM file write.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1423E	Out of disk space

Description: A file add operation failed due to a lack of space in the file system.

Solution: Clear some space in the file system and retry the operation.

1424E	Start browse error on VSAM file

Description: An error was returned from a VSAM start browse.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1425E	Delete next error

Description: Record Editor was attempting a record deletion and an error occurred.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1426E	Output file already exists. Press PF2 again to delete/rebuild

Description: The KSDS or RRDS file you were trying to build already exists. This message is a warning message to prevent the file from accidentally being overwritten.

Solution: If the file should not be overwritten, press the PF3 key to abort the file build.

1427W	Output file already exists. Press PF2 again to append

Description: The ESDS file you were trying to build already exists. This message is a warning message.

Solution: If the file should not have data appended, press the PF3 key to abort the file build.

1428E	File not found

Description: The file requested was not found on disk. A common error is to redefine the environment variable after the system has been started. When this is the case, Sun MTP uses the old value for the environment variable.

Solution: Make sure the environment variable is valid and the file name is spelled correctly.

1429E	Data file error

Description: Record Editor is attempting to build a VSAM or sequential file, and an error has occurred.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1430E	Input and output files cannot have the same names

Description: The output file name for the build process is the same as the input file name.

Solution: Change the output name to a different name and resubmit the request.

1431E	File out of space

Description: A file add operation failed due to a lack of space in a file system.

Solution: Clear some space in the file system and retry the operation.

1432E	Read only file

Description: Cannot update the current file because it is read only.

Solution: Verify that the permissions on the file are correct and that the file is accessible to the user who started the region.

1433E	Out of local memory

Description: The operation has terminated due to an out-of-storage condition.

Solution: Terminate the current utility and restart it to reclaim memory.

1434E	Embedded spaces not allowed in file name

Description: File names must not have spaces in them, except for trailing spaces.

Solution: Correct the error and retype the file name.

1435I	VSAM file is empty

Description: Informational message indicating that no data exists in the file displayed.

1436E	Delete not allowed

Description: Record deletions are not allowed for ESDS datasets.

1437E	Access permission to file denied

Description: A sequential file used by Record Editor is not accessible.

Solution: Check the permissions for the file and, after correcting them, resubmit the request.

1438E	File is full

Description: A file add operation failed due to a lack of space in a file system.

Solution: Clear some space in the file system and retry the operation.

1439E	Key cannot be changed

Description: Cannot use Record Editor to modify the primary key of a record.

Solution: If the primary key is not correct, add a new record and then delete the old record.

1440E	Invalid hex number

Description: Only the characters 0 through 9 and A through F are allowed in hex numbers. An even number of digits is also required.

1441E	Record not found

Description: The record requested was not found.

Solution: Check the key to ensure that it was entered correctly.

1442I	Write complete

Description: The system has just completed the write to the disk.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1443E	No data in record

Description: The length of the record you want to write must be greater than zero.

1444E	File empty

Description: An operation was requested that requires data in the file and no data exists in the file.

1445E	Write error

Description: A write operation failed. Possible errors are an attempt to write to a read-only file or lack of space for the file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1446E	Duplicate record

Description: The record being written has the same key as a record already existing in the file. VSAM does not allow duplicate primary keys.

Solution: Check the key to see if it is correct. If not, modify the key and write the record. If the key is correct, modify the existing record rather than inserting a new one.

1447E	Read previous error

Description: Record Editor failed during a browse of the current file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1448E	Invalid record length

Description: Record lengths in Sun MTP are limited to 32576 bytes.

Solution: If the record length is greater than this number or is less than the primary key position plus the key length, correct the error and re-enter the request.

1449E	Maximum number of allowed users exceeded

Description: The maximum number of users in the VCT is greater than the maximum licensed number of users for Sun MTP.

Solution: Check the license agreement for the maximum users per system.

1450I	Loading SGU data file . . .

Description: The system is currently loading a file for the SGU from the disk. When the load is complete, a new message is displayed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1451I	New file created . . .

Description: Informational message indicating that the requested file was not found and is being created.

Solution: If the file does exist, check the environment variable and file name.

1452E	No fields defined

Description: This message indicates that the map in question does not have any fields defined.

1453E	Attribute error

Description: An attribute identifier is considered invalid if:

1454E	Cursor not in valid location in map

Description: The map being defined by the SGU is defined smaller than a full screen, and the cursor is not currently at a location in the map.

Solution: Move the cursor to a valid location and attempt the operation again.

1455E	Field spans -- operation not allowed

Description: The field starts on one line and ends on a second line. Line copy and move functions are invalid for fields of this type.

1456E	No more room on screen

Description: The screen does not have any free space to add additional lines.

Solution: Before adding additional lines, delete some existing lines.

1457E	Data exists on target line. Hit key again to overwrite

Description: A copy operation is being performed in the SGU. The line on the screen that is the destination for the copy is currently occupied.

Solution: Press the Enter key to delete the current data and replace it with the new data.

1458E	Maximum number of maps reached

Description: Sun MTP has a limit of 1023 maps in a mapset.

Solution: After this limit is reached, you must start a new mapset.

1459E	Disk is full

Description: A file add operation failed due to a lack of space in a file system.

Solution: Clear some space in the file system and retry the operation.

1460E	Write error

Description: A write operation failed. Possible errors are an attempt to write to a read-only file or lack of space for the file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1461W	SGU file has been modified. Press PF3 to quit or PF2 to save

Description: The SGU has modified an .sgu file.

Solution: If you do not want to save the modification, press the PF3 key. To save the change, press the PF2 key to write the .sgu file to disk.

1462I	Writing to disk . . 

Description: Informational message. The system is currently writing a file to the disk.

Solution: No response is required. Displays a new message after the write is complete.

1463I	Generating BMS macros . . 
1464I	Function complete

Description: Informational messages. The system is currently creating a file containing BMS macros from an SGU formatted file. When the BMS macro creation is complete, the second message displays.

1465E	File not found

Description: Could not find the requested file on disk. A common error is to redefine the environment variable after starting the system. In this case, Sun MTP uses the old value for this environment variable.

Solution: Make sure the environment variable is valid and the file name is spelled correctly.

1466E	Not enough memory to load file

Description: The file is too big to fit into the allowable virtual memory.

Solution: Check the file to ensure that a valid file name was submitted.

1467I	Generating SGU file . . 

Description: Informational message. Sun MTP is generating an SGU file from a BMS input file.

1468E	Key length/position definition not allowed for ESDS/RRDS file

Description: The file being defined is either an entry sequenced dataset or a relative record dataset. Neither file type can have alternate keys in Sun MTP.

1469E	Key length + position > record length or 4072

Description: The key of the record must be contained entirely inside of the record for records smaller than 4072 bytes. If the record is larger than 4072 bytes, it is spanned. In this case, the key must be in the first 4072 bytes of the record.

1470E	No such record

Description: The requested record is greater than the last record in the file. This message also is displayed if a table search cannot find a requested entry.

Solution: Check the key to ensure that it was entered correctly.

1471E	System error

Description: An internal Sun MTP system error occurred.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider to resolve this problem.

1472E	File name cannot be changed
1473E	Environment name cannot be changed
1474E	Alternate definition cannot be changed

Description: You attempted to change the contents of a protected field.

1475E	Invalid file name

Description: File names in Sun MTP are limited to 14 characters. If using a file name from a VSAM keyed sequential dataset, the limit is 10 so that an .idx or .dta extension can be added. Furthermore, the file name should contain only the following valid characters: A through Z, 0 through 9.

1476E	Invalid environment name

Description: Environment names in Sun MTP are limited to 14 alphanumeric characters.

Solution: Correct the error and resubmit the request.

1477E	Invalid alternate definition

Description: The alternate key configuration does not conform to the configuration for this file.

Solution: Verify that the alternate key length and offset are defined correctly.

1478E	No alternate key defined

Description: No alternate keys are defined for the file in question.

1479E	File empty

Description: No data exists in the file displayed.

Solution: This message is informational only and no response is required.

1480E	Key length may not be greater than 255

Description: VSAM key lengths must be a value between 1 and 255.

Solution: Correct the key length and resubmit the request.

1481E	Duplicate alternate key

Description: The highlighted key on the Alternate Key entry screen of File Manager has the same key position and key length as another key on the screen.

1482E	Key length must be defined for KSDS file

Description: KSDS datasets require a key length.

Solution: Correct the key length for the file and resubmit the request.

1483E	Invalid key name

Description: The key name you entered includes invalid characters.

Solution: Correct the key name and resubmit the request.

1484E	Record already exists

Description: The record being written already exists on the file. VSAM does not allow duplicate primary keys.

Solution: Check the key to see if it is correct. If it is not, modify the key and write the record. If the key is correct, modify the existing record rather than adding a new one.

1485E	No such environment

Description: The environment variable entered is not defined.

Solution: Check the spelling and, if it is correct, make sure that the environment variable exists and was set prior to starting.

1486E	Record length may not exceed 32767

Description: Record lengths in Sun MTP are limited to 32,767 bytes.

Solution: If the record length is greater than 32,767 or is less than the primary key position plus the key length, correct the error and resubmit the request.

1487E	Record length must be defined

Description: KSDS datasets must have a record length defined.

1488E	Key length may not exceed 255

Description: You have exceeded the Sun MTP limit of 255 for key length.

1489E	Key position may not exceed 4072

Description: Keys for KSDS files must be in the first block of a spanned record. Because Sun MTP uses a 4096 byte block size, and 24 bytes are required for system information, 4072 bytes are available for the first data block of a spanned record.

1490E	No such record can be modified

Description: An internal error occurred during the update of the VSAM catalog. The VSAM catalog file might be corrupted.

1491E	Alternate key not allowed for RRDS/ESDS file

Description: The file being defined is either an ESDS or an RRDS dataset. Neither file type can have alternate keys.

1492E	Length of KSDS file name may not exceed 10
1493E	Length of KSDS alternate keyname may not exceed 10

Description: File names in Sun MTP are limited to 14 characters. If using the file name for a VSAM KSDS dataset, the limit is 10, so that an .idx or .dta extension can be added.

1494E	Read next error

Description: Record Editor failed during a browse of the current file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1495E	Read error on input sequential file

Description: Record Editor received an error from the sequential file read utility.

Solution: Verify that the file is accessible by Sun MTP.

1496E	Input file out of sequence

Description: Record Editor found an-out of-sequence condition in the input file for a KSDS build operation. The file must be in the ASCII ascending sort sequence.

Solution: Sort the file and resubmit the request.

1497E	System unlink error

Description: Sun MTP attempted to use the unlink() system call and an error was returned.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1498E	System link error

Description: Sun MTP attempted to use the link() system call and an error was returned.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1499E	Key index overflowed maximum index levels

Description: The index file being built by the Record Editor build function has exceeded table sizes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider to resolve this problem.

1500-1999 Messages

1500E	Invalid fill percentage

Description: The fill percentage for the Record Editor build function must be a number between 0 and 99, specifying the amount of free space to be left on each block.

Solution: Correct the error and resubmit the request.

1501E	Error occurred in kxaltsort

Description: The Record Editor build VSAM file function uses an external sort to sort the alternate keys before building the alternate key files. The shell script kxaltsort, located in the $UNIKIX/bin directory, is called to do the sort, then it calls a COBOL program. The program used is in the $UNIKIX/bin directory and is named kxaltnnn.int, where nnn is a number depending on key size.

Solution: Make sure that the cobrun program and the programs in the $UNIKIX/bin directory are in your path.

1508E	No displays for the parameters entered

Description: No active transactions match the options you have specified.

1509E	Task/s requested has/have been purged

Description: Sun MTP has purged the tasks you requested.

1510E	Request not allowed for Catalog

Description: An I/O operation failed on the VSAM catalog.

Solution: Examine the files $KIXSYS/CATALOG.dta and $KIXSYS/CATALOG.idx to ensure that they are not protected.

1511W	Press PF3 to confirm shutdown of MTP

Description: This message is displayed to ensure that the region is not shut down accidentally.

Solution: Press the PF3 key to confirm your intention to shut down the region, or press any other PF key to continue running.

1512E	Too many parameters set

Description: An attempt to build the COBOL compiler option string failed. Micro Focus COBOL has a maximum length on these strings, and this request exceeded that length.

Solution: By changing the defaults on the compiler, the request can be accommodated.

1513E	Error in read sequential file process

Description: An error occurred while attempting to read a sequential file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for additional information.

1514E	Format file error

Description: Cannot access the format procedure specified in the -r argument to the unikixbld command, or the file does not exist.

1515E	Record changed but not rewritten. Press PF3 to quit

Description: A record was modified but it was not written to the disk.

Solution: Press the PF3 key only if you do not want to modify this record on the file.

1516E	Record added but not written. Press PF3 to quit

Description: A record was added but it was not written to the disk.

Solution: Press the PF3 key only if you do not want to add this record to the file.

1517E	No files for display

Description: There are no files defined in the VSAM catalog.

1518E	Enter name for new file

Description: A file name is required.

1519I	Finished requested compilations

Description: The requested compilations are complete.

1520E	Press relevant PF key for desired action

Description: Select one of the functions from the displayed list by pressing the associated PF key.

1521E	Error in loading SGU file

Description: An attempt to load the SGU file failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1522E	Invalid input for file name/environment

Description: The file or environment information you typed does not conform to the naming convention for the screen.

Solution: Retype the information correctly.

1523E	Environment variable not found

Description: The environment variable you specified is not set.

Solution: Set the environment variable.

1524E	No pattern specified

Description: A pattern was not specified in the grep command.

Solution: Specify a pattern for the grep command.

1525E	Read permission denied for this file

Description: You do not have read permission for the desired file.

Solution: Check the file permissions.

1526E	Delete permission denied for this file

Description: The system has denied permission to delete the file in question.

Solution: Check the permissions set for the file. Contact the Sun MTP administrator if permissions need to be changed.

1527E	Source and target files identical

Description: The target file for this operation cannot be the same as the source file.

1528E	Target file exists. Specify 'Replace' to override

Description: The target file for this operation already exists.

Solution: If you want to delete and replace the target file, specify replace.

1529E	Write permission denied for target file

Description: You do not have permission to write to the target file.

Solution: Check the permissions for the file; contact the Sun MTP administrator for access to the file.

1530E	Target directory does not exist

Description: The environment variable specifying the target directory is not defined, or its value specifies a directory that does not exist.

1531E	Write permission denied for target directory

Description: You do not have permission to write to the target directory.

Solution: Check the permissions for the directory; contact the Sun MTP administrator for access to the directory.

1532E	No output file specified

Description: Specify the name of an output file for this operation.

1533E	This file does not exist anymore 

Description: The indicated file does not exist in the file system.

1534E	Output file cannot be one of input files

Description: The output file is the same as one of the input files.

1535E	Illegal file extension for compile

Description: The legal file extensions are: .bms, .clt, .cl2, .cbl, .cop, .eco, and .pco.

1536E	Entry is not a directory

Description: The path name specified either does not exist or is not a directory.

1537E	Cluster already deleted

Description: The specified cluster is no longer in the VSAM catalog.

1538E	kixasm not found

Description: The shell script that performs BMS assembly, $UNIKIX/bin/kixasm, was not found.

Solution: Make sure that the $UNIKIX/bin directory is defined in your PATH environment variable.

1539E	kixcob not found

Description: The shell script that performs COBOL compilations, $UNIKIX/bin/kixcob, was not found.

Solution: Make sure that the $UNIKIX/bin directory is defined in your PATH environment variable.

1540E	Attempt to exceed maximum field count of 1023

Description: BMS maps can have a maximum of 1023 fields. This message is displayed when you attempt to generate an SGU from a BMS map that exceeds that field count.

Solution: Redesign the map.

1541E	Maximum number of allowed batch jobs exceeded

Description: Limits set by the administrator for the number of batch job streams to be executed in parallel has been reached.

Solution: Reschedule the job when the load is less, or increase the capacity by contacting the administrator.

1542E	Maximum number of allowed background tasks exceeded

Description: Limits set by the administrator for the number of background transactions to be executed in parallel has been reached.

Solution: Reschedule the transactions when the load is less, or increase the capacity by contacting the administrator.

1543E	Variable length record not allowed for RRDS file

Description: Relative record datasets must have fixed-length records.

1544E	Error on file read

Description: An error occurred while importing a table.

1545I	Read complete

Description: Informational message. A table was successfully imported.

1546E	Error in table group updating

Description: An error occurred while processing the GCT.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for a previous message with more detail.

1547E	<appl name> USAGE: CSMT [SHUT,YES|NO]

Description: You incorrectly entered the CSMT transaction.

Solution: Resubmit the transaction, using the format shown in the message.

1548E	File does not Span

Description: The selected file is not a spanned file.

1549E	Batch jobs + background tasks exceed transaction processors

Description: The number of batch jobs and background tasks exceeds the value set for the total number of transaction processors in the VCT.

Solution: Reschedule some of your jobs or increase the number of transaction processors in the VCT. If you change the value in the VCT, you must restart the region.

1550E	Spanned File not allowed for RRDS/ESDS file

Description: Sun MTP supports only KSDS datasets as spanned files.

1551W	Press PF2 again to write GCT to disk

Description: One or more errors occurred during the update of the GCT.

Solution: Press the PF2 key to write the GCT to disk anyway.

1552E	Filename/Environment can't be empty for local files

Description: You must specify a file name and environment variable for a file, unless it is defined as a remote file.

1553I	CEMT Transaction terminated

Description: Informational message indicating that the CEMT transaction has terminated.

Solution: No user action is needed.

1554E	Invalid CEMT option--must be INQ, SET or PERFORM
1555E	Invalid INQ option
1556E	Invalid SET option
1557E	Invalid TASK option
1558E	Invalid TRANID option
1559E	Invalid FACILITY option

Description: One or more of the options you have specified to CEMT is invalid.

Solution: Correct the transaction and resubmit it.

1560E	No matches for the parameters entered

Description: No active transactions match the options you have specified.

1561I	Task (s) requested have been purged

Description: Sun MTP has purged the tasks you requested.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1562E	Invalid PERFORM option

Description: One or more of the options you specified to the CEMT transaction is invalid.

1564I	Terminal requested has been taken out of service

Description: CEMT successfully set the terminal you specified to "out of service."

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1565E	Invalid TERMINAL option

Description: One or more of the options you specified to the CEMT transaction is invalid.

1566E	Terminal requested not found

Description: The terminal you specified to the CEMT transaction is invalid.

1567E	Communication with start processor failed

Description: Could not start the processor.

1568I	Host UNIX node for this terminal is not online

Description: Informational message indicating that the 3270 terminal cannot log in to Sun MTP because the 3270 initiation process, unikixi, for this terminal has not established a connection to the region.

Solution: Start the unikixi process.

1569I	Terminal requested has been put into service

Description: The CEMT transaction has successfully set the terminal you specified to "in service".

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1570E	Start processor received invalid option

Description: The option you submitted is invalid.

1571I	Terminal requested is already in service

Description: The terminal you attempted to set to "in service" is already in that state.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1572I	Terminal requested is already out of service

Description: The terminal you attempted to set to "out of service" is already in that state.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1573I	Connection requested is already in service

Description: The connection you attempted to set to "in service" is already in that state.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1574I	Connection requested is already out of service

Description: The connection you attempted to set to "out of service" is already in that state.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1575I	Connection requested has been put into service

Description: The CEMT transaction has successfully set the connection you requested to "in service."

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1576I	Connection requested has been taken out of service

Description: The CEMT transaction has successfully set the connection you requested to "out of service."

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1577E	Connection requested not found

Description: The CEMT transaction cannot identify the connection you requested.

1578E	Invalid CONNECTION option

Description: One or more of the options you have specified to the CEMT transaction is invalid.

1579E	Invalid PROGRAM option. Program not in PPT.

Description: The requested program was not found in the PPT.

1580E	Improper argument for trigger level in set tdqueue

Description: The trigger level must be an integer.

1581E	Invalid TDQUEUE option

Description: An incorrect option was provided on the SET TDQUEUE transaction, or the option is not supported.

1582I	NEWCOPY Task(s) has been processed

Description: The CEMT SET PROGRAM name NEWCOPY transaction was successful.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1583E	Requested TDQUEUE not found in DCT

Description: The specified transient data queue (TDQ) is not defined in the DCT.

1584I	CEMT transaction terminated ShrLib = %s

Description: The message returned by the CEMT INQ PROGRAM prog-name LIBRARY transaction. If the program has a shared object library, the transaction returns the name of the library in %s. If the program does not have a shared object library, Sun MTP returns a NoSharedLibPrsnt message.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1585I	Menu Processor terminated
1586E	Menu Processor terminated due to menu file error
1587E	Menu Processor terminated due to screen file error
1588E	Menu Processor terminated due to message file error
1589E	Menu Processor terminated due to ipc error
1590E	Menu Processor terminated due to error

Description: The Sun MTP menu processor has terminated.

Solution: If the termination was due to an error, examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1591I	Record Editor terminated
1592E	Record Editor terminated due to menu file error
1593E	Record Editor terminated due to screen file error
1594E	Record Editor terminated due to message file error
1595E	Record Editor terminated due to ipc error
1596E	Record Editor terminated due to error

Description: Record Editor has terminated.

Solution: If the termination was due to an error, examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1597I	Screen Generator terminated
1598E	Screen Generator terminated due to menu file error
1599E	Screen Generator terminated due to screen file error
1600E	Screen Generator terminated due to message file error
1601E	Screen Generator terminated due to ipc error
1602E	Screen Generator terminated due to error

Description: The Sun MTP Screen Generator has terminated.

Solution: If the termination was due to an error, examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1603I	Transaction terminated

Description: Informational error returned by Sun MTP.

1604E	Length error on input file

Description: The input VSAM file contains a record with a length greater than the file's maximum record length.

1605E	Unexpected end of file on input

Description: The last record on the file is a partial record.

1606E	Read error on input file

Description: An error occurred while reading the input file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1607E	Fatal VSAM I/O error

Description: An error occurred while reading or writing a VSAM file.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1608E	Termid reserved for MTP allocation

Description: The terminal ID entered in the Term Id field on the TCT matches a terminal id already allocated by Sun MTP.

Solution: Select a different terminal ID.

1609E	Unrecognized standalone process: %4.4s

Description: Sun MTP tried to fork an unrecognized process.

Solution: This error can occur if you issue an EXEC CICS START command with a system transaction, such as CEBR or CECI. Sun MTP does not support the use of the EXEC CICS START command with system transactions. If this error occurred as a result of another type of action, contact your authorized service provider.

1610E	Record length may not exceed (VSAM blksize - 24) for RRDS files

Description: The record length specified for an RRDS file is too long.

1611E	Record length must be greater than zero.

Description: File Manager requires a record length greater than zero for ESDS files.

Solution: Specify a record length greater than zero.

1612W	Cannot start %d transaction processors, license allows only %d

Description: You specified a number of transaction processors in the VCT that exceeds the number of transaction processors licensed.

Solution: Verify the number of transaction processors, and re-enter the correct value.

1613I	Table Manager terminated
1614E	Table Manager terminated due to menu file error
1615E	Table Manager terminated due to screen file error
1616E	Table Manager terminated due to message file error
1617E	Table Manager terminated due to ipc error
1618E	Table Manager terminated due to error

Description: Table Manger has terminated.

Solution: If the termination was due to an error, examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1619I	File Manager terminated
1620E	File Manager terminated due to menu file error
1621E	File Manager terminated due to screen file error
1622E	File Manager terminated due to message file error
1623E	File Manager terminated due to ipc error
1624E	File Manager terminated due to error

Description: File Manger has terminated.

Solution: If the termination was due to an error, examine the unikixmain.err file for more information.

1625I	Sign-on Table in use

Description: Only one user at a time can modify the SNT.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1626E	INQUIRE not authorized on this resource.

Description: The CEMT INQUIRE transaction or the EXEC CICS INQUIRE command was attempted on a resource (for example, TASK or TERM) for which this user ID is not authorized by the external security manager.

Solution: If this user ID should have access for this type of request, inform the security manager at your site.

1627E	SET not authorized on this resource

Description: The CEMT SET transaction or the EXEC CICS SET command was attempted on a resource (for example, TASK or TERM) for which this user ID is not authorized by the external security manager.

Solution: If this user ID should have access for this type of request, inform the security manager at your site.

1628E	PERFORM not authorized

Description: The CEMT PERFORM transaction was attempted on a resource for which this user ID is not authorized by the external security manager.

Solution: If this user ID should have access for this command, inform the security manager at your site.

1629E	conversecon called with an invalid terminal number (ptermnum = %d)

Description: The conversecon function was called with a terminal number outside the valid range.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

1630I	Program currently in use

Description: A new copy of the program was not completed because one of the transactions is actively executing the program.

Solution: Issue the command again when no user is executing the program.

1631I	Newcopy request executed successfully.

Description: A new copy of the resource was successfully refreshed in memory.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1632E	Environment variable _KIX_RESERVED_MAPS not set

Description: The _KIX_RESERVED_MAPS environment variable was not set. If set, it should point to the maps staging directory.

Solution: Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

1633E	Environment variable KIXMAPS not set

Description: The KIXMAPS environment variable is not set.

Solution: Set the KIXMAPS variable to the directory or directories where your map files are.

1635I	Specified Mapset to _KIX_RESERVED_MAPS

Description: The specified mapset was copied to the $_KIX_RESERVED_MAPS staging directory.

1636I	Unable to copy Mapset to _KIX_RESERVED_MAPS

Description: Copying of the mapset to the $_KIX_RESERVED_MAPS directory failed. (The default directory is $KIXSYS/_kix_reserved_maps.) This error can happen if you do not have write permissions or there is insufficient disk space.

Solution: Make sure the user who starts the region has permissions to the directory, and that there is enough disk space to hold the mapsets.

1637E	Loop protection in kxtblsearch() function activated

Description: Indicates that there is something wrong with the table search and the most likely cause is that the table is not sorted.

Solution: Make sure that the table is sorted. You might need to export and import the table in Table Manager to ensure that it is properly sorted.

1638I	[%r] Waiting for PLT check to complete

Description: When the region starts, the unikixtran0 transaction processor will execute PLT programs, if any have been defined. The other transaction processors wait until the unikixtran0 processor has finished before continuing. This message indicates that a transaction processor is waiting for the unikixtran0 transaction processor to finish executing PLT programs.

1639I	[%r] PLT check complete

Description: This message indicates that a transaction processor that was waiting for the unikixtran0 transaction processor to finish executing PLT programs is no longer waiting because the unikixtran0 processor has finished executing PLT programs.

1640E	[%r] Win32 error %s

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1641E	[%r] Failed to open Communications Manager port %d

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1642E	[%r] Failed to send init message to Communications Manager

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1643E	[%r] handle_input failed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1644E	[%r] Error %d in cm_stream.recv method

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1645E	[%r] DclTerm not found

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1646E	[%r] WinAPPCAsyncEx failed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1647E	[%r] Failed to open atmregistry

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1648E	[%r] Failed to get an attach event

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1649E	[%r] The KIXSYS Environment Variable MUST be set

Description: The KIXSYS environment variable must be set.

Solution: Set the KIXSYS environment variable and then start the region.

1650I	Mapset staging directory is %s

Description: The directory this region uses to store mapsets before they are used. Sun MTP copies mapsets from the $KIXMAPS directory to this directory. This action ensures that all transaction processors have the same copy of a mapset. A new version of a mapset is copied when the CEMT SET PROG NEWCOPY (mapset) transaction is executed. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.

1659I	ATM Server process has connected to Local LU %s

Description: If you are using IBM Communications Server for Windows NT, Sun MTP uses an additional process called unikixatm. This message indicates that the unikixatm process has started, and has been configured to use the reported local LU.

1660E	[%r] Nof error %s

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1661E	[%r] Failed to realloc %d bytes for PIPLIST data

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1662E 	[%r] atmentry not pending

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1663E	[%r] Failed to open shared memory

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1664E	[%r] TMPDIR not set

Description: The TMPDIR environment variable is not set.

Solution: You must set the TMPDIR variable before starting the region.

1665E	[%r] DCLRTERM not set

Description: The DCLRTERM environment variable is not set.

Solution: If you are using SNA, set the DCLRTERM environment variable before starting the region.

1666E	[%r] DCLRTERM must be > 0

Description: The DCLRTERM environment variable must be greater than 0.

Solution: Reset the DCLRTERM environment variable to a value greater than 0.

1667E	[%r] DCLRTERM must not be > 100

Description: The DCLRTERM environment variable cannot be greater than 100

Solution: Reset the DCLRTERM environment variable to a value between 1 and 100.

1668E	[%r] Failed to unlock shared memory

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1669E	[%r] Failed to lock shared memory

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.


Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1671E	[%r] Failed to register ESIPC acceptor

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1672E	[%r] Failed to open ESIPC listener

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1673E	[%r] ESIPC listenName failed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1674E	[%r] ESIPC initialize failed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1675E	[%r] Failed to open Communications Manager port

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1676E	[%r] Failed to connect to unikixssl

Description: The unikixsock process failed to connect to the unikixssl process.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1677E	[%r] Invalid certificate type %c

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1678E	[%r] CERTIFICATE is a required option

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1701I	gethostname () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The gethostname() system call from unikixtran failed to retrieve the host name for this system.

Solution: Verify that the hostname is configured and matches the host name specified for this system.

1702I	gethostbyname () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The gethostbyname() system call from unikixtran failed to return the hostname of the system running the EHLLAPI server.

Solution: Verify that the system running the EHLLAPI server is configured in the system running Sun MTP.

1703I	getservbyname () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The getservbyname() system call failed trying to retrieve the services entry for the Sun MTP EHLLAPI ports.

Solution: Verify that the Sun MTP EHLLAPI services are configured.

1704I	socket () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The socket() system call failed trying to create a socket.

Solution: Examine the error message and correct the problem being reported. If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

1705I	getsockopt () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The getsockopt() system call failed trying to retrieve the socket options.

Solution: If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

1706I	connect () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The connect() system call failed trying to connect the unikixtran processor to the EHLLAPI server process (unikixehll).

Solution: Examine the error message to determine the course of action to take.

1707I	read () failed: %r 

Description: Informational message. The read() system call failed trying to read data from the socket.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1708I	kxsndelpi() error returned: %r

Description: Informational message. The transaction processor failed trying to send a message to the EHLLAPI server process (unikixehll).

Solution: Examine the error message to determine the course of action to take. If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

1750E	Invalid PERFORM operation -- External Security not enabled

Description: This error is reported back to the terminal attempting to do a PERFORM SECURITY REBUILD transaction when the region does not have an external security manager (ESM) enabled ($KIXSEC=NO).

Solution: No action is required.

1775E	No class specified after TRANCLASS option

Description: This message is a syntax error.

Solution: Specify a valid class name after the TRANCLASS option.

1776E	MAXACTIVE parameter must be all numeric digits

Description: A non-numeric character was detected in the MAXACTIVE value.

Solution: Retype the CEMT transaction using numeric characters in the MAXACTIVE parameter.

1777E	Invalid class name specified - greater than 8 characters

Description: More than eight characters were detected in the class name.

Solution: Retype the CEMT transaction using an 8-character class name.

1778E	TRANCLASS class specified could not be found

Description: The class name given could not be found in the system.

Solution: Open the TCT and verify the name of the transaction class. Then, resubmit the CEMT transaction.

1779E	USE class specified could not be found

Description: The class name given in the USE clause could not be found in the system.

Solution: Open the TCT and verify the name of the transaction class. Then resubmit the CEMT transaction.

1780E	TRANCLASS and target classes are the same - no action performed

Description: Classes specified in the TRANCLASS and USE clause must be different from one another.

Solution: Resubmit the CEMT transaction using unique classes.

1781E	Not enough transaction servers available to add to class

Description: Unable to perform the reconfiguration.

Solution: Use the CEMT INQUIRE TRANCLASS transaction or the kixdump -St command to determine the current class configuration.

1782I	Transaction class reconfiguration message(s) sent

Description: Message(s) to reconfigure the transaction classes were successfully sent. This does not mean that the reconfiguration was successful, only that the message(s) to perform the reconfiguration were sent to the appropriate transaction processor.

1783E	Failure sending KXRECONFIG message

Description: This system error message will appear in the unikixmain.log file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

1784E	No MAXACTIVE option or value specified

Description: This syntax error indicates an incomplete command; either the MAXACTIVE parameter or a MAXACTIVE value was not specified.

Solution: Resubmit the CEMT transaction.

1785E	Invalid MAXACTIVE option specified

Description: The user entered an invalid MAXACTIVE option.

Solution: Check your spelling.

1786E	MAXACTIVE option length error

Description: More than nine characters were found in the MAXACTIVE length value.

Solution: Resubmit the CEMT transaction with the correct value.

1787E	KIXADMIN/KIXDFLT must have at least one transaction server

Description: An attempt to reconfigure would leave the KIXADMIN or KIXDFLT class with no transaction processors assigned.

1788E	No class name specified after the USE token

Description: A class name must be specified after the USE option.

Solution: Resubmit the CEMT transaction.

1789E	There are no transaction classes defined

Description: This message is displayed if a user tries to perform a transaction class function, but user transaction classes are not defined for the region.

1799E	Communication with EPT processor failed.

Description: A send to or receive from the extrapartition transaction queue processor failed.

1800E	Queue name must not exceed 4 characters.

Description: A queue name in the DCT cannot exceed four characters.

Solution: Rename the queue with four or fewer characters. Do not name the queue ALL.

1801E	Same option specified more than once

Description: In a CEMT SET TDQUEUE transaction, you cannot specify any of the options OPEN/CLOSED or ENABLED/DISABLED more than once.

1802E	Conflicting options specified simultaneously

Description: In a CEMT SET TDQUEUE transaction, you cannot specify the OPEN and CLOSED, or ENABLE and DISABLE options simultaneously.

1803E	Open/Closed only applicable to extrapartition queues

Description: The OPEN or CLOSED option was requested for a queue other than an extrapartition transaction queue.

1804E	Open/Closed set for a disabled queue or Disabled set for open

Description: A queue must be enabled before you can open or close it.

1805I	TDQUEUE options changed

Description: The requested TDQUEUE options were successfully changed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1806E	Triggerlevel must be between 0 and 32767

Description: Incorrect trigger level entered.

Solution: Execute the CEMT SET transaction with a trigger level between 0 and 32,767.

1807E	Triggerlevel specified for an extrapartition queue

Description: Trigger levels can only be specified for an intrapartition queue.

1808E	Options open/closed and disabled not allowed simultaneously

Description: You cannot specify the DISABLED and OPEN or CLOSED options with the same CEMT SET TDQUEUE transaction. The OPEN and CLOSED options are not applicable to disabled queues.

Solution: You must close an enabled queue with one transaction, then disable it with a second transaction. Or you must enable the queue, then open it.

1900E	Empty file %s. Skipping it.

Description: The external-type input file (for example, mfrcd or sequential) specified on the unikixbld command line contains no records, and it is being skipped.

Solution: If the input file is not empty by design, investigate why it is empty.

1901I	No records in %s.

Description: The VSAM input file specified in the unikixbld command contains no records.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1903E	The last owner (pid=%d) of mutex %d died while holding it

Description: This error is reported if the -j option to unikixmain is used on the Solaris operating environment.

Solution: If a unikixmain or unikixtran process does not report that the specified PID died because of a memory violation, it might have been killed by an external request. If the unikixmain or unikixtran process reports that it is a memory violation, contact your authorized service provider.

1904E	The last owner (pid=%d) of mutex %d unmapped while holding it

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider and provide the dumps.

1905E	The last owner (pid=%d) of mutex %d left the mutex unrecoverable

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider and provide the dumps.

1906E	[%r] mutex_init for semaphore [%d] returned EFAULT for wrong address [%x]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider and provide the dumps.

1907E	[%r] in mutex_init, value specified by type is invalid for semaphore [%d]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider and provide the dumps.

1908I	Initialize %d blocks for VSAM Recovery File: VSAM blocksize=%d

Description: Notification that recovery file initialization is starting (VSAM recov_file).

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1909I	Initialize %d blocks for NRFS Recovery File: VSAM blocksize=%d

Description: Notification that recovery file initialization is starting (NRFS recov_file).

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1910E	Cannot use Raw FS and Filename together

Description: This message is displayed if you modify the VCT and type values in both the Raw FS and Filename fields.

Cause: These fields are mutually exclusive.

Solution: Type a value in either the Raw FS or Filename field.

1911E	VSAM blocksize must be 4096 with NRFS Recovery File

Description: You tried to use an NRFS recovery file with a region whose VSAM block size is not 4096 bytes.

Solution: Use VSAM recovery or change the VSAM block size of your region to use NRFS.

1912I	Still initializing Recover File: %d of %d Blocks Completed

Description: This message is displayed every 50,000 blocks to indicate that recovery file initialization is still in progress. This message is used for recovery files of 50,000 blocks or more.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1913I	Recovery File finally initialized: %d of %d Blocks Completed

Description: Notification that recovery file initialization is complete.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1914E	Recovery File not initialized - VCT offset(%d) must = NRFS offset(%d)

Description: The offset specified in the VCT is inconsistent with the same specifications in the NRFS directory entry for this recovery file.

Solution: Modify the VCT, or use the kixnrfs utility to restore consistency.

1915E	Recover File not initialized: VCT Blockcount(%d) must = NRFS Blockcount(%d)

Description: The number of blocks specified in the VCT is inconsistent with the same specifications in the NRFS directory entry for this recovery file.

Solution: Modify the VCT, or use the kixnrfs utility to restore consistency.

1920I	Batch termination err [x] [y] [z]

Description: Logging various termination error codes where:

x: -1 indicating error or process ID number
y: Exit status of process, or zero (0)
z: Signal number which terminated the process, or zero (0)

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1921I	SIGSTOP batch pid1=nnn

Description: A signal was sent to stop the specified PID.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1922I	SIGTERM batch pid2=nnn

Description: A signal was sent to terminate the specified PID.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1923I	1Sleep 1 sec Waiting Batch pid2=nnn termination

Description: A request was sent to the specified PID to terminate. This message indicates that the process has not yet acknowledged that it has received the termination request.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1924I	Unable to create .thr_lck[n] -- may have batch problems

Description: The file could not be created. There might be problems later on when batch jobs are submitted.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1925I	Permissions err .thr_lck[n] -- may have batch problems

Description: The file does not have correct permissions. There might be problems later on when batch jobs are submitted.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1926I	Batch resource contention OPENerr - process nnn abandoned

Description: The external file .thr_lck[n], which is used to single thread the job steps, is not available. Perhaps it has been deleted or the permissions on it were changed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1927I	Batch resource contention LOCKerr - process nnn abandoned

Description: This message is issued if a step is executing and a second step is submitted within the same job stream.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

1928I	ProcessID = nnn -- Abandoned

Description: The PID is aborted because of a request or abnormal condition.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2000-2499 Messages

2000E	Code page for CVT template %s %s %s is invalid

Description: The code page specified on the Data Conversion Templates Table (CVT) template is invalid.

Solution: Currently, the only valid value is 1.

2001E	Intel field for CVT template %s %s %s has an invalid length

Description: The length specified for the Intel field on the CVT template is invalid.

Solution: Intel fields can only have lengths of two or four.

2002E	Field type for CVT template %s %s %s is invalid

Description: The entry type on the CVT template is invalid.

Solution: Entry types can only have the values: C, I, O, R, B, P, D, and 50-80.

2003E	Missing default template for CVT entry type %s, resource %s

Description: A compare template was defined in the CVT, and the default template is missing.

Solution: A default template must also be defined for the resource.

2004E	Repeat field cannot be the last entry for CVT template  %s %s %s

Description: A repeat field CVT entry cannot be defined as the last entry for a resource.

Solution: You must define additional entries to specify which fields within the repeating field need to be converted.

2010E	Synclevel 1 syncpoint to system %s failed 

Description: A commit using sync level 1 character-coded syncpoints has failed. Resources local to this transaction have been committed but recoverable resources on the remote system might have been backed out.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region and take the required actions.

2020T	Length 0 received by transformer 4

Description: The function shipping transformer 4 received no data. This failure is usually because the mirror transaction in the remote system has abended.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region and take the required actions.

2021T	ISC Function Ship failed, communication error

Description: An attempt to function ship to a remote region failed because of a communication error.

Solution: Messages are reported in the Sun MTP log file with specific errors on which the LU6.2 command failed. Use the action for that message to solve the problem.

2022T	Unexpected synclevel 1 syncpoint message received

Description: A commit or backout using sync level 1 character coded syncpoints has failed. The message received was invalid. Resources local to this transaction have been backed out, but recoverable resources on the remote system might have been committed.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region and take the required actions. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2023T	Invalid function passed to transformer

Description: The EXEC CICS command passed to function shipping transformer 1 is not a valid function shipping command.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2024T	Unacceptable FMH type received

Description: The function shipping transformer 4 received a response from the remote region that did not contain a valid function management header (FMH).

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2025T	Request/Response mismatch in transformer

Description: The function shipping transformer 4 received a response from the remote region for a function that did not match the function that was sent with transformer 1.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2026T	Invalid argument number in transformer

Description: The function shipping transformer 4 parsed an argument that was not expected.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2027T	ISC unable to allocate LU62 buffer

Description: An attempt to acquire memory for use by ISC has failed.

Solution: Restart the region with a larger value for the unikixmain -M tvalue option.

2028W	Filename and environment ignored for remote file %s

Description: The SysId field in the FCT has been set for a file to make it remote, but the Filename and Environment fields have also been set. These fields will be ignored.

Solution: If the file is remote, no action is necessary. To avoid this message, delete the values in the Filename and Environment fields in the FCT. If the file is local, delete the value in the SysId field on the FCT Remote File screen.

2030I	ISC opened for local LU %s host %s Service name %

Description: A connection has been opened between either the Sun MTP ISC processor or a Sun MTP transaction processor and the LU6.2 server.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2031E	ISC lu62_register_tp failed returned %d return code %x

Description: The Sun MTP ISC processor attempted to register a transaction with the LU6.2 server so that it could accept inbound ISC attaches for this transaction. The lu62_register_tp command failed.

Solution: Look up the return code in the BrxLU62 Programmer's Reference Manual, and check the system running the LU6.2 server code for system messages. This error can occur for problems in the definitions in the Brixton LU6.2 configuration file.

2032E	ISC lu62_listen failed returned %d return code %x

Description: The Sun MTP ISC processor attempted to listen for inbound ISC attaches, and the lu62_listen command failed.

Solution: Look for system messages on both the system running the LU6.2 server code and the remote region. This error is expected if the LU6.2 server is shut down while Sun MTP is running.

2034E	ISC close for local LU %s host %s

Description: The connection between the Sun MTP ISC processor and the LU6.2 server has been closed because of an error with either the lu62_listen or lu62_register_tp command.

Solution: Look for the reason that the lu62_listen or lu62_register_tp command failed. The ISC processor automatically tries to reopen a connection to the LU6.2 server in 30-second intervals.

2035E	ISC configuration failure multiple local LUs defined

Description: The definitions in the TCT-System Entries table contain different entries for the LU Name or the Host Name field. For a particular Sun MTP region, all the LU Name and Host Name entries must be the same.

Solution: Change the LU Name and Host Name entries in the TCT-System Entries table. The Sun MTP region keeps running in this state, but no ISC communications are possible.

2036E	ISC open failed for local LU %s return code %x

Description: The Sun MTP ISC processor attempted to open a connection to the LU6.2 server and the lu62_open command failed.

Solution: Look up the return code in the BrxLU62 Programmer's Reference Manual, and check the system running the LU6.2 server code for system messages. This error can occur if problems exist in the definitions in the Brixton LU6.2 configuration file, or if the LU6.2 server is not running.

2037E	ISC attach received from system %4.4s which is out of service

Description: An ISC inbound request was received from a system that is defined as "out of service" in the TCT-System Entries table.

Solution: Edit the In Svc field for the remote system entry in the TCT-System Entries table to change the value to Y. Restart the region for the change to take effect.

2038E	ISC transaction %s invalid for schedule from system %s to terminal %s

Description: A remote schedule request was received by Sun MTP. The transaction that Sun MTP was to start was not found in the PCT.

Solution: Add the transaction to the PCT.

2039E	ISC terminal %s invalid for schedule from system %s with transaction %s

Description: A remote schedule request was received by Sun MTP. The terminal for which that Sun MTP was to start the transaction was not logged in at the time the start was attempted.

Solution: Execute the transaction after the terminal has logged on.

2040E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Connection not defined in the TCT

Description: A remote schedule request was requested by Sun MTP, but the system to send the request to was not defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

Solution: Add the system to the TCT-System Entries table.

2041E	ISC remote schedule failed. Connection to LU62 server is not open

Description: A remote schedule request was requested by Sun MTP but the transaction processor was not connected to the LU6.2 server.

Solution: Look for system messages on the system running the LU6.2 server code. This error can occur if the LU6.2 server is not running or has incorrect definitions. Also check the Sun MTP log files for error message 2036E to determine why the connection is not open.

2042E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Response was invalid

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP, but the response returned from the remote system had an invalid format.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation or the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2043E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Terminal %s was invalid

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP. The remote system reported that the terminal specified was invalid.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region.

2044E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Transaction %s invalid

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP. The remote system reported that the transaction was invalid.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region.

2045E	ISC schedule to system %s failed.

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP. The remote system reported that an error had occurred.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region.

2046E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. System is shutting down

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP. The remote system reported that it was shutting down.

Solution: Resubmit the request when the system is running.

2047E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Unknown response code

Description: A remote schedule request was sent by Sun MTP. The remote system reported an unknown response code.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2048E	ISC TR for terminal %s from system %s failed. Terminal already assigned

Description: A transaction route request was received by Sun MTP. A terminal with the same terminal ID was already logged in to Sun MTP.

Solution: Use a different terminal on the remote system, or define a remote terminal in the TCT-3270 Devices table using the Term ID, SysID, and RmtNam fields as described in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

2049E	ISC schedule to system %s failed. Connection is out of service

Description: A remote schedule request was requested by Sun MTP, but the system to send the request to was "out of service".

Solution: Put the connection "in service" either by changing the In Svc field in the TCT-System Entries table to Y or by using the CEMT transaction.

2050E	ISC allocate failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to allocate an LU6.2 session, and the allocate command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2051E	ISC send_data failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to send LU6.2 data to a remote system, and the send_data command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2052E	ISC receive_and_wait failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to receive LU6.2 data from a remote system, and the lu62_mc_receive_and_wait command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2053E	ISC deallocate failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to deallocate an LU6.2 session, and the deallocate command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2054E	ISC acquire_connection failed returned %d return code %x

Description: The EXEC CICS SET CONNECTION request to acquire a connection to a remote region has failed.

Solution: Make sure that the user ID under which Sun MTP is running is a member of the sna group in the /etc/group file.

2055E	ISC release_connection failed returned %d return code %x

Description: The EXEC CICS SET CONNECTION request to release a connection to a remote region has failed.

Solution: Make sure that the user ID under which Sun MTP is running is a member of the sna group in the /etc/group file.

2056E	ISC Terminal Not Found exit failed. Partner LU alias %s not in IST

Description: Sun MTP used the Terminal Not Found exit to try to locate the local region of a terminal specified in an EXEC CICS START request. The terminal was not local to Sun MTP. The Terminal Not Found exit returned a partner LU alias that was not defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

Solution: Add an entry with the partner LU alias to the TCT-System Entries table or have the Terminal Not Found exit return a partner LU alias that is defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

2057E	ISC lu62_mc_flush failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to flush LU6.2 data to a remote system, and the flush command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2058E	ISC Read for TS queue %s failed during LOCALQ START processing error %d

Description: Sun MTP attempted to read temporary storage so that it could send a locally queued start request to a remote system, and the read failed.

Solution: Examine the unikixmain.err, unikixmain.dbg, and unikixmain.log files on the Sun MTP console for a previous message with more detail.

2060E	ISC LOCALQ START requests to system %s failed

Description: Sun MTP attempted to send a locally queued start request to a remote system, and the send failed.

Solution: This message is preceded by message 201E. Read the Solution for that message.

2061E	ISC FS of START request returned invalid REQID length of %d

Description: Sun MTP function shipped a START request to a remote system. The REQID value returned by the remote system has an invalid length.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2062E	ISC FS command request received from remote system is unknown

Description: Sun MTP received an inbound function ship request with an invalid group or function code.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2063E	ISC FS mirror program failed to take syncpoint

Description: Sun MTP tried to syncpoint an inbound ISC function ship request, but the character-coded synclevel 1 syncpoint request received was invalid.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2064E	ISC Invalid outbound DPL request function code 0x%2.2x 

Description: The function code supplied to the Distributed Program Link (DPL) request was not that of a LINK request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2065E	ISC Invalid inbound DPL request option byte 0x%2.2x 

Description: The inbound DPL request received did not have the mandatory PROGRAM option bit set.

Solution: Sun MTP dumps the message received from the remote system into the unikixmain.dbg debug file. Save this file and report the error to your authorized service provider.

2066E	ISC Invalid inbound FC %s request 

Description: The inbound File Control (FC) request received did not have the mandatory FILE option bit set.

Solution: Sun MTP dumps the message received from the remote system into the unikixmain.dbg debug file. Save this file and report the error to your authorized service provider.

2067E	ISC Invalid inbound FC request function code 0x%2.2x 

Description: The function code supplied on an inbound FC request was invalid.

Solution: Sun MTP dumps the message received from the remote system into the unikixmain.dbg debug file. Save this file and report the error to your authorized service provider.

2068E	ISC Invalid inbound FC %s request argument type 0x%2.2x 

Description: The argument supplied on an inbound FC request was invalid.

Solution: Sun MTP dumps the message received from the remote system into the unikixmain.dbg debug file. Save this file and report the error to your authorized service provider.

2069E	ISC Invalid inbound DPL request argument type 0x%2.2x 

Description: The argument supplied on an inbound DPL request was invalid.

Solution: Sun MTP dumps the message received from the remote system into the unikixmain.dbg debug file. Save this file and report the error to your authorized service provider.

2070E 	ISC No session TCT entries available

Description: An inbound LU6.2 request was started, but no free session connection was available for it to use. The request timed out.

Solution: Increase the inbound sessions available by using the BRXRTERM environment variable.

2071E 	ISC Schedule from system %4.4s failed. Communication failure

Description: A remote schedule request from a remote system was executing, but a receive command failed.

Solution: A 2052E error is displayed previously in the log. Investigate the cause of that message.

2072E 	ISC Transaction Route from system %4.4s failed. Communication failure

Description: A transaction route request from a remote system was executing, but a receive command failed.

Solution: A 2052E error is displayed previously in the log. Investigate the cause of that message.

2073E 	ISC Function Ship from system %4.4s failed. Communication failure

Description: The mirror was executing a request from a remote system, but either a receive_and_wait or send_data command failed.

Solution: A 2052E or 2051E error is displayed previously in the log. Investigate the cause of that message.

2074E 	ISC Remote Schedule to system %4.4s failed. Communication failure

Description: The remote scheduler was trying to send a request to a remote system, but either a receive_and_wait or send_data command failed.

Solution: A 2052E or 2051E error is displayed previously in the log. Investigate the cause of that message.

2100E	ISC accept failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP received an inbound ISC request from a remote system and attempted to accept the conversation, but the accept command failed.

Cause: This error can occur when the ISC request from the remote system has timed out before the accept command is executed. Running a system with too few transaction processors can cause this problem.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2101E	ISC Invalid transaction route message convid=%d command=0x%2.2x

Description: The Sun MTP transaction server was expecting either an inbound transaction route or a remote scheduler request, but the data received was invalid.

Solution: If the transaction is a Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) transaction, verify that the APPC field is properly set in the PCT (to Y). If this is not a DTP transaction, look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2102E	ISC No entries available to install terminal %s from system %s

Description: An inbound transaction route was received, but Sun MTP failed to install a definition for the terminal because there are no entries available in the TCT.

Solution: Resubmit the request when a TCT entry is available.

2104E	ISC Transaction Route to system lu62 deallocate failed convid = %d

Description: An outbound transaction route failed.

Solution: This message is preceded by an LU6.2 error message; follow the solution for that message.

2105E	ISC Expecting transaction Route command=0x%2.2x

Description: Sun MTP was in conversation with a remote region and was expecting a transaction route request, but the data received was invalid.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2106E	ISC Expecting transaction Route relay command=0x%2.2x

Description: Sun MTP was in conversation with a remote region and was expecting a transaction route request, but the data received was invalid.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2110E	ISC No shared memory is available for commarea of length %d

Description: Sun MTP received a communications area (commarea) during transaction routing, but was unable to allocate storage for it.

Solution: Restart the region with a larger value for the unikixmain -M t option.

2114E	ISC TR return code %4.4x from remote system

Description: The remote system sent a bad return code in the transaction routing data.

Solution: Look for system messages on the remote region. If you cannot find an explanation for the problem, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2116E	ISC delete failed for TR terminal %s system %s remote name %s

Description: The remote system sent a remote delete (REMDEL) or remote reset (REMRESET) request to delete a terminal or group of terminals. The request failed because the terminal was in use.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2117E	ISC Transaction Route failed, connection to LU62 server not open

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted, but the connection from the transaction processor to the LU6.2 server was not open.

Solution: Check the system running the LU6.2 server code for system messages. This error can occur if the LU6.2 server is not running or has incorrect definitions.

2118E	ISC Transaction Route to system %s failed, connection not defined

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted, but the system to send the request to was not defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

Solution: Add the system to the TCT-System Entries table.

2119E	ISC Transaction Route to system %s failed, connection out of service

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted, but the system to receive the request was "out of service."

Solution: Put the connection "in service" by changing the In Svc field in the TCT-System Entries table to Y, or by using the CEMT transaction.

2120E	ISC Transaction Route to system %s failed, BMS paging not supported

Description: An outbound transaction route was executing and the remote system returned BMS paging data. Sun MTP does not support outbound transaction routing of BMS pages.

Solution: Remove the code from the remote program that uses BMS paging.

2121E	ISC TR TCTUA received %d greater than TCTUA buffer size %d

Description: An outbound transaction route was executing and the remote system returned a TCT user area (TCTUA) value that is longer than the TCTUA for the terminal on Sun MTP. The TCTUA is ignored.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2122E	ISC Transaction %s cannot be routed, system %s is unavailable

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted, but the system to which the request was sent was not available.

Solution: This message is preceded by a 2050E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2123E	ISC Transaction Route to system %s failed, communication error

Description: An outbound transaction route was executing but an LU6.2 error occurred on the conversation.

Solution: This message is preceded by either a 2051E or 2052E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2124I	ISC CRTE The routing session to system %4.4s has been started

Description: The routing transaction (CRTE) started on this terminal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2125E	ISC CRTE PF keys cannot be used to start transactions on other systems

Description: When using the routing transaction (CRTE), you cannot start a transaction using PF keys.

Solution: Type in a transaction name and press the Enter key to start a transaction.

2126E	ISC CRTE Format of CRTE command is CRTE SYSID=XXXX

Description: To start the routing transaction (CRTE), type the command in the format: CRTE SYSID=XXXX, where XXXX is the connection over which the transactions should be routed.

Solution: Resubmit the request in the correct format.

2127E	ISC CRTE No transaction specified. Please try again

Description: During a routing transaction (CRTE) session, the Enter key was pressed before any transaction was entered.

Solution: Type in a transaction identifier, then press Enter to start a transaction.

2128E	ISC CRTE failed, connection to LU62 server not open. Route terminated

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted using the routing transaction (CRTE), but the connection from the transaction processor to the LU6.2 server was not open.

Cause: This error can occur if the LU6.2 server is not running or has incorrect definitions.

Solution: Check the system running the LU6.2 server code for system messages.

2129E	ISC CRTE failed, system %4.4s is not defined. Route terminated

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted using the routing transaction (CRTE), but the system to send the request to was not defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

Solution: Add the system to the TCT-System Entries table.

2130E	ISC CRTE failed, system %4.4s is out of service. Route terminated

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted using the routing transaction (CRTE), but the system to receive the request was "out of service."

Solution: Put the connection "in service" by changing the In Svc field in the TCT-System Entries table to Y, or by using the CEMT transaction.

2131E	ISC CRTE failed, system %4.4s is unavailable. Route terminated

Description: An outbound transaction route was attempted using the routing transaction (CRTE), but the system to receive the request was not available.

Solution: This message is preceded by a 2050E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2132E	ISC CRTE failed, communication error with system %4.4s. Route terminated

Description: An outbound transaction route was executing using the routing transaction (CRTE), but an LU6.2 error occurred on the conversation.

Solution: This message is preceded by either a 2051E or 2052E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2133I	ISC CRTE routing session to system %4.4s terminated

Description: The outbound transaction route session using the routing transaction (CRTE) was terminated by the CANCEL command.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2134E	ISC TR Allocated terminal %s from system %s is out of service

Description: A transaction route request was received by Sun MTP, but the terminal specified in the route request was "out of service."

Solution: Put the terminal "in service" by changing the In Svc field in the TCT-3270 Devices table to Y, or by using the CEMT transaction.

2135E	ISC TR Terminal %s from system %s is not defined as shippable

Description: A transaction route request was received by Sun MTP, but the terminal specified in the route request was not defined to Sun MTP and was not defined as being shippable.

Solution: Add the shippable attribute to the terminal on the remote system, or define the terminal to Sun MTP using the TCT-3270 Devices table.

2136E	ISC TR Failed to obtain BPS for terminal %s from system %s

Description: A transaction route request was received by Sun MTP, but the terminal specified in the route request was not defined to Sun MTP. Therefore, a builder parameter set (BPS) request was sent to the remote system. The BPS install failed due to an LU6.2 error on the conversation.

Solution: This message is preceded by either a 2051E or 2052E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2137E	ISC Request for transaction %4.4s from system %4.4s rejected

Description: An inbound ISC request has been rejected due to a previous error.

Solution: This message is preceded by either a 0370E or 0479E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2138E	ISC System transaction CRSR received an invalid message

Description: The remote scheduler transaction (CRSR) received an invalid message.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2139E 	ISC Invalid TR parameter at index %d for argument 0x%2.2x

Description: A transaction route request from a remote system was executing, but Sun MTP was not able to decode it.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2140E 	ISC Expected TCP FMH-5, received bytes %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x

Description: An inbound request from the TCP server was received, but Sun MTP could not find the FMH-5 value in the data stream and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2142E	ISC Pip data present on TCP FMH-5, byte is %2.2x

Description: An inbound request from the TCP server was received but Sun MTP found that program initialization parameter (PIP) data was present in the FMH-5. PIP data is not supported and the request was rejected.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2143E 	ISC Conversation received on TCP FMH-5 is not mapped, byte is %2.2x

Description: An inbound request from the TCP server was received, but Sun MTP found that the conversation was not defined as mapped in the FMH-5 parameter and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2144E 	ISC Invalid synclevel received on TCP FMH-5, byte is %2.2x

Description: An inbound request from the TCP server was received, but Sun MTP found that the conversation contained an invalid synchronization level in the FMH-5 parameter and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2145E 	ISC End of FMH-5 expected on TCP FMH-5, pointers %p and %p

Description: An inbound request from the TCP server was received, but Sun MTP found the lengths associated with this FMH-5 parameter did not match and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2146W 	ISC Error opening TCP Trace file, errno %d, no tracing will be performed

Description: Sun MTP attempted to open a trace file for TCP LU6.2 calls but could not open the file. Sun MTP continues to run without tracing.

Solution: This message is preceded by a system error message.

2147W 	ISC Error renaming TCP Trace file, errno %d

Description: Sun MTP attempted to rename a trace file for TCP LU6.2 calls but it could not rename the file. The region continues to run without tracing.

Solution: This message is preceded by a system error message.

2149E 	ISC Loop detected decoding CTIN transaction, offset %d

Description: The terminal install transaction CTIN was executing, but Sun MTP could not decode the data stream sent from the remote system, and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2150E 	ISC Loop detected decoding CCIN transaction, offset %d

Description: The system install transaction CCIN was executing, but Sun MTP could not decode the data stream sent from the remote system and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2151E 	ISC Unable to install IST entry for %s

Description: A transaction was received from a remote system but no entry was found for this transaction. Therefore, this entry was unable to autoinstall and Sun MTP rejected the request.

Solution: If the remote system is not a Sun MTP or CICS Client and the protocol between the systems is SNA, an entry must be predefined in the TCT-System Entries table.

If the remote system is a Sun MTP or CICS Client or the protocol is not SNA, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2152E 	ISC Length of CCIN argument 2 was %d

Description: The system install transaction CCIN was executing, but Sun MTP found an invalid length for argument 2 in the data stream and rejected the request.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2153E 	ISC No available entries to autoinstall connection for %s

Description: A transaction was received from a remote system, but there are no free IST entries available to install this connection, and Sun MTP rejected the request.

Solution: Increase the number of autoinstalled entries using the KIXMAXIST environment variable. This value defaults to 0.

2154E 	ISC Unable to initialize conversation for %s

Description: A transaction was received from a remote system, but Sun MTP could not initialize the conversation and rejected the request.

Solution: This message is preceded by a Sun MTP error message. Follow the solution for that message.

2155E	ISC Terminal of type 0x%2.2x is not valid for Transaction Route

Description: The terminal type you are using to perform a transaction route is not supported.

Solution: Use a different terminal type to perform transaction routing.

2200E	RDM error %d from kix_init. Check that INFORMIX is running

Description: Reserved for RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2201I	**ERROR** during RDM init. See previous message for error

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2202I	Txn processor running but unable to perform RDM functions

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2203E	RDM error %d from rdmal. Check that INFORMIX is running

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2204E	RDM error %d from kix_syncp

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2205E	RDM error %d from kix_open for file <%s>. File will not be accessible

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2206E	malloc error trying to allocate %d bytes

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2207E	RDM kix open returned undefined file org = %d

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2208I	RDM error %d from kix_info for file <%s>. Processing continues

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2209E	lsysstat = %d, errno = %d, RDM command was <%s>

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2212I	kxfct or kxvfct ptr NULL

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2213F	Error occurred during initialization of RDM VSAM

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2214I	Attempting to perform function on file <%s>

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2216I	RDM error %d not mapped to a VSAM error - please report this

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2217I	RDM error symbol: <%s>, text: %s

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2218I	RDM error %d for kix_unlock during temp storage processing

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2219E	Error opening journal files in RDM environment

Description: Reserved for the RDM product.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2250E	Error <%d> invoking Animator via CBL_DEBUGBREAK() call

Description: The %d variable will contain the error status from the CBL_DEBUGBREAK() call. This message is written to the unikixmain.log file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider with the error number.

2301E	MTP Inbound Buffer Overflow Detected

Description: This message is issued in two cases:

Solution: Verify that the terminal type being used is either a model 2, 4, or 5.

2302E	Non IBM Terminal Attempted to Connect to Unikixtn

Description: The terminal establishing a connection with the TN3270 server is not an IBM 3270-type terminal.

Solution: Examine the TN3270 client terminal type options and set the type to IBM 3270 model 2, 4, or 5. If the condition persists, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2303E	Unknown TN3270/Telnet Protocol Message Received From Client

Description: The internal telnet receive state of the TN3270 server has been set to an invalid state.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2304E	Unable to acquire Network Port %d. Is another Unikixtn running?

Description: The network port specified for the unikixtn process is currently in use.

Solution: Verify that another unikixtn process is not up and already using the network port. If multiple unikixtn listener processes are required, or the port is conflicting with another application that requires that port number, use the netstat command to find an unused TCP/IP port number, and restart the unikixtn process with the -s port-number option.

2321E	Unable to acquire Network Port %d. Is Another Unikixsock process running?

Description: The network port specified for the unikixsock process is currently in use.

Solution: Verify that another Sun MTP region is not already using the network port. If multiple Sun MTP regions with the socket interface are required, or the port is conflicting with another application that requires that port number, use the netstat command to find an unused TCP/IP port number and restart the region with a different port number (unikixmain -p port_number).

2322E	Accept() call failed with remote MTP socket connection

Description: The accept() system call failed while waiting for a remote connection.

Solution: If the condition persists, restart the region with the -D s option on the unikixmain command line. This option turns on debug information that can be used to retrieve the error number.

2323E	Error detected constructing Named-Pipe for Pipe FD %d

Description: The unikixsock process could not create the named pipe used to pass the socket file descriptors (FD) to the transaction processors.

Solution: Examine the error number displayed as the pipe file descriptor (FD) in the message to determine the appropriate action.

2324E	Named-Pipe Accept() failed with errno = %d

Description: The named pipe accept() system call failed while waiting for a transaction processor to connect.

Solution: Examine the error number shown in the message to determine what action to take.

2325E	Failed to get memory for new transaction_connection structure

Description: The malloc() system call failed while allocating memory for a new connection.

Solution: If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

2326E	getpeername() call failed identifying remote MTP Socket peer.

Description: The getpeername() system call to retrieve the IP address and port number of the client process failed.

Solution: If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

2327E	Error detected receiving data from socket. Errno = %d

Description: An error occurred when trying to read from the TCP/IP connected client.

Solution: Examine the error number displayed in the message to determine the cause of the failure.

2328E	Input format from socket illegal with regard to transid

Description: The input received from the client does not match the format expected.

Solution: The client program must provide the socket data in the format:

TRANID[,User-Data] [,XX [,HHMMSS]]

Refer to the chapter on sockets in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide, and the chapter on customizing your application environment in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.

2329E	Input format from socket illegal. Data Area too long at %d bytes

Description: The data passed on the socket exceeds the predefined limit.

Solution: The client program should provide the socket data in the format:

TRANID[,User-Data] [,XX [,HHMMSS]]

Refer to the chapter on sockets in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide,and the chapter on customizing your application environment in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.

2330E	Input format from socket illegal. Start-Type Unknown

Description: The start type requested for the transaction is unknown.

Solution: The client program should provide the socket data in the format:

TRANID[,User-Data] [,XX [,HHMMSS]]

Refer to the chapter on sockets in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide, and the chapter on customizing your application environment in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.

2331E	Input format from socket illegal. Start-Time Not Numeric

Description: The start time specified for the transaction is not valid.

Solution: The client program should provide the socket data in the format:

TRANID[,User-Data] [,XX [,HHMMSS]]

Refer to the chapter on sockets in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide, and the chapter on customizing your application environment in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.

2334E	process_np_fd was unable to match incoming FD with existing entry

Description: The unikixsock process was unable to match the file descriptor to the transaction identifier.

Solution: This is an internal error; contact your authorized service provider.

2335E	Attempted to remove non-existent connection structure

Description: The unikixsock process is attempting to close a socket connection that had no connection structure within the unikixsock process.

Solution: This is an internal error; contact your authorized service provider.

2336E	Unable to set a catch function for SIGINT. errno $d

Description: The unikixsock processes was unable to set up a signal handler for SIGINT signals.

Solution: Examine the errno number contained in the message to determine the appropriate action to take. If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

2337E	select() returned an error. errno = %d

Description: An error was returned from the select() system call.

Solution: Examine the errno number contained in the message to determine the appropriate action to take. If the condition persists, contact your authorized service provider.

2338E	Unable to connect to named pipe server. error = %d

Description: The unikix process was unable to connect to the named pipe created by the unikixsock process.

Solution: This is an internal error; contact your authorized service provider.

2339E	Unable to send message over Named Pipe. errno = %d

Description: The transaction processor was unable to send a message to unikixsock using the Named Pipe.

Solution: This is an internal error; contact your authorized service provider.

2340E	Rcved CICSSKT msg with named pipes unestablished.

Description: The unikix process received a socket message, however, the named pipe does not exist for the unikixsock process.

Solution: This is an internal error; contact your authorized service provider.

2343I	Socket server connected to port %d host %s

Description: The socket server is connected.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2344E	Socket request for transaction %4.4s rejected

Description: A socket request has been rejected due to a previous error.

Solution: This message is preceded by either a 0370E or 0479E message. Follow the solution for that message.

2345E	Socket request of type TD failed with EIBRESP=%d %s

Description: A socket request using the TD option failed when writing to a transient data queue.

Solution: Use the EIBRESP value returned to correct the problem.

2346E	Socket request of type IC failed with EIBRESP=%d %s

Description: A socket request using the IC option failed when starting the transaction.

Solution: Use the EIBRESP value returned to correct the problem.

2347E	The Named Pipe storage array is full

Description: Using named pipes, a transaction processor attaches to the socket server on initialization. The socket server keeps a list of connected transaction processors. There are no entries available in the list to store this transaction processor information.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2352E	DTP Unexpected Parameter-Check error received from LU62 on receive() call

Description: The LU6.2 receive() call failed with a parameter check. This error is unexpected because Sun MTP checks values passed to the command.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2353E	DTP Unexpected error received from LU62 on receive() call value = 0x%x

Description: The LU6.2 receive() call failed with an unexpected return code.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2354E	ISC prep_to_receive failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to send a change direction to a remote system. The prep_to_receive command failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2355E	DTP Unexpected error returned on kx62_send() or related call of 0x%x

Description: An LU6.2 call failed with an unexpected return code.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2356E 	ISC confirmed failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to send confirmation to a remote system. The confirmed() call failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2357E 	ISC send_error failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to send an error to a remote system. The send_error() call failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2358E	ISC request_to_send failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to signal the remote system to change direction. The request_to_send() call failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2359E 	DTP kxDTPfree failed on a normal conversation closure

Description: While freeing a DTP conversation, the deallocate command failed.

Cause: The session might not have been in the correct state to be freed.

Solution: Determine the state of a session using the EXTRACT ATTRIBUTES command before freeing the conversation.

2360E 	DTP getcore() failed during kxDTPcreate_conv

Description: A new conversation was being created, but a call to get memory failed. The request to get a new conversation is rejected.

Solution: Examine the kernel parameters and ask your system administrator to modify them, if necessary. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

2361E 	ISC confirm failed returned %d return code %x

Description: Sun MTP attempted to request confirmation from a remote system. The confirm() call failed.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the error using the error description in Appendix A. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2363T 	DTP Conversation in invalid state during task termination

Description: During task termination, Sun MTP frees all conversations not released by the program. The state of one conversation prevents it from being freed.

Solution: Modify your program to free all conversations before the end of the task.

2365E 	writecon called with an invalid terminal number (ptermnum = %d)

Description: The writecon function was called with a terminal number outside the valid range.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2366T 	DTP command %s attempted in an illegal state.

Description: A DTP command was attempted on a conversation that was not in a valid state to perform that command.

Solution: Determine the state of a session using the EXTRACT ATTRIBUTES command before issuing the DTP command.

2370E 	ISC Client install transaction failed for applid %8.8s

Description: The install of a client failed due to an LU6.2 error.

Solution: The LU6.2 error messages appeared previously in the log. Investigate the cause of those messages.

2371E 	ISC Client terminal install transaction failed for applid %s

Description: The install of a client terminal failed due to an LU6.2 error.

Solution: The LU6.2 error messages appeared previously in the log. Investigate the cause of those messages.

2372E 	ISC System install transaction for %4.4s failed

Description: A request to send a system install transaction to a remote system client failed due to an LU6.2 error.

Solution: LU6.2 error messages appeared previously in the log. Investigate the cause of those messages.

2373E 	ISC Incorrect response for system install transaction from %4.4s

Description: The response from a remote system to a system install transaction was invalid.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2374E	could not allocate storage for owner certificate (%d bytes)

Description: The program could not obtain enough memory to store the owner certificate.

2375E	could not allocate storage for issuer certificate (%d bytes)

Description: The program could not obtain enough memory to store the issuer certificate.

2376E	previous owner certificate buffer not freed

Description: The buffer holding the previous owner certificate was not freed.

2377E	previous issuer certificate buffer not freed

Description: The buffer holding the previous issuer certificate was not freed.

2391E	TCP failed to clear SSL prefix

Description: The unikixsock process did not clear the secure sockets layer (SSL) identifier from the SSL client socket during connection establishment.

2392E	TCP failed to read certificate length

Description: The unikixsock process failed to read the SSL certificate length information during connection establishment.

2393E	TCP failed to read certificate

Description: The unikixsock process failed to read the SSL certificate information during connection establishment.

2394E	TCP failed to clear certificate from socket (%d bytes left)

Description: The unikixsock process failed to allocate space to hold the SSL certificate and has been unable to clear the certificate from the socket.

Solution: Shut down and restart the region.

2395E	TCP failed to allocate PROC Q message (%d bytes)

Description: The unikixsock process failed to allocate space for a process queue message to start the SSL socket transaction.

2396E	TCP client SSL certificate %d:%d was not found

Description: The unikixsock process failed to get the certificate information from the unikixssl process during connection establishment.

2397E	TCP failed to send certificate request %d:%d

Description: The unikixsock process failed to send the request for certificate information to the unikixssl process during connection establishment.

2398E	TCP failed to connect to the SSL server

Description: The unikixsock process failed to connect to the unikixssl process in order to process a certificate request.

2399E	TCP invalid SSL connection address %s:%d

Description: The unikixsock process has determined that the unikixssl connection has an invalid (remote) address. This action is a security check to make sure that the unikixsock and unikixssl processes are on the same system.

Cause: The connection is coming from another host rather than from the same host.

Solution: Check that your SSL configuration matches your unikixsock startup options.

2400E	TCP unikixtcp processor received signal %d [%s]

Description: The TCP server received a signal.

Solution: Signals SIGINT, SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 occur during the normal running of Sun MTP. Investigate all other signals to find out the reason they are being sent to Sun MTP. If you cannot find a resolution, contact your authorized service provider.

2401E	TCP attempt to create socket failed

Description: The socket() system call failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Examine a previous error message and investigate the reason why the socket() call failed.

2402E	TCP attempt to bind socket to port %d failed

Description: The bind() system call failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Examine the error message and investigate the reason why the bind failed.

2403E	TCP network port %d already in use.

Description: An attempt was made to bind a socket but the requested port was already in use. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Use the netstat command to determine why the port is in use or specify an alternative port on region startup.

2404E	TCP attempt to listen on socket failed

Description: The listen() system call failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Examine a previous error message. Investigate the reason why the listen() call failed.

2405E	TCP service %s is not defined in the network services data base

Description: A call to the getservbyname() function returned NULL. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Cause: If a name rather than a port number is used to start the TCP server, Sun MTP tries to resolve this name into a port by searching the network services database.

Solution: Define the port name in the database, use a name already defined in the database, or specify a port number in the startup option.

2406I	TCP server bound to socket port %d

Description: The TCP server is bound to the socket port and can accept requests.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2407E	TCP select failed, errno %d

Description: The select() system call failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Examine a previous error message. Investigate the reason why the select() call failed.

2408E	TCP accept failed, errno %d

Description: The accept() system call failed. This error causes the new socket request to be rejected, but all other clients should continue.

Solution: Look for a previous error message to determine the reason why the accept() call failed.

2409E	TCP esipcReply failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcReply function failed. The client that caused the error will be closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2410E	TCP esipcGetEvent failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcGetEvent function failed. This error should only appear when the region is being terminated.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer or the message is displayed and the region is not being terminated, contact your authorized service provider.

2411E	TCP esipcStartTran failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcStartTran function failed. The client that caused the error will be closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2412E	TCP esipcInitialize failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcInitialize function failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2413E	TCP esipcCntl failed, return code %s

Description: The unikixtcp process has failed to respond to the transaction processor during outbound ISC.

2414E	TCP esipcAddTerminal failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcAddTerminal function failed. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2415E	TCP could not allocate storage

Description: The TCP server tried to allocate storage but was returned a NULL pointer. This error causes the TCP server to abnormally end.

Solution: Investigate the reason why the storage could not be allocated. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2416E	TCP esipcGetEvent failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcGetEvent function failed. The system continues to retry the function call. This error should only occur when the region is being terminated.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, or the message is displayed and the region is not being terminated, contact your authorized service provider.

2417E	TCP esipcReply failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcReply function failed. The system was attempting to roll back a transaction which had no associated client. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. If you cannot find an answer, contact your authorized service provider.

2418W	TCP Extended LUW rolled back because the client socket was closed

Description: The TCP server rolled back a transaction because the client had been closed. All other clients should continue. This error can occur if a user closed the client session while a transaction was running.

2419W	TCP getrlimit call failed %d, errno %d

Description: The getrlimit() system call failed. This call is used to determine the current number of file descriptors available to the process. The number of file descriptors is not changed, however, the TCP server continues to run.

Solution: Look for a previous error message to determine the reason the call failed.

2420E	TCP setrlimit call failed %d, errno %d

Description: The setrlimit() system call failed. This call is used to set the number of file descriptors available to the process. The number of file descriptors is not changed, however, the TCP server continues to run.

Solution: Check for a previous error message to determine the reason the call failed.

2421I	TCP Number of file descriptors set to %d

Description: The number of file descriptors set using the Sun MTP startup option.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2422W	TCP Maximum number of file descriptors reached

Description: No more clients are able to attach to the TCP server because the maximum number of file descriptors limit has been reached. All currently attached clients are able to continue.

Solution: If more file descriptors are required, use the unikixmain -L option to increase the number of file descriptors available to the TCP server.

2423E	TCP MTP '-P' option specified but %s environment variable unset

Description: The -P option was used to start the TCP server, but a required TCP environment variable was not set.

Solution: Either remove the -P option from the Sun MTP startup or set the environment variable.

2424E	TCP esipcDeleteConnection failed, return code %s

Description: A connection to a remote system was closed. An attempt to delete the table entry for that remote system failed.

Solution: If the system was not in a shutdown state when this message occurred, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2450I	DCL Server process has connected to Local LU %s

Description: The unikixdcl server process has successfully connected to the LU6.2 local LU specified in the resource file (unikixrc.cfg).

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2451E	DCL returned invalid what_received value %4.4x

Description: Sun MTP was unable to convert the value returned by the what_rcvd option on the DCL MC_RECEIVE command into a what_received value.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2452E	DCL Couldn't allocate storage for container (%d terminals)

Description: Sun MTP could not allocate enough storage for the number of terminals specified by the DCLSTERM and DCLRTERM environment variables.

Solution: Reduce the number of terminals specified in the DCLSTERM and DCLRTERM environment variables. If an error still occurs, contact your authorized service provider.

2453E	DCL unikixdcl processor received signal %d [%s]

Description: The unikixdcl server received a signal.

Solution: Signals SIGINT, SIGUSR1, and SIGUSR2 occur during the normal running of Sun MTP. Investigate all other signals to find the reason they are being sent to Sun MTP. If you cannot find a resolution, contact your authorized service provider.

2454E	DCL error %d in cm_stream.recv method

Description: Error receiving data from the unikixCommMgr process. The DCL server will abnormally end.

Solution: Investigate the reason why the receive failed.

2455E	DCL SNA command has failed with primary_rc 0x%4.4x, secondary_rc 0x%8.8x

Description: A DCL SNA command has failed. Sun MTP was not able to convert this error into a Sun MTP error. A message containing the type of LU6.2 command that was being executed will follow.

Solution: Using the DCL SNAP-IX APPC Programmer's Guide, investigate why the command failed.

2456E	DCL SNA RECEIVE_ALLOCATE command failed primary_rc 0x%4.4x, secondary_rc 0x%8.8x

Description: The DCL RECEIVE_ALLOCATE command has failed. No inbound conversations will be allocated for this session.

Solution: Using the DCL SNAP-IX APPC Programmer's Guide, investigate why the command failed.

2457E	The %s environment variable is not set or invalid

Description: You must set the DCLRTERM and DCLSTERM environment variables to a valid value.

Solution: Set the environment variables to a value greater than zero.

2500-2999 Messages

2500E	TN server %d, could not open connection with CommMgr

Description: Unable to open a connection to the unikixCommMgr process. This error causes the Telnet (TN) server to abnormally end.

Solution: Investigate the reason. If you cannot find a resolution, contact your authorized service provider.

2501E	TN server %d, unable to register with ACE Reactor in [%r]

Description: TN server received an error return code when trying to register with the ACE reactor. This error causes the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

2502E	TN server %d, error on send of '%s' message header

Description: TN server unable to send the specified message header to the unikixCommMgr process. Communication errors with the unikixCommMgr process eventually cause the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

2503E	TN server %d, error on send of '%s' message data

Description: TN server unable to send the specified message data to the unikixCommMgr process. Communication errors with the unikixCommMgr process eventually cause the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

2504E	TN server %d, error on send of '%s' fd

Description: TN server unable to send the specified file descriptor to the unikixCommMgr process. Communication errors with the unikixCommMgr process eventually cause the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

2505E	TN server %d, error %d in [%r] cm_stream.recv method

Description: Error receiving data from either the unikixCommMgr process or clients. If the error is with the unikixCommMgr process, the TN server abnormally ends. Otherwise, only the client that caused the error is closed, and all other clients should continue.

Solution: Investigate the reason why the receive failed.

2506E	TN server %d, invalid msgType = %d in [r]

Description: Invalid message type received from the unikixCommMgr process. Communication errors with the unikixCommMgr process eventually cause the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

2507E	TN server %d, esipcInitialize failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcInitialize function failed. This error causes the TN server to abnormally end. Using the return code, investigate why the function failed.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2508E	TN server %d, esipcTerminate failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcTerminate function failed. This error has no effect because the TN server is already ending.

Solution: Normally, you can ignore this message.

2509E	TN server %d, esipcListenName failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcListenName function failed. This error causes the TN server to abnormally end.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2510E	TN server %d, esipcAddTerminal failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcAddTerminal function failed. The client that caused the error is closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: The client receives a message explaining why this function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2511E	TN server %d, esipcdelTerminal failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcdelTerminal function failed. This function is not used in the current TN implementation.

2512E	TN server %d, esipcStartTran failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcStartTran function failed. The client that caused the error is closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2513E	TN server %d, esipcReply failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcReply function failed. The client that caused the error is closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2514E	TN server %d, esipcSenseCode failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcSenseCode function failed. The client that caused the error is closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2515E	TN server %d, esipcGetEvent failed, return code %s

Description: The esipcGetEvent function failed. This error should only appear when the region is being shutdown.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2516E	TN server %d, epID = %d NOT valid from esipcGetEvent

Description: The esipcGetEvent function returned an end point ID that is not valid.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance

2517E	TN server %d, peer_acceptor.open failed in [%r], errno = %d

Description: The opening of a domain socket connection to a transaction server failed. This error might result in the abnormal termination of the TN server.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2518E	TN server %d, peer_acceptor.accept failed in [%r], errno = %d

Description: The socket accept (either in the AFINET or UNIX domain) failed in the indicated routine.

Solution: Using the return code, investigate the reason why the function failed. Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2519E	TN server %d, OUT-of-MEMORY creating %s object in [%r]

Description: Unable to create an object to support the client connection.

Cause: There is no more free heap memory.

Solution: You must increase the address of shared memory. Shut down the region and restart using the -M tvalue option. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2520E	TN server %d, svc_handler->open failure in [%r]

Description: Error opening Esipc_Handler object with ACE reactor.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2521E	TN server %d, invalid event (%d) from esipcGetEvent

Description: The esipcGetEvent function returned an event that is not valid or recognized.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2522E	TN server %d, [%r] requesting STOP LISTEN (fd = %d)
2523E	TN server %d, [%r] error sending STOP LISTEN
2524E	TN server %d, [%r] received STOP LISTEN ACK
2525E	TN server %d, [%r] error removing 'listen' with ACE Reactor

Description: All these errors are associated with the exchange of the socket listen file descriptor. Existing client connections should not be affected by these errors. However, any new connections might be refused.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2526E	TN server %d, [%r] unable to do ACE remove_Handler for fd = %d

Description: Internal error between the TN server and ACE routines.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2527E	TN server %d, unknown TN3270/Telnet Protocol Message (%d) Received

Description: An unsupported TN3270 protocol message error. The client that caused the error is closed. All other clients should continue.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for further assistance.

2530E	Unable to acquire port %d, MTP must be recycled after the conflict is resolved.

Description: There is a port number conflict.

Solution: Check the value of the TNServer*ListenPort entry in the unikixrc.cfg file, and make sure the port number is not being used by another process.

2550E	The UNIKIX and KIXSYS Environment Variables MUST be set

Description: The UNIKIX or KIXSYS environment variable was not set.

Solution: You must set both the UNIKIX and KIXSYS environment variables.

2551E	Unable to Create IPC Listen Port $KIXSYS/CommMgrPort.

Description: A listen port is needed to communicate between the unikixCommMgr process and the external communication servers. Sun MTP was unable to create this port. The process will exit.

Solution: Investigate the reason the listen port could not be created.

2552E	Internal Error registering IPC Acceptor to Reactor.

Description: The listen port created by the unikixCommMgr process could not be added to the reactor. The process will exit.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2553E	Accept of new Endpoint Server connection Failed.

Description: A connection from an external communication server was received by the unikixCommMgr process but this connection could not be accepted. The connection is ignored.

Solution: Investigate the reason the accept function failed.

2554E	CommMgr_Handler Error Receiving Data From EndPoint Server Stream

Description: Data was sent from an external communication server to the unikixCommMgr process but the receive function failed. The data is ignored.

Solution: Investigate the reason the receive function failed.

2555E	CommMgr_Handler Error EndPoint Server Has Closed the Connection.

Description: The external communication server closed its connection to the unikixCommMgr process.

Solution: Investigate the reason the connection was closed.

2556E	Received UnRecognized Command (%d) From EndPoint Server

Description: A command was sent from an external communication server but was not recognized by the unikixCommMgr process. The command is ignored.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2557E	Recv failed processing an Endpoint Server Initialization Message.

Description: Data was sent from an external communication server to the unikixCommMgr process but the receive failed. The message is ignored.

Solution: Investigate the reason why the receive failed.

2558E	Error Sending to Endpoint Server. Data Sent/Return Code %d Desired %d

Description: Data was sent from the unikixCommMgr process to the external communication server but not all of the requested data could be sent. The surplus data is ignored.

Solution: Investigate the reason why the send failed.

2559E	Unable to Register CommMgr_Handler with Reactor.

Description: The port used for communication between an external communication server and the unikixCommMgr process could not be added to the reactor.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2560E	Resource File: line %d, Unsupported Character %2.2x

Description: A line in the resource file (unikixrc.cfg) contained an invalid character.

Solution: Edit the resource file and remove any invalid characters.

2561E	Resource File: line %d, Parser Internal State Error. State--> %s

Description: An internal error has occurred in the resource file parser.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2562E	--> Symbol (%s) is too long.

Description: A symbol in the resource file (unikixrc.cfg) was too long to be read by the parser.

Solution: Edit the resource file and correct the invalid symbols.

2563E	--> Expected a colon (:) But read %s

Description: The parser was expecting a colon in the resource file unikixrc.cfg, but found a different character.

Solution: Edit the resource file to add the colon.

2564E	--> Expected a colon (:) or Asterisk (*) But read %s

Description: The parser was expecting a colon or asterisk in the resource file unikixrc.cfg, but found a different character.

Solution: Edit the resource file to add either the colon or asterisk.

2565E	--> Expected a String, Word or Number but read %s

Description: The parser was expecting either a string, word or number in the resource file unikixrc.cfg, but found a different symbol.

Solution: Edit the resource file to add the correct symbol.

2566E	Resource File: line %d, End of Line Reached Before Closing Quote.

Description: The parser was reading a string from the resource file unikixrc.cfg, but found the end of the line before the ending quote.

Solution: Edit the resource file to add an ending quote to the end of the string.

2567E	Resource File: line %d, Errno Number %d Occurred.

Description: The parser was reading the resource file unikixrc.cfg, and found an unexpected error.

Solution: View the resource file to try to find a possible cause of the problem. If no cause is found, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2568E	Resource File: line %d . . 

Description: The parser found an error in the resource file unikixrc.cfg.

Solution: A subsequent message will give detailed information about the error. Follow the solution for that message.

2569E	 Resource File: Value for option --%s-- MUST be greater than 0

Description: The value for the option found in the resource file (unikixrc.cfg) is negative, and only positive values are allowed.

Solution: Edit the resource file and change the value to a positive number.

2570E	Resource File: TNServer Option -- %s -- is Not a Recognized Option

Description: An incorrect option was submitted.

Solution: Examine the unikixrc.cfg file and correct the erroneous option.

2571E	The TNServer*EndPoints:%d value is too high. Your System limit is %d

Description: The EndPoints option in the resource file unikixrc.cfg is set at a value that the system is unable to support. unikixCommMgr process reduces the EndPoints option to the system limit.

Solution: Reduce the specified value.

2572E	Resource File: Value for option --%s-- MUST be "True" or "False"

Description: The value for the specified option in the resource file unikixrc.cfg must be boolean.

Solution: Change the value to True or False.

2573E	Resource File: %s for option --%s-- is invalid

Description: The value for the option specified in the resource file unikixrc.cfg is not valid.

Solution: Change the option to a valid type.

2574E	Server of type %s is not supported on this platform

Description: The resource file contains information requesting the execution of a process that is not supported on this platform.

Solution: Remove the references to the failing process.

2575E	CommMgr could not start the %s server

Description: The unikixCommMgr process could not start a server specified in the resource file. This message is preceded by a message with a more specific explanation of the problem.

Solution: Use the previous message to investigate the reason that the server failed to start.

2576E	:esipc: Construction of Endpoint Array Failed

Description: An attempt was made to create an internal array to hold information about the ESIPC endpoints. The malloc() call failed.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2577E	:esipc: MTP never stabilized after initialization plt:%d, gta_system:%d

Description: ESIPC attempted to attach to shared memory but timed out before the region was fully initialized.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2578E	:esipc: KIXSYS Environment Variable Was Not Set

Description: The KIXSYS environment variable must be set before starting the region.

Solution: Set the KIXSYS environment variable.

2579E	:esipc: KIXSYS Path is too long (i.e. greater than 112 characters)

Description: The path name for the KIXSYS environment variable was too long to be used by ESIPC.

Solution: Change the environment variable to a shorter path name.

2580E	:esipc: $KIXSYS/kixcomm directory creation failed. stat:%d errno:%d

Description: ESIPC failed to create a directory to hold its temporary files.

Solution: Using the stat and mkdir errno values, investigate why the call failed.

2581E	:esipc: socket() failed. errno:%d

Description: ESIPC failed to create a socket listener for the transaction processor.

Solution: Using the socket errno value, investigate why the call failed.

2582E	:esipc: bind() failed. errno:%d

Description: ESIPC failed to bind the socket to a port.

Solution: Using the bind errno value, investigate why the call failed.

2583E	:esipc: listen() failed. errno:%d

Description: ESIPC failed to listen on the socket.

Solution: Using the listen errno value, investigate why the call failed.

2584E	:esipc: Endpoint Removal Failed

Description: ESIPC failed to release the endpoint array.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2585E	:esipc: MTP Connection destruction failed

Description: ESIPC failed to release the clients.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2586E	:esipc: Error adding new Endpoint

Description: ESIPC could not add a terminal to the endpoint array.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2587E	:esipc: TCT Allocation failed due to All TCTs being previously Assigned

Description: ESIPC could not add a terminal to the region because all the terminals were in use at that time.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2588E	:esipc: TCT Allocation failed ErrorCode:%d

Description: ESIPC could not add a terminal to the region.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2589E 	:esipc: MTP State Invalid. gta_system:%d gta_shutdown:%d

Description: ESIPC could not start a transaction because the region was not able to receive transactions.

Solution: This error can occur if the system is in a shutdown or batch mode. If the region is not in either of these states, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2590E	:esipc: Term/Tran state invalid. TermState:%s, TranState:%s, code:%d

Description: ESIPC could not start a transaction because the terminal was not able to receive transactions.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2591E	:esipc: Endpoint's TCT already locked. Assuming ATI in progress

Description: ESIPC attempted to start a transaction but the TCT entry for the terminal was locked.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2592E	:esipc: kxsndm () failed. code:%d

Description: ESIPC attempted to start a transaction, but was unable to send a message to the process queue.

Solution: This error can occur if the system is in shutdown mode. If the region is not shutting down, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2593E	:esipc: Invalid State Transition. TermState:%s, Event:KXTERMINP

Description: ESIPC started a transaction for the terminal, but was unable to change the terminals state.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2594E	:esipc: Message Received For Unknown Terminal

Description: ESIPC received an event for an unknown terminal.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2595E	:esipc: Invalid State Transition: %s -> %d, epID: %d

Description: ESIPC received an event from Sun MTP, but was unable to change the terminal's state.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2596E	:esipc: User Data area invalid or too small

Description: ESIPC received a SEND event from Sun MTP for a terminal, but the data area to receive the request was too small.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2597E	:esipc: Unrecognized Cntl request. Request: %d

Description: ESIPC received a control request with an invalid type.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2598E	:esipc: Unexpected message-type received. msg_type: %d

Description: ESIPC received an event with an invalid type.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2599E	:esipc: kxgetdm() Failed.

Description: ESIPC could not attach to the dynamic VSAM area in shared memory.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2600E	:esipc: kxgetsm() Failed.

Description: ESIPC could not attach to the global terminal area in shared memory.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2601E 	:esipc: Shared Memory Magic Value Invalid

Description: ESIPC attached to the global terminal area in shared memory, but the area was corrupt.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2602E	:esipc: Release of Dynamic Memory Failed

Description: ESIPC could not detach from the dynamic VSAM area in shared memory.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2603E	:esipc: shmdt() failed. Error Msg: %s

Description: ESIPC could not detach from the global terminal area in shared memory.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2604E	:esipc: recv() failed. Error Msg: %s

Description: ESIPC could not receive from the socket connected to the transaction processor.

Solution: Use the error message information in the %s variable to investigate the why the call might have failed. If you cannot find a solution, report this error to your authorized service provider.

2605E	:esipc: Connection %d Reset By Peer

Description: ESIPC found that the socket connection to the transaction processor was broken.

Solution: This error occurs if the transaction processor ends, either normally or abnormally. Investigate the reason the transaction processor ended.

2606E	CommMgr unable to DUP Listen fd in TN(pid=%d), errno=%d

Description: The CommMgr process could not duplicate the Listen fd in a unikixtnemux process for the purpose of transferring the Listen fd. This message applies to Sun MTP on Windows NT.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

2607E	[main] Server %d terminated without completing attach

Description: Reported by the unikixCommMgr process when a server (unikixtnemux, unikixdcl, unikixssl, or unikixqm) aborts before completing its attach protocol sequence. This error might occur on Windows NT systems when the unikixdcl Server is configured in the .unikixrc or unikix.cfg file, but the SNA communications server has not been installed.

Solution: Install SNA communications server, or set the corresponding entry in the .unikixrc or unikix.cfg file to False.

2757I	CEDA INSTALL GROUP %s %s was executed by the user [%s]

Description: Written to the unikixmain.log file for each CEDA INSTALL command executed by the user.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2758I	Adding PROGRAM dynamically into ppt table is not implemented

Description: In the current version of Sun MTP, adding a program dynamically is not yet implemented. This message is displayed only once for each CEDA INSTALL command, even though there are multiple programs in the group.

Solution: Add the required programs using the CEDA command online or the dfhusdup command from batch into the required groups. Recycle the region by adding the groups that contain the new programs.

2759I	No GROUPS resource file specified

Description: During the region startup, the option -G was not specified. This option adds resources from the system definition file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2760E	Error opening the resource file [%s] 

Description: Error while opening resource file specified using the -G option to the unikixmain command during startup.

Solution: Check to see if the file exists, the path name is correct, or has read permission.

2761I	Number of %s entries that can be dynamically added = %d 

Description: The number of resource type entries that can be added dynamically into the region.

2762I	Processing of Group %s started

Description: Message is displayed for each group in the file specified with -G option to the unikixmain command.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2763I	Number of %s entries added %d

Description: Number of resource type entries added from the current group displayed in the 2762I message.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2764I	Number of %s entries updated %d

Description: Number of resource type entries that were already added to the region and were replaced by the current group resource type entries.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2765I	Processing of Group %s ended

Description: Processing of the groups displayed in the 2762I message is complete.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2766E	Group name is more than %d characters long %s

Description: The group name in the file specified with the -G option is longer than the required length.

Solution: Edit the file and restart the region.

2767I	User [%s] requested to install resource [%s] of type [%s]

Description: For every resource installed by the user, this message is added to the unikixmain.log file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2768I	User [%s] resource [%s] successfully [%s]

Description: Specifies that the resource was successfully added or replaced dynamically into the region. For resources replaced, this message is displayed only if the attributes of the resource in the region are different from the one being installed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2769E	User [%s] resource [%s] failed for [%s] 

Description: The installation of the resource failed for one of these reasons:

Cause: The resource was being accessed by a different transaction.

Solution: Resubmit when the resource is not being accessed by any transactions.

Cause: Not a map.

Solution: Recycle the region with the new PPT entry.

Cause: There is no space available to add a new PPT entry.

Solution: Recycle the region. Possibly increase the number in the
unikixmain -ap option.

Cause: Internal error.

Solution: Report the problem to your authorized service provider.

2770E	Conflicting options or wrong format

Description: The command contains conflicting options or is in the wrong format.

Solution: Edit the command and resubmit it.

2771E	Internal Error

Description: Internal Sun MTP error occurred.

Solution: Report the problem to your authorized service provider.

2772I	%s complete

Description: The requested command is complete.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2773I	No records to display

Description: No records to display that match the criteria specified in the CEDA DISLAY transaction.

2774I	Target record already exists, group [%s] resource [%s] type [%s]

Description: The target record already exists.

Solution: If required, specify the REPLACE option and resubmit the job.

2775I	Merge or Replace not specified

Description: The resource already exists in the group specified in the TO GROUP parameter.

Solution: Add the REPLACE or MERGE option, if required, and resubmit the job.

2777I	Group %s Resource %s was written by user %s

Description: Informational message; no user action needed.

2778I	Group %s Resource %s was updated by user %s

Description: Informational message; no user action needed.

2779I	Group %s Resource %s was deleted by user %s

Description: Informational message; no user action needed.

2780F	dfhusdup must be started as a batch job

Description: You must submit the dfhusdup utility as a batch job.

Solution: Create a file containing the dfhusdup commands and options and resubmit it as a batch job. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

2781E	Not supported

Description: The requested command in the dfhusdup job is not supported in this version of Sun MTP.

Solution: Edit the command to remove the unsupported option and resubmit the job.

2782E	USD option is set to READONLY

Description: The USD option was issued in the dfhusdup utility.

Solution: Either remove the READONLY option or edit the command, then resubmit the job.

2783E	%s file [%s] open failed, error number [%d]

Description: Error while opening the file specified with CMDFILE option of the dfhusdup utility.

Solution: Check if the file exists or has read permission, and resubmit the job.

2785I	Record not found 

Description: The requested record does not exist in the DFHUSD file.

2786I	Duplicate Record 

Description: The resource being defined already exists.

2788E	Invalid Length 

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report the problem to your authorized service provider.

2789E 	VSAM Error

Description: An internal error occurred.

Solution: Report the problem to your authorized service provider.

2790E	FILE does not exist

Description: There is a problem with the DFHUSD file.

Cause: Either there is no entry in the VSAM catalog for DFHUSD, or the DFHUSD file is corrupted.

Solution: Verify that a catalog entry exists. If it does, use the kixvalfle utility to determine if the DFHUSD file is corrupted. If it is, recover the file using standard recovery methods. Contact your authorized service provider if you need assistance.

2791E	No permission to use the FILE

Solution: Change the permissions and resubmit the command.

2792I	Command completed, check log file for resources not installed

Description: The CEDA INSTALL command completed successfully, but a resource or some resources in the group were not installed because they were in use.

Solution: Check the unikixmain.log file to get a list of resources that failed to install. These resources are identified in the 2769E message.

2800E	SSL Failed to accept socket server connection

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to accept the connection request from the unikixsock process. The unikixssl process will restart. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2801E	SSL Failed to listen for socket server connection

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to listen for the connection request from the unikixsock process. The unikixssl process will restart. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2802E	SSL Failed to bind socket server listen socket

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to establish the socket that listens for connection requests from the unikixsock process. The unikixssl process will restart. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2803E	SSL Failed to create thread

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to create a thread required to process an SSL client socket. The SSL client socket will be disconnected. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2804E	SSL Failed to send to socket server

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to send the SSL identifier to the unikixsock process during connection establishment. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2805E	SSL Failed to get local socket port

Description: unikixssl has failed to get the client socket port number. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2806E	SSL Failed to create socket

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to create the socket that listens for connection requests from the unikixsock process. The unikixssl process will restart. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2807E	SSL Failed to get socket server host address

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to resolve the SslServer*Sockhost value into an address. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

Solution: Check the unikixrc.cfg file, and verify the value is valid.

2808E	SSL Failed to connect to socket server. Is it running?

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to connect to the unikixsock process. It is either not running or the SslServer*Sockhost and SslServer*Sockport values do not match the unikixsock startup option. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

Solution: Check that the unikixsock process in running. If it is, check the unikixrc.cfg file and verify the values are valid.

2809E	SSL Handshake with client failed

Description: The unikixssl process has rejected the client certificate, or failed to negotiate an encryption algorithm with the SSL client. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

Solution: Evaluate the reason and act accordingly.

2810E	SSL Failed to interrupt partner thread

Description: Internal error. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2811E	SSL Failed to read from socket

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to read from either the client or transaction processor socket. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2812E	SSL Failed to allocate memory for certificate entry

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to allocate memory to store the client certificate information.

2813E	SSL Failed to get client certificate information

Description: After a successful handshake, the unikixssl process could not read the client certificate information. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2814E	SSL Failed to notify join thread

Description: Internal error.

2815E	SSL Failed to allocate memory for join entry

Description: Internal error.

2816E	SSL Failed to set invalid certificate callback

Description: Internal error.

2817E	SSL Failed to set certificate authorization callback

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to set up the certificate verification user exit. The client is disconnected.

2818E	SSL Failed to set socket option

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to set a socket option on the client socket. The client is disconnected. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2819E	SSL Failed to get client address

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to get the client's address. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2820E	SSL Failed to verify client certificate

Description: The unikixssl process has rejected the client certificate. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2821E	SSL Failed to get certificate database password

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to retrieve the certificate database password. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2822E	SSL Failed to get client certificate

Description: During the SSL handshake, the unikixssl process has failed to acquire the client certificate. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

2823E	SSL Failed to remove client thread from join list

Description: Internal error.

2824E	SSL The join list is empty

Description: Internal error.

2825E SSL %serror %d (line %d)

Description: Generic message that will state the reason for a failure.

2826E	SSL %serror %s%d (line %d)

Description: Generic message that will state the reason for a failure.

2827E	SSL Unrecoverable error server no longer active

Description: The SSL server has encountered an error from which it cannot recover. It is still running, but is inactive. This message will be preceded by a message stating the reason for the failure.

Solution: Fix the underlying cause of the failure and restart your region.

2828E	SSL Failed to remove certificate

Description: The unikixssl process has failed to clean up a certificate after a failing to communicate with the unikixsock process.

2829E	SSL Asked to handshake as a client

Description: Internal error.

2830E	SSL Failed to get certificate database pointer 

Description: Internal error.

2831E	SSL Certificate rejected by user exit

Description: This error will occur if the customized certificate verification user exit has rejected a client certificate.

2832E	SSL Join list is empty

Description: Internal error.

2833E	SSL Failed to find join entry

Description: Internal error.

2834E	SSL Certificate list is empty

Description: Internal error.

2835E	SSL Failed to find certificate entry

Description: Internal error.

2836E	SSL Failed to configure client socket for SSL

Description: The client socket could not be configured for SSL. This message will be preceded by a more specific message giving the reason for the failure.

2837E	SSL Failed to create certificate

Description: After the handshake, the unikixssl process failed to store the certificate it received from the client. This message will be preceded by a more specific message giving the reason for the failure.

2838E	SSL Failed to add certificate to certificate list

Description: After the handshake, the unikixssl process failed to store the certificate it received from the client. This message will be preceded by a more specific message giving the reason for the failure.

2839E	SSL Failed to add client thread to join list

Description: Internal error.

2900I	Number of rollback messages = %u

Description: The number of times the system has called a rollback.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2901I	Number of recovery flush messages = %u

Description: The number of times the system has requested that the recovery process flush the recovery buffers.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2902I	Number of recovery sync messages = %u

Description: The number of times the system has requested that the recovery process flush the recovery buffers before reaching the threshold level of recovery buffer.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2903I	Number of flush waiting messages = %u

Description: The number of times the system had to wait for flush-in-progress for the before images to be secured by the recovery file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

2904I	Average recovery records per buffer = %s

Description: Informational message showing the mean number of recovery records in each buffer written to the recovery file.

2905I	Average recovery records per physical write = %s

Description: Informational message showing the average number of records written to the recovery file on each physical write.

2906I	Average buffer fit ratio per physical write = %s

Description: Informational message showing the average percentage of buffer space used for each physical write.

2925F	Process %s is not built using thread library on Solaris

Description: This message is issued only if mutexes are enabled on a Solaris system using the unikixmain -j option at startup.

Solution: If the specified process is a Sun MTP process, contact your authorized service provider. If the process was created by the user, for example by using a
C-ISAM library, the user must create their executables with the thread library. Alternatively, the user can restart the region without mutexes (do not use the -j option), but this might affect performance.

3000-3499 Messages

3000E	MQDISC() Error %ld Reason %ld

Description: A call to the MQDISC function failed with an unexpected error.

Solution: Examine the error and reason to determine how to proceed.

3001E	MQCONN() Error %ld Reason %ld

Description: A call to the MQCONN function failed with an unexpected error.

Solution: Examine the error and reason to determine how to proceed.

3002E	MQOPEN() Error %ld Reason %ld

Description: A call to the MQOPEN function failed with an unexpected error.

Solution: Examine the error and reason to determine how to proceed.

3003E	MQGET() Error %ld Reason %ld

Description: A call to the MQGET function failed with an unexpected error.

Solution: Examine the error and reason to determine how to proceed.

3004E	MQCLOSE() Error %ld Reason %ld

Description: A call to the MQCLOSE function failed with an unexpected error.

Solution: Examine the error and reason to determine how to proceed.

3005W	MQSeries Trigger Monitor is not available

Description: The MQSeries trigger monitor has been unable to connect successfully to the required queue manager and queue.

Cause: This error can occur for the following reasons:

Solution: Examine the previous messages for more information.

3006E	Invalid startup parameter

Description: The parameter entry was not correct.

Solution: Retype the correct parameter.

3007W	MQSeries Queue does not exist

Description: The queue to be monitored does not exist.

Solution: Create the required MQSeries queue.

3008E	MQSeries Triggered transaction %4.4s does not exist

Description: The MQSeries trigger monitor has attempted to start a transaction that does not exist in the PCT.

Solution: Examine your configuration.

3009E	MQSeries Queue Manager is stopping

Description: The MQSeries queue manager is being terminated. Trigger monitoring will not occur.

Solution: Restart the queue manager, if required.

3010W	MQSeries Trigger Queue is already in use

Description: Another process is reading from the trigger queue.

Cause: This error might be a result of the abnormal termination of a previous invocation of the Sun MTP trigger monitor.

Solution: This error is probably transient, but if it persists, examine your system configuration to determine which process is locking the queue, and act accordingly.

3011W	MQSeries Queue Manager is unknown

Description: The specified queue manager does not exist.

Solution: Create the queue manager, if required.

3012W	MTP is not authorized to access the MQSeries Queue Manager

Description: Sun MTP is not authorized to access the specified MQSeries queue manager.

Solution: Alter the MQSeries queue authorities.

3013W	MQGET has been disabled for the MQSeries Trigger Queue

Description: The specified queue has been configured so that calls to the MQGET() function fail. The system administrator might be doing this for maintenance purposes.

Solution: Modify the MQSeries configuration.

3014I	MQSeries Trigger Monitor is ready for work

Description: The connection to the trigger queue was successful.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3015I	MQGET has been enabled for the MQSeries Trigger Queue

Description: Calls to the MQGET() function were disabled, and are now enabled.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3016E	dynmem area was not allocated by unikixmain

Description: Internal error, contact your authorized service provider.

3017I	discarding prior [QueueManager]:QueueName %s:%s Pid %d

Description: The unikixqm process has been restarted and the queue manager name %s or queue name %s is different.

3018I	[QueueManager]:QueueName is %s:%s

Description: The unikixqm process is using the name of the queue manager %s and queue name %s to connect to MQSeries.

3210I	Enter API Command.

Description: This informational message is displayed when you enter the CECI Commands screen.

Solution: Enter a command.

3211E	Invalid API Command - please reenter.

Description: You entered an invalid command on the CECI transaction Commands screen.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

3212E	You are already at the top of the screen.

Description: This message is displayed on the CECI Commands screen if you press the PF7 key to scroll back a screen while you are already at the top of the available display.

Solution: Press the PF8 key to view more commands.

3213I	There are no further API commands.

Description: This message is displayed on the CECI Commands screen if you press the PF8 key to scroll forward a screen while you are already at the bottom of the available display.

Solution: Press the PF7 key to view more commands.

3214E	CECI writecon failed

Description: This is an internal terminal I/O error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3220E	Translation Error - see PF9.

Description: This message is displayed if the command you typed on the CECI Syntax screen contains syntax errors.

Solution: Press the PF9 key to view the Translator Messages screen.

3230E	Variable has not been defined.

Description: You specified a nonexistent CECI variable name as a keyword argument on the Syntax screen.

Solution: Define the variable or change the command syntax and resubmit.

3231E	An opening parenthesis is missing.

Description: The specified command syntax has a missing opening parenthesis.

Solution: Correct the command syntax and resubmit.

3232E	A closing parenthesis is missing.

Description: The specified command syntax has a missing closing parenthesis.

Solution: Correct the command syntax and resubmit.

3233E	API Verb requires an argument.

Description: The specified command syntax has a missing argument.

Solution: Correct the command syntax and resubmit.

3240E	CECI Variables must commence with &.

Description: This message is displayed if you define a variable whose name does not begin with the ampersand (&) character.

Solution: Retype the variable name and resubmit.

3241E	Maximum variable length is 32767 - please reenter.

Description: This message is displayed if you specified a variable length greater than the maximum of 32,767 bytes.

Solution: Retype the variable length and resubmit.

3242E	Illegal length field entered - please reenter.

Description: You entered an illegal length.

Solution: Enter the correct length.

3250I	The end of the variable is already displayed.

Description: The current screen contains the last variable.

Solution: Press the PF8 key to scroll forward.

3251I	The beginning of the variable is already displayed.

Description: The current screen contains the first variable.

Solution: Press the PF7 key to scroll down.

3252E	An invalid character has been entered.

Description: An unrecognized character was entered.

Solution: Retry with the correct character.

3260I	CECI has not been installed on this MTP region

Description: The Sun MTP transaction processor, unikixtran, does not include CECI libraries.

Solution: CECI is not supported on all Sun MTP platforms. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Release Notes for supported platforms.

3300I	Usage: kixexpcat -c catalog_file_name [-l list_file_name] [-x Y|N]

Description: Usage message for the kixexpcat utility.

Solution: Rerun the kixexpcat command using the correct options and arguments, as described in the usage message. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

3301F	Could not access file %s - stat() failed

Description: Could not access one of the supplied file names.

Solution: Make sure that the file exists with the correct permissions.

3302F	Could not allocate storage - malloc() failed

Description: Storage could not be allocated.

Solution: Inform your system administrator, who should be able to resolve the problem.

3303F	Could not open file %s - fopen() failed

Description: Could not open one of the supplied file names.

Solution: Make sure that you have write permission to the file, and to the directory in which it resides.

3304I	Usage: kiximpcat -l list_file_name -c catalog_file_name

Description: Usage message for the kiximpcat utility.

Solution: Rerun the kiximpcat command using the correct options and arguments, as described in the usage message. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

3305F	File %s, Line %d: Invalid block size specified

Description: A block size other than 4 Kbytes, 8 Kbytes, 16 Kbytes, or 32 Kbytes was specified.

Solution: Correct the block size in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3306F	Fatal error: No space left in index

Description: There is no space left in the index file. This can occur when the number of entries in the CATALOG.lst file exceeds 2952. This is a limitation of kiximpcat.

Solution: Reduce the number of entries in the VSAM catalog, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide describes the restrictions on the CATALOG.lst file.

3307F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Field may not exceed %d characters

Description: One of the fields in the CATALOG.lst file is too long.

Solution: Correct the field size in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3308F	File %s, Line %d: Block size may only be specified on line 1

Description: An attempt was made to define the VSAM block size on a line other than line 1 of the CATALOG.lst file.

Solution: Define the VSAM block size on line 1 of the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3309F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Invalid record format

Description: An attempt was made to define a record format other than V or F.

Solution: Verify that all record formats are either V or F in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3310F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Invalid access type

Description: An attempt was made to define a VSAM file access type other than KSDS, ESDS, or RRDS.

Solution: Verify that all access types are KSDS, ESDS, or RRDS in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3311F	File %s, Line %d: Maximum number of alternate records exceeded

Description: A maximum of 12 alternate records definitions is permitted for each primary file.

Solution: Delete the excess record definitions, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3312F	File %s, Line %d: Alternate record does not match current primary record

Description: An alternate record must have the same primary environment and primary file name as the preceding primary record definition.

Solution: Correct the primary environment and primary file name in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3313F	File %s, Line %d: Maximum number of spanned records exceeded

Description: A maximum of seven spanned record definitions is permitted for each primary file.

Solution: Delete the excess spanned record definitions, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3314F	File %s, Line %d: Spanned record does not match current primary record

Description: A spanned record must have the same primary environment and primary file name as the preceding primary record definition.

Solution: Correct the primary environment and primary file name in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3315F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Record type must be B,P,A or S

Description: An invalid record type was specified.

Solution: Verify that all record types are B, P, A, or S in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3316F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Keylength must be zero for ESDS and RRDS records

Description: The key length must be zero for ESDS and RRDS records.

Solution: Verify that the key length for ESDS and RRDS records is zero in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3317F	File %s, Line %d: Primary record is out of order

Description: All records in the CATALOG.lst file must be sorted on an ascending key consisting of the primary environment and primary file name. This message indicates that this rule has been broken.

Solution: Edit the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The record for the primary cluster for the first primary key must come before the record for the second primary key, and so on. See the description of the record formats and the example of a CATALOG.lst file in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

3318F	File %s, Line %d: Duplicate primary record

Description: A duplicate primary record has been specified.

Solution: Delete or correct the duplicate record, and rerun the kiximpcat command.

3319F	File %s, Line %d: Spanned records are only permitted for KSDS files

Description: An attempt was made to define a spanned record for an ESDS or RRDS file.

Solution: Examine the CATALOG.lst file and change the record type or the file type for the entry. Rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3320F	File %s, Line %d: Alternate records are only permitted for KSDS files

Description: An attempt was made to define an alternate record for an ESDS or RRDS file.

Solution: Examine the CATALOG.lst file and change the record type or the file type for the entry. Rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3321F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Key position must be zero for ESDS and RRDS records

Description: The key position field must be zero for ESDS and RRDS records.

Solution: Correct the value of the key position field, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3322F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: RRDS records may not be variable length

Description: RRDS records can only be a fixed length.

Solution: Correct the record type for a primary cluster RRDS record, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3323F	File %s, Line %d: The key is not completely within the record

Description: The key position and length are incorrectly defined so that part of the key falls outside of the defined length of the record.

Solution: Correct the key definition, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3324F	File %s, Line %d: The alternate key is not completely within the primary record

Description: The alternate key position and length are incorrectly defined so that part of the key alternate falls outside of the defined length of the record.

Solution: Correct the key definition, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3325F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Invalid spaces detected in field

Description: Spaces are only permitted as trailing characters in fields.

Solution: Delete any spaces that are not at the end of fields, and rerun the kiximpcat command.

3326F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: A KSDS record must have a record length in the range 1 to 32767
3327F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: A ESDS or RRDS record must have a record length in the range 1 to 4072
3328F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: A KSDS record must have a key length in the range 1 to 255
3329F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: A KSDS record must have an alternate key length in the range 1 to 255

Description: A record or key length that is out of range was included in the CATALOG.lst file.

Solution: Correct the record or key length, and rerun the kiximpcat command. The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide describes the record formats for the CATALOG.lst file.

3330F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: invalid/missing batch read-locking flag

Description: This message is issued by the kiximpcat utility when the cluster's batch read-locking parameter is either not present or has a value other than Y or N.

Solution: Edit the incorrect entry in the CATALOG.lst file, and rerun the kiximpcat command.

3331F	File %s: batch read-locking flag not set; need to specify -x Y|N

Description: This message is issued by the kixexpcat utility when the VSAM catalog file has not been migrated, and the cluster records still contain a blank in the batch read-locking position.

3332F	File %s, Line %d: First record in file must be block size

Description: The specified file, which is being used to create the VSAM catalog is incorrect. The first line must contain the VSAM block size.

Solution: Edit the file and submit again.

3333F	Could not restore %s from backup file

Description: The import of the VSAM catalog failed because of the reason specified in the previous line on the console. Restoring the file to its original contents failed because the system could not copy it from the backup file.

Solution: Correct the problem of importing the VSAM catalog and resubmit the utility. If the original file is required for further use, restore it from the backup.

3334F	Could not create backup file for %s

Description: The utility failed to create a backup of the file before destroying it.

Solution: The user must have permission to write in the directory where the utility is being executed.

3335F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Primary size cannot be greater than 2Gb

Description: The primary size field %d cannot be more than 2 Gbytes.

Solution: Edit the field %d on line %d to provide a valid value.

3336F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Secondary size cannot be greater than 2Gb

Description: The secondary size field %d cannot be more than 2 Gbytes.

Solution: Edit the field %d on line %d to provide a valid value.

3337F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Percent fill must be be in the range of 0 to 99

Description: An incorrect value was supplied.

Solution: Edit the field %d on line %d to provide a valid value.

3338F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: Percent Fill must be zero for an ESDS or RRDS

Description: For ESDS and RRDS VASM files, the fill percent is not allowed.

Solution: Edit the field %d on line %d and set it to 0.

3339F	File %s, Line %d, Field %d: invalid / missing reuse_allowed flag

Description: The Field %d should have a value of Y or N.

Solution: Edit the Field %d on Line %d to make it Y or N.

3350F	CISAM ERROR: %s Error is %d

Description: A process using the C-ISAM interface to access VSAM data has encountered an error. This message provides a brief description of the error, a file name, and an error number. For example:

CISAM ERROR: Number of OPEN File Exceeded Error is 98

3351F	CISAM ERROR: %s %s Error is %d

Description: A process using the C-ISAM interface to access VSAM data has encountered an error. This message will provide a brief description of the error, a file name, and an error number.

3400I	Java Support Loaded

Description: The Java runtime has been successfully loaded and Java CICS (JCICS) is enabled.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3401I	Java not supported

Description: Java support has not been built into this version of Sun MTP.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3402E	Java Support Library [%s] could not be found

Description: When the region starts, if the Java support libraries cannot be found, Java support is disabled.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about configuring the region to support Java applications.

3403W	Warning! Java Support Disabled [%s]

Description: The Java environment was set up incorrectly. The variable string gives a more detailed explanation of the problem.

Cause: This message will appear if your system is licensed for Java, but you have not configured it.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about configuring the region to support Java applications.

3404E	Erroneous call to <%s> in a non-Java environment

Description: You are attempting to run a transaction containing Java when the Java runtime is disabled. This message is usually preceded by message 3403W.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about configuring the region to support Java applications.

3405W	Illegal attempt to call System.exit(int) or Runtime.exit(int) ignored

Description: A call to one of the specified methods was made from the user's Java code. The call was ignored.

Solution: Review your source code and remove any of these calls.

3406E	Java Runtime called abort_hook() following serious error

Description: The abort_hook() function is typically called by the JVM after an error in the user's Java Native Interface (JNI) code.

Solution: Examine and correct the user Java code.

3407E	Internal Error in Java Support [Failed to create the JVM]

Description: Sun MTP cannot locate the JVM.

Solution: Examine your Java configuration, including the shared library environment variable. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about configuring Java. If you are unable to determine a configuration error, report this problem to your authorized service provider.

3408E	Java Class %s does not have a valid 'main' method

Description: The specified class does not have a valid main() method.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about the main() method and correct your application.

3409I	Java disabled by user

Description: Indicates that the KIX_DISABLE_JAVA environment variable was set to YES, and no Java processing can take place.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3500-3999 Messages

3500I	MTP date/time is being set to %sCurrent MTP date/time is %s

Description: Sun MTP will use a different date/time from the current system date/time. The date/time used by Sun MTP is displayed in the unikixmain.log file.

Solution: This is an informational message and requires no action. To change the Sun MTP date/time, use the kixdate utility.

3501I	Current MTP date/time is %s

Description: Displays the current date and time for Sun MTP.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3502E	Date/Time %s is invalid.

Description: Sun MTP date/time was not specified in an acceptable format. When this error occurs, the system date/time is used instead of the date/time specified. For acceptable formats, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Solution: Examine the contents of $KIXSYS/datefile, and note the date/time specification. Use kixdate to reset the Sun MTP date/time, then set the Sun MTP date/time. If the problem is not corrected, contact your authorized service provider.

3503E	Internal processing error in date/time shift

Description: System problems occurred in the startup logic when attempting to set the Sun MTP date/time specified by the Sun MTP system administrator. When this error occurs, Sun MTP uses the system date/time instead of the date/time specified.

Solution: Check the system resources. If the problem is not identified and corrected, contact your authorized service provider.

3520I	Use PF9 to Enter JAVA Details

Description: Press the PF9 key to display the PPT's Java Details screen, where you can type the fully qualified Java class name for the program you are defining.

3521I	Remote Object/IIOP not supported - fields accepted

Description: The Remote Object and IIOP fields are not used in this release of Sun MTP. If you enter values in these fields, they are accepted, but ignored.

3550E	[%r] Lost terminal not found in local list of %d messages

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3590I	Data modified (and propagated to all aliases as well!)

Description: Alias datasets in the fct.tbl file were modified, and changes were propagated to all other aliases in the dataset. Aliases are different dataset names that reference the same physical file.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3592E	Entry does not match other aliases

Description: During the insert mode, arguments used to define a new dataset that is an alias of an existing dataset in the FCT, are inconsistent with arguments on the existing alias.

Solution: Enter arguments consistent with the existing alias.

3593E	Maximum count of alias datasets exceeded

Description: A maximum of eight alias datasets can be defined. This maximum has been reached.

Solution: Change the number of datasets defined to less than eight.

3594E	CodeWatch not properly started/attached to unikixtran pid=nnn

Description: Sun MTP cannot determine the processor ID of the CodeWatch process that is supposed to attach to the named transaction's PID.

Solution: Check the UNIX version to verify that it supports the ps -ef format of the ps system command.

3595E	CodeWatch cannot be invoked on a 3270 type terminal

Description: You cannot execute the CEDF transaction and invoke the CodeWatch debugger from a 3270 (routed) terminal.

3596E	CodeWatch cannot be invoked on a non-PL/I system

Description: An attempt was made to set CodeWatch mode through CEDF on a region that does not support Liant Open PL/I.

Solution: Rebuild the transaction servers with the Liant Open PL/I runtime modules.

3597E	Excessive PW failures - Userid %s is suspended

Description: The user ID trying to log in exceeded the password fail limit set in the SIT. The user ID is suspended.

Solution: The Sun MTP administrator must modify the user's entry in the SNT, and permit the user to sign on with a new temporary password.

3600I	MAXIMUM aliases exceeded - - ignoring %8.8s

Description: An FCT entry exceeds the maximum of eight aliases. The alias specified in the error message is ignored.

Solution: Reconfigure the FCT entries so that the maximum is not exceeded.

3605I	Resource %8.8s was configured as type %c but is being change to type 'M' (mapset)

Description: Resource %8.8 was configured as type %c, but used as a mapset in the application for the first time. The system has changed the resource from %c to mapset. The application must use it as a mapset until the resource is installed again with the same or different attributes, or the system is recycled.

Solution: You can change the attribute of the resource to BMS.

3606I	Resource %8.8s was configured as type 'M' (mapset) but is being used in a non-BMS CICS API.

Description: A CICS API used the resource as a program, even though the resource was defined to the system as a mapset.

Solution: Correct the resource to the appropriate type.

3610I	[%r] Child pid %d not found in pid table

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3650E	[%r] Odd number of bytes between SO (index %d) and SI (index %d) in data stream

Description: Double-byte characters can be embedded between SO (shift-out) and SI (shift-in) characters. The number of bytes between the SO and SI characters should be a multiple of 2 (2 times the number of double-byte characters).

Solution: Examine the (shift-out, shift-in) SOSI literals in your application program. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your authorized service provider.

3651E	[%r] SO (index %d) not followed by SI in data stream

Description: An SO character must have a complementary SI character following the double-byte characters. The SI character is missing.

Solution: Examine the SOSI literals in your application program. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your authorized service provider.

3652E	[%r] SI (index %d) encountered in data stream before SO

Description: An SI character must be preceded by an SO character followed by double-byte characters. The SO character is missing.

Solution: Examine the SOSI literals in your application program. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your authorized service provider.

3653E	[%r] Odd number of bytes received for double-byte translation

Description: Double-byte translation translates two bytes at a time. Therefore, a request for double-byte translation should provide a buffer size that is a multiple of 2.

Solution: Examine the SOSI literals in your application program. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your authorized service provider.

3654E	[%r] Could not obtain current locale, errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP could not obtain the language settings of the environment it is running under. Sun MTP uses the system call setlocale() to obtain current language settings. This failure could affect how Sun MTP handles characters for display or print in its logs, screens, and dumps. It could also affect the lower to uppercase conversion of characters being input by terminal users. A UNIX errno value is printed.

Solution: This is a system problem. Contact your system administrator, and if the problem cannot be resolved, contact your authorized service provider.

3655E	[%r] setlocale failed, errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP could not set the language environment as specified by the environment. This failure might affect the lower to uppercase conversion of characters being input by terminal users. Sun MTP uses the system call setlocale() to set the language environment as specified by the relevant language environment variables. A UNIX errno value is printed.

Solution: Ensure that the settings of the LANG, LC_CTYPE, and LC_ALL environment variables are correct. Contact your system administrator, and if the problem cannot be resolved, contact your authorized service provider.

3656E	[%r] mblen failed, return code = %d, errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP could not determine the byte length of certain input characters that it received. The byte length could be 1 for single-byte characters, or 2 for double-byte characters. Sun MTP uses the system call mblen() to make this determination. The return code from mblen() is printed. Usually this is -1 when mblen() fails. A UNIX errno value is printed.

Solution: This is a system problem. Contact your system administrator, and if the problem cannot be resolved, contact your authorized service provider.

3657E	[%r] Unexpected return from mblen; Character comprises %d bytes

Description: Sun MTP expects to receive single-byte or double-byte characters only. See message 3656E. If mblen() returns a number greater than 2, Sun MTP has encountered multi-byte characters. Currently, Sun MTP does not handle 3-byte (or more) characters. The number of bytes in the character, as reported by mblen(), is printed.

Solution: Ensure that the input characters causing this error are valid single or double byte characters. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

3658E	[%r] Could not restore locale back to %s, errno = %d

Description: Sun MTP could not restore the language environment. See message 3654. Sun MTP saves the current language environment before lower to uppercase conversion. After the conversion is completed, the language environment is restored. Sun MTP uses the system call setlocale() to do both the save and restore. A string representing the language environment that Sun MTP attempted to restore is printed. A UNIX errno value is also printed.

Solution: This is a system problem. Contact your system administrator, and if the problem cannot be resolved, contact your authorized service provider.

3690E	No write permission for unikix group

Description: When attempting to modify the GCT using Table Manager, this error indicates that the user does not have write permission to the table.

Solution: Check and correct the permissions on the GCT.

3691E	Invalid group - group name not found in GCT

Description: The group entry does not exist in the GCT.

Solution: Correct the GCT and try modifying the group entry again.

3692I	Transaction [%s] disabled

Description: An attempt was made to invoke a transaction that is disabled.

Solution: Enable the transaction and invoke it again.

3693I	Program [%s] disabled

Description: An API call was made to load a disabled program. The API is returned PGMIDERR.

Solution: Enable the program.

3700E	Sum of Max Active greater than transaction servers in vct

Description: The sum of all Max Active fields in the Transaction Class Table (TXC) must be less than or equal to the number of transaction servers configured in the VCT. This error will occur when configuring the TXC.

Solution: Enter a valid value in the Max Active field.

3701E	Transaction servers is less than the sum of Max Active in txc

Description: The number of servers configured in the VCT is less than the sum of all Max Active fields in the TXC. This error will occur when configuring the VCT.

Solution: Enter a valid value in the Transaction Servers field.

3702I	Init_start unikixsched(%d) %s

Description: This message is displayed in the unikixmain.log file when the system is starting and the scheduler process is initiated.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

3703E	Transaction class specified does not exist in txc table

Description: This message is displayed if you specify a class name in the PCT that does not exist in the TXC.

Solution: Enter a valid class name or add the class to the TXC and then update the PCT.

3704E	KIXDFLT/KIXADMIN maxactive must be at least 1

Description: This message is displayed when a user attempts to change the Max Active field for the KIXDFLT or KIXADMIN transaction class to zero in the TXC.

3713E	Error attempting to reconfigure class <%8.8s> using SET TRANCLASS

Description: When this message is displayed, message 3714E also is displayed in the unikixmain.log file. These messages display the class and the internal reconfiguration IDs.

Cause: This could be a system error, but it can also indicate that multiple reconfiguration steps are being attempted at the same time.

3714E	Message reconfig id <%d> does not match class reconfig id <%d> <%d>

Description: See message 3713E.

3715E	No KIXDFLT class was found. Check $KIXSYS/unikix.dir/txc.tbl file

Description: The KIXDFLT class could not be found. The referenced file could be missing or corrupt.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3716E	Fatal error setting up transaction class information

Description: This is a system error. Examine the unikixmain.log file for another message, most likely message 3715E, which indicates the KIXDFLT class could not be found.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3717F	Sum of Max Active in txc.tbl exceeds transaction servers in vct.tbl
3718I	System will run without classes - check vct.tbl and txc.tbl

Description: These messages typically appear together in the unikixmain.log file. They indicate that there are not enough transaction servers configured in the VCT to handle the configuration of the transaction classes in the TXC. The region starts without transaction classes running.

Solution: This situation might occur if you copy a VCT from one region's $KIXSYS directory to another region's. Use Table Manager to resolve the discrepancy.

3719E	Maximum number of classes allowed is 64

Description: The maximum number of classes you can configure in the TXC is 64.

Solution: Modify the table.

3720E	Duplicate TXC entry %s in file: %s

Description: The specified entry appears twice in the TXC.

Solution: Edit the table to remove the duplicate entry.

3801E 	[%r] Signal [%d] received; exit process already entered

Description: During the processing of a signal by the program, another signal was received.

Solution: If the user is not generating the second signal, contact your authorized service provider.

3802I 	[%r] Signal [%d] received before previous signal [%d] was reset

Description: Before the program got a chance to clear the state of the signal, another signal was received.

Solution: If the user is not generating the second signal, contact your authorized service provider.

3803E 	[%r] Signal structures are already established

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3804E	[%r] Not able to determine the number of signal events

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3805E	[%r] Not able to allocate memory

Description: Not enough memory.

Solution: Try changing the -M t and -M c values on the unikixmain command.

3806E	[%r] Not able to establish signal event for signal [%d]

Description: Your operating system might not be properly installed.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3807E	[%r] Signal number [%d] is out of the operating system range

Description: New signals were probably added to the operating system.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3808E	[%r] Cannot catch signal [%d]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3809E	[%r] Cannot establish RESTART for signal [%d]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3810E	[%r] Already signal handlers are saved on behalf of the context [%d]

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Report this error to your authorized service provider.

3811E	[%r] Signal structures are NOT established

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

3812E	[%r] Process exiting because of signal %.20s

Description: The process received signal %.20s and the signal is not something expected by Sun MTP.

Solution: If it is a SIGSEGV (memory violation), investigate whether it is caused by the application program. For other signals investigate the origin of the signal. For example, if it is SIGABRT investigate which user or applications other than Sun MTP is generating the signal.

3813E	[%r] Transfering control to %.20s for further processing

Description: After processing the signal the control is being passed to the runtime system %.20s so that the run time system can put out its debug information.

3814E	[%r] Process exiting because of SIGTERM signal

Description: The Sun MTP process is idle and a SIGTERM has been sent to the Sun MTP process. The process is exiting. This is used to stop the process during shutdown.

3815I	Region might be active, execute kixdump -Ss to verify

Description: The region was unable to create operating system resources because they already exist.

Cause: The region might be active or it was not shut down properly.

Solution: If the system is not active, execute the kixclean command to clean up the resources.

3817E	[%r] KIXBTCH directory does not exist %s

Description: The %s directory set in the KIXBTCH environment variable does not exist.

Solution: Create the directory with the appropriate permissions and restart the region.

3818E	[%r] KIXBTCH is not set but the vct is configured for batch

Solution: Set the KIXBTCH variable to the directory with the appropriate permissions, and restart the region.

3900W	Configuration File %s not found.

Description: This warning indicates that the $KIXSYS/unikixrc.cfg file was not found.

Solution: No action is required. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about creating this file for Communications Manager.

4000-4499 Messages

4000I	External Security: access allowed - %s (terminal %4.4s)

Description: The message reports the Sun MTP resource, user, and access permissions granted by the Sun MSF security server.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

4001W	External Security: access denied - %s (terminal %4.4s)

Description: The message reports the Sun MTP resource, user, and access permissions denied by the Sun MSF security server.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

4002W	External Security forced signoff of user %8.8s on terminal %4.4s

Description: The message reports that the indicated user was logged out automatically because the security server connection had been lost and is now reconnected.

Solution: The user needs to log back on to reestablish security server information for resource access checking.

4003E	External Security: socket send %d bytes didn't complete

Description: There was a problem sending data to the security server. The security server connection from this process has been closed and will be reconnected when the security server is available.

4004E	External Security inoperative: socket error %d

Description: A socket request to the security server encountered this UNIX error. The security server connection from this process has been closed and will be reconnected when the security server is available.

4005E	External Security inoperative: socket connection closed by Security Server

Description: The security server is not responding. The security server connection from this process has been closed and will be reconnected when the security server is available.

4006E	External Security: invalid protocol message

Description: An unexpected message was received from the security server. The security server connection from this process has been closed and will be reconnected when the security server is available.

4007E	External Security: %s

Description: An error message was received from the security server. The security server connection from this process has been closed and will be reconnected when the security server is available.

4008E	External Security: connection to Security Server re-established

Description: A socket connection to the security server has been established after a disconnect or if a previous connect failed.

Solution: No action is required.

4009E	External Security: Environment variable KIXSEC_SERVERPORT must be set

Description: The KIXSEC_SERVERPORT environment variable has not been set by the user. This environment variable is required to use Sun MSF.

Solution: Set the KIXSEC_SERVERPORT environment variable to a valid port number.

4500-4999 Messages

4500E	[%r] Exception %s; terminating CorbaListener ...

Description: An exception occurred in the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) listener process. This message is a generic catch-all message. A specific description will be displayed.

Solution: Depends on the description. Contact your authorized service provider.

4501I	Entering - port %s

Description: Startup message from CORBA listener process. Displays the port number on which the CORBA listener process is listening.

Solution: This is an informational message. No action is required.

4502E	%r Received an object of unknown type from transaction processor

Description: The CORBA listener received an unknown, unsolicited message.

Solution: Determine the number of regions that are running, and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions. Contact your authorized service provider if the problem persists.

4503E	%r Exception %s; terminating read thread ...

Description: An exception occurred in one of the read threads of the CORBA listener process. A specific description will be displayed.

Solution: Depends on the description. Contact your authorized service provider.

4504E	%r Read Thread terminated due to %s

Description: An exception occurred in one of the read threads of the CORBA listener process. A specific description will be displayed.

Solution: Depends on the description. Contact your authorized service provider.

4505E	%r Exception %s ;returning null repids

Description: The CORBA servant configured in the PPT does not have any associated interfaces.

Solution: Examine the PPT entry for a CORBA servant. Examine the CLASSPATH environment variable to verify that the CORBA servant is in one of the $CLASSPATH directories. Check that the CORBA servant POA class is also in one of the $CLASSPATH directories. Contact your authorized service provider if the problem persists.

4506E	%r Exception %s

Description: Catch-all exception. A specific description will be displayed.

Solution: Depends on the description. Contact your authorized service provider.

4507I	%r All interfaces registered with TRADER

Description: The CORBA listener process has successfully registered all the interfaces configured in the PPT with the trader.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

4508E	[%r] Fatal error in PPT callback 

Description: Internal error in reading PPT information.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

4525E	[%r] Fatal error %d while saving signal handlers

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

4550E	%r Message queue factory failure

Description: The CORBA listener process ran into problems trying to use the message queue infrastructure classes.

Solution: Ensure that the transutil.jar file is in the $UNIKIX/lib directory. Contact your authorized service provider.

4552E	%r Send to ProcQ failed

Description: The CORBA listener process could not send a message to the Sun MTP process queue.

Solution: Determine the number of regions that are running and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions. Contact your authorized service provider.

4554E	%r Write object exception %s

Description: The CORBA listener process failed to write a message to the transaction processor.

Solution: Determine the health of the transaction processors by doing a process listing, and by looking at the $KIXSYS/unikixmain.log file for messages indicating transaction processor crashes. Contact your authorized service provider.

4555E	%r Read object exception %s

Description: The CORBA Listener process failed to read a message from the transaction processor.

Solution: Determine the health of transaction processors by doing a process listing, and by looking at the $KIXSYS/unikixmain.log file for messages indicating transaction processor crashes. Contact your authorized service provider.

4557E	%r Find trader exception %s

Description: The CORBA Listener process could not locate the trader service.

Solution: Verify that the object request broker (ORB) is correctly installed and ensure that the trader is started. Contact your authorized service provider.

4558E	%r Could not resolve host name; Exception %s

Description: The JVM could not find out the host name of the system that it is running under.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

4559E	%r Context create exception %s

Description: The ORB context could not be created.

Solution: Verify that the ORB is correctly installed and ensure that the trader service is started. Contact your authorized service provider.

4560E	%r Create type exception %s

Description: Type for the interface could not be created.

Solution: Verify that the ORB is correctly installed and ensure that the trader service is started. Contact your authorized service provider.

4561E	%r Register exception %s

Description: Could not register the interface.

Solution: Verify that the ORB is correctly installed and ensure that the trader service is started. Contact your authorized service provider.

4562E	%r Remove offers exception %s

Description: Could not remove stale offers at startup.

Solution: Verify that the ORB is correctly installed and ensure that the trader service is started. Contact your authorized service provider.

4575E	%r Failed to open message queue, id=%s, path=%s, perm=%s.

Description: Error in opening a Sun MTP message queue that should exist.

Solution: Check the permissions for the unikixmain, unikixtran, and unikixcorba processes to verify that they are the same. Determine the number of regions that are running, and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions running. Contact your authorized service provider.

4576E	%r Failed to receive from message queue, msqid=%d, type=%d, blocking=%s.

Description: Error in receiving from a Sun MTP message queue.

Solution: Check the permissions for the unikixmain, unikixtran, and unikixcorba processes to verify that they are the same. Determine the number of regions that are running, and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions running. Contact your authorized service provider.

4577E	%r Failed to send to message queue, msqid=%d, blocking=%s.

Description: Error in sending to a Sun MTP message queue.

Solution: Check the permissions for the unikixmain, unikixtran, and unikixcorba processes to verify that they are the same. Determine the number of regions that are running, and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions running. Contact your authorized service provider.

4578E	%r Message queue not open.

Description: The Sun MTP message queue is not open. There probably was an error while attempting to open it.

Solution: Check the permissions for the unikixmain, unikixtran, and unikixcorba processes to verify that they are the same. Determine the number of regions that are running, and the health of their corresponding IPC resources. Try to reduce the number of regions running. Contact your authorized service provider.

4579E	%r Failed to destroy message queue, msqid=%d.

Description: Error in destroying a Sun MTP message queue.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6500-6999 Messages

6501E	Remote Animation Error: call CBL_DEBUG_START, status %d

Description: During remote animation, an error was returned by the Micro Focus COBOL runtime system.

Cause: This error can occur when turning off Remote Animator, and can be ignored.

Solution: Refer to the Remote Animator documentation for more information.

6502E	Remote Animation Error: call CBL_DEBUG_STOP, status %d

Description: During remote animation, an error was returned by the Micro Focus COBOL runtime system.

Cause: This error can occur when turning off Remote Animator, and can be ignored.

Solution: Refer to the Remote Animator documentation for more information.

6503E	Remote Animator Error: terminal %.4s not found

Description: While resetting a dead terminal that was performing remote animation, the terminal could not be found in the TCT.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6505E	Cannot have both Local and Remote Animation Active.

Description: When debugging a COBOL program using animation, you must select either local or remote animation.

Solution: Use the CEDF transaction to activate either local or remote animation.

6506E	Remote Animation Error: $KIXREMANIMPORT not set

Description: The KIXREMANIMPORT environment variable must be set before activating remote animation.

Solution: Shut down the region and set $KIXREMANIMPORT in a setup file or at the shell prompt to the desired port number. Restart the region and activate remote animation.

6507E	Remote Animation Error: Port Number %d out of range

Description: The value specified in the KIXREMANIMPORT environment variable does not fall in the range 1025 and 65535.

Solution: Set $KIXREMANIMPORT to a value between 1025 and 65535.

6508I	Remote Animation Activated
Animserv Port Number: %d, Debug Term ID: %s
MachineID: %s

Description: Remote animation has been activated through CEDF. The information displayed will be used on the MFNETX command line. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

Solution: Informational message. If you are not using the Sun MTP J3270 terminal emulator software, make a note of these values so that you can use them in the MFNETX command.

6509I	Remote Animation already active
Animserv Port Number: %d, Debug Term ID: %s
MachineID: %s

Description: The CEDF,RANIM transaction was submitted while a remote animation session was already active for the terminal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

6510E	Call to %s not honored, Remote Animation not available

Description: This message occurs when the version of Server Express being used does not support remote animation, and the user has turned remote animation on.

Solution: Do not try to use remote animation with the version of Server Express currently configured for the region; or upgrade to a version of Server Express that supports remote animation.

6550I	Usage: kixeformat [-i][-v][-a | -b | -o <filename>] <filename>"

Description: This is a usage message for the kixeformat utility. This utility should only be used under the direction of your authorized service provider.

6551E	kixeformat: options -a, -b, and -o, are mutually exclusive"

Description: You cannot use options -a,-b, or -o together.

Solution: Resubmit the kixeformat command with the correct options.

6552E	kixeformat: you must specify an input filename"

Description: The kixeformat command needs an input trace file to format.

Solution: Resubmit the kixeformat command with an input file.

6553E	kixeformat: Invalid trace file: %s"

Description: The input file to kixeformat is not a valid trace file.

6554E	kixeformat: malloc failed to allocate %d bytes"

Description: The malloc() UNIX system call failed to acquire memory.

Solution: If the error persists, contact your authorized service provider.

6555E	kixeformat: calloc failed to allocate %d elements of %d bytes"

Description: The calloc() UNIX system call failed to acquire memory.

Solution: If the error persists, contact your authorized service provider.

6556E	kixeformat: error opening input file: %s, errno = %d"

Description: Unable to open the specified input file.

Solution: Refer to your operating system documentation to analyze the error codes returned from the UNIX open() system function.

6557E	kixeformat: error opening output file: %s, errno = %d"

Description: Unable to open the specified output file.

Solution: Refer to your operating system documentation to analyze the error codes returned from the UNIX fopen() system function.

6600E	Failed on call to gethostname: errno = %d

Description: A call to the system function gethostname() returned the displayed error number.

Solution: Verify that the host name is configured for this system.

6601E	Errno %d from %s of %s

Description: An error was encountered while attempting to use the $UNIKIX/lib/cnvtbl file.

Solution: Investigate the error and take appropriate action.

6604E	No FD entries available for new ES

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6605E	%s failed, errno = %d

Description: A call to the %s function failed, resulting in the %d error number.

Solution: Investigate further and take the appropriate action.

6606E	send (fd=%d) failed errno = %d

Description: A write to a socket FD failed with the %d error number.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6607E	Shared Object name too long, must be less than 250 characters

Description: The name of the shared object is too long.

Solution: Rename the shared object, making it less than 250 characters.

6608I	Max number open files for this process will be %d

Description: Displays the maximum number of open files for the process.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

6609E	Failed opening EPI err log in $KIXSYS directory, errno = %d

Description: Unable to open the EPI error log file.

Solution: Investigate the error number and take appropriate action.

6610E	stat() error on EPI error log, errno = %d

Description: An error was returned on a call to the stat() function, for the EPI error log file.

Solution: Investigate the error and take appropriate action.

6668E	%s kxchksrlfle failed

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6669E	Unable to open parent PID file, errno = %d

Description: Unable to open the unikixtne.pid file, used for writing debug information.

Solution: Investigate the error and take appropriate action.

6670E	Unable to open message file %s, errno = %d

Description: Unable to open the message file for the unikixtne process.

Solution: Investigate the error and take appropriate action.

6671E	Connection to %s "%s:%s" Failed

Description: The unikixtne process could not connect to the region.

Solution: Ensure that the region is currently available.

6672E	Connection to %s Failed

Description: The unikixtne process could not connect to the region.

Solution: Ensure that the region is currently available.

6673E	IBM Terminal "%s" NOT SUPPORTED (Must be Model 2, 4 or 5)

Description: The unikixtne process does not support the terminal model specified.

Solution: Modify the terminal type to a model that is supported.

6674E	%s Error returned from kxrecv_sigusr2/kxrcvm: %d

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6675E	%s Logo File Error Occurred, notify System Administrator

Description: The unikixtne process is unable to open the logo file.

Solution: Ensure that the file $UNIKIX/lib/logofile exists and has read permissions.

6676I	Double Byte Character Set processing enabled.

Description: The unikixtne process has been started with the DBCS option set.

6677I	-%c option ignored

Description: This unikixtne command line option has been ignored, due to a conflict with other options.

6678I	Debug Tracing to file(s) **%s.'pid'** selected

Description: The unikixtne debug tracing information will be written to the specified file.

6679E	Unable to open debugging file specified

Description: The unikixtne process was unable to open the debug trace file.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6680I	Support of TN3270E protocol has been disabled.

Description: The unikixtne process has disabled the TN3270E protocol.

6681I	Force keyboard reset has been turned ON

Description: unikixtne has specified that the user's keyboard will be reset at the end of a transaction.

6682I	UNIX Login & Password Validation Have Been Turned OFF

Description: The unikixtne process has specified that there will be no UNIX login and password validation.

6683I	Screen capture file **%s** selected

Description: The unikixtne process will write screen captures to the specified file.

6684I	Message capture file(s) **%s.'pid'** selected

Description: The unikixtne process will write message captures to the specified file.

6685I	Performance capture file **%s** selected

Description: The unikixtne process will write performance captures to the specified file.

6686I	TN3270 Server Port (%s) #%d selected

Description: The specified port number has been selected for the specified server name in the unikixtne process.

6687E	TN3270 -s Port Number (%s) Not Valid

Description: The port number specified by The unikixtne process is invalid.

Solution: Ensure the port number contains only numerical characters.

6688I	Default Transaction **%s** selected

Description: The specified transaction will be executed upon login for unikixtne connections.

6689E	-X option takes only one character

Description: For the unikixtne process, the -X option accepts only a one-character argument.

6690E	Invalid option: %c

Description: The specified option is not recognized.

6691E	Terminating with core dump

Description: The unikixtrin process has received a fatal signal.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6692I	Terminating normally

Description: The unikixtrin process has received a TERM or QUIT signal and will terminate.

6693I	Ignoring unexpected signal

Description: The unikixtrin process has received a signal that requires no action.

6694E	Terminal pid=%d already logged off

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6695E	Message received is not an I/O Response message

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6696E	Unable to send SIGUSR1 to a terminal on restart

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6697E	Timed out waiting for terminal

Description: Unable to send a message to the terminal after process abort.

Solution: Reconnect to the region.

6698E	%s:Error shutting down print processor

Description: The unikixprt process will be terminated and restarted due to an error while attempting to write a message to the print queue.

Solution: No action is required.

6699E	Unable to find %s Cleanup application %s

Description: The kixclean program is not in the $UNIKIX/bin directory.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6700E	kxFormattedDump invoked again while currently in execution.

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6701E	Unable to establish atexit for kxDumpWrapup.

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6702I	Formatted dump requested, file is %s

Description: A formatted program dump will be written to the specified file.

6703I	Program was cancelled, do nothing

Description: Informational message indicating that the program has been cancelled.

6704E	Illegal run state for user %d

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6705I	Waiting for block num [%d] of file [%s]

Description: This process is waiting for the %d block number from the %s file.

6706I	Waiting for the enq resource [%s]

Description: This process is waiting on the displayed ENQ resource.

6707I	Waiting for file [%s] record with key

Description: This process is waiting for the displayed file. The key will be printed after this message.

6709E	DataBase commit not executed, Transaction inconsistent, db error =%d

Description: During the commit phase of an XA transaction, an error was returned.

Solution: This is a serious error, which might leave the database in an inconsistent state. Contact your authorized service provider.

6710E	DataBase rollback not executed, Transaction inconsistent, db error = %d

Description: During the rollback phase of an XA transaction, an error was returned.

Solution: This is a serious error, which might leave the database in an inconsistent state. Contact your authorized service provider.

6711E	%s recovery file failed, errno = %d

Description: A call to the displayed function performed on the ORAXA_ file failed with the displayed error number.

Solution: Investigate the error and take appropriate action.

6713E	dbrecovery failed, return code %d

Description: The displayed error occurred during xa_rollback.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6714E	db_recfile does not contain the db recovery file name

Description: Internal error

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6718E	Invalid header record length from Accounting file %s

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6719E	Invalid data record length from Accounting file %s

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6722E	Unknown Accounting header record type, %d

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6736E	ERROR: This %s is not running at this time

Description: The specified region is not currently operational.

Solution: Ensure that the region is operational before re-trying the utility.

6737E	Error trying to link to dynamic terminal area

Description: Error attempting to access this area of shared memory.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6738E	Error trying to link to user area

Description: Error attempting to access this area of shared memory.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6739E	Error trying to link to shared vsam buffer area

Description: Error attempting to access this area of shared memory.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

6740E	Environment string greater than 100 lines

Description: kixdump cannot print environment variables that are greater than 100 lines.

Solution: View the environment variable manually, or shorten it.

6741E	Environment string size greater than %d

Description: The kixdump buffer can only hold environment variables of the displayed length or less.

Solution: View the environment variable manually, or shorten it.

6742I	Entering Version %s

Description: The kixfileinfo utility displays the version of Sun MTP.

6743E	Invalid parameter for -B option, should be `s'

Description: kixdump usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6744E	This option requires the -G option be specified.

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6745E	-b option must be greater than or equal to zero

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6746E	Invalid argument for -E option, must specify `tall' or `t<tran num>

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6748E	-e option must have a 4 character term id specified

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6749E	-l option must be greater than zero

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6750E	invalid parameter for -S option

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6752E	invalid parameter for -s option

Description: This error is a kixdump utility usage error.

Solution: Correct the command and resubmit.

6755I	dataset %s > %d char, truncating to %d

Description: kixfileinfo utility message.

6756D	usage: kixfileinfo %s <file_name>|all

Description: kixfileinfo utility usage message.

6757E	invalid hex address %s

Description: The hex address specified in the kixdump -s command is invalid.

Solution: Correct the address and resubmit the command.

6758E	invalid hex bytes %s

Description: The number of bytes to display, as specified in the kixdump -s command is invalid.

Solution: Correct the number of bytes to display and resubmit the command.

8600-8699 Messages

8600E	Failed to allocate memory for fast mode operation

Description: Memory could not be allocated because there was no local memory available for allocation.

Solution: Check the memory allocation requirements for the system.

8601E	Job terminating due to recovery file full condition

Description: The recovery process could not continue.

Solution: Check and coordinate the number of syncpoints, recovery buffer sizes, and recovery file allocation sizes.

8602E	Job terminating abnormally with shutdown=%s interrupt=%s

Description: Asynchronous termination of job due to shutdown or user intervention.

Solution: Avoid shutdown during job activity. Resubmit the job.

8603I	Opened dataset %s in fast mode

Description: A dataset was opened in fast mode.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

8604E	Mismatch of buffers = %d

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

8605E	File not available for processing

Description: The file is not available, because another process controls it or the file is read only.

Solution: Check file permissions or multiprocess access.

8606E	FastOpen Allocate failed = %d

Description: The allocate failed because there was no local memory available (requested n bytes).

Solution: Check the memory allocation requirements for the system.

8614E	<<<<< CISAM process can't exec >>>>>

Description: The C-ISAM process could not execute.

Cause: A file was not found or is not executable.

Solution: Correct execution file permissions, format, and so on.

8615E	<<<<< kixcisam: can't fork CISAM >>>>>

Description: The process cannot fork because of improper or missing environment variable.

Solution: See message 8621E.

8616I	<<<<< CISAM has terminated >>>>>

Description: Informational message that process has terminated.

8617E	<<<<< ERROR Sending Message to STOP Transaction Processor >>>>>

Description: System problem. The region might be down.

Solution: Make sure the region is up and running.

8618E	Sun MTP transaction processor is still blocked

Description: No transaction processors are available

Solution: Add more transaction processors to the region.

8619E	<<<<< ERROR Receiving ACK Message from Sun MTP >>>>>

Description: System problem. The region might be down.

Solution: Make sure the region is up and running.

8621E	<<<<< KIXCISAM not set correctly >>>>>

Description: The KIXCISAM environment variable is improperly defined or not set.

Solution: Set the environment variable correctly.

8622E	Please reset & try again!

Solution: Correct the problem and retry

8623E	ERROR -- kixfocus child died. Exit code %d Signal %d

Description: Dead child notification.

Cause: The FOCUS product died unexpectedly.

Solution: Check and correct the FOCUS status.

8624E	>>>>> FOCUS process can't execute >>>>>

Description: The file was not found or is not executable.

Solution: Correct the execution file permissions, format, and so on.

8625E	<<<<< kixfocus: can't fork FOCUS process >>>>>

Description: Cannot fork the process because of an improper or missing environment variable.

Solution: See message 8627E.

8626I	<<<<< FOCUS has Terminated >>>>>

Description: Informational message that the process has terminated.

8627E	<<<<< FOCHOME not set correctly >>>>>

Description: The FOCHOME environment variable is improperly set or missing.

Solution: Set the environment variable correctly.

9000-9499 Messages

9000I	TP time outs waiting for recovery to complete     [%d]

Description: Sun MTP attempts to optimize the collection of before images to be written by the recovery process. %d indicates the number of times the transaction processor failed to utilize this optimization.

9001I	TP serviced when waiting for recovery to complete [%d]

Description: Sun MTP attempts to optimize the collection of before images to be written by the recovery process. %d indicates the number of times the transaction processor successfully utilized this optimization.

9002I	Logical File I/O Statistics

Description: The lines following this message provide the logical I/O requests done by the current Sun MTP session.

9003I	File       Reads  Writes Rewrites Deletes  Startbrs   Endbrs   Resetbrs  Unlocks Readnexts Readprevs

Description: Subsequent to this header, VSAM datasets' logical I/O requests are shown for the Sun MTP session. In the case of KSDS files, it separates them into data (.dta) file and index (.idx) file.

9005I	Physical File I/O Statistics

Description: The lines following this message show the physical I/O requests done by the current Sun MTP session.

9006I	File           Reads  Writes  Allocs

Description: Subsequent to this header, VSAM physical I/O requests are shown for the Sun MTP session. In the case of KSDS files, it separates them into data (.dta) file and index (.idx) file. Allocs indicates the number of times the file has been extended, that is, blocks acquired.

9200I	Cannot have multiple sequential files for
9201I	this record format. Only first file taken.

Description: For customized record formats only one sequential file can be provided.

Solution: Edit the unikixbld script and resubmit it.

9218E	Signal=%d Received -- Process abandoned immediately

Description: Process has received signal %d. The delivered signal %d was not expected by Sun MTP.

Solution: Investigate the reason for the signal. If it is SIGSEGV, contact your authorized service provider.

9251E	Open failed for TMPDIR, using KIXSYS instead, errno=%d

Description: The temporary file in the $TMPDIR directory could not be opened because of error (%d). The file is opened in the $KIXSYS directory.

Solution: Check to see if the TMPDIR environment variable is set. If it is set, make sure the permissions and resources are available.

UT Series Messages

UT series messages are Sun MBM messages that are associated with utilities. Any UT messages that are generated when you are running in an online environment are related to Sun MBM utilities that are used internally by Sun MTP. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Message Guide, which is available on the documentation CD-ROM, for detailed information about UT series messages.