C H A P T E R  3

Sun Mainframe Security Facility Messages

This chapter lists messages generated by the Sun Mainframe Security Facility (Sun MSF). Most appear in the audit log, but some will appear in tools, such as MakeAnAdministrator or SecAdmin.

Note - The error messages in this chapter use the substitution symbols {0}, {1}, {2}, and so on, rather than the symbols (such as %d or %s) used in other messages. The values of these symbols are message-specific.

(SecSvc_000) Constructed object for {0}.

Description: The security object type with the indicated identity has been activated.

Cause: Informational message issued when that configured security object is initially referenced and activated for use from the Sun MSF security repository.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_001) Result = {0}.

Description: The security object has returned the indicated result to its requestor.

Cause: Informational message issued when the active security object has been requested to provide the indicated information.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_002) New password was set for Principal {0}.

Description: The indicated authenticated principal has changed their password on the Sun MSF security repository.

Cause: Subsequent to successfully authenticating with their existing password, the principal has set a new password to be used on their next authentication.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_003) Password must be validated before setting new password for Principal {0}.

Description: The indicated authenticated principal has changed its password on the Sun MSF security repository, but had not successfully authenticated with the existing password as required.

Solution: If necessary, find out if an unauthorized user is attempting to utilize the identified principal.

(SecSvc_004) The password has been validated for Principal {0}.

Description: The indicated principal has successfully authenticated with their password on the Sun MSF security repository.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_005) Validation failed for Principal {0}.

Description: The indicated principal has failed in attempting to authenticate with their password on the Sun MSF security repository.

Solution: If necessary, find out if an unauthorized user is attempting to utilize the identified principal.

(SecSvc_006) Principal {0} is suspended.

Description: The indicated principal was refused its attempt to authenticate because of being suspended.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted authentication, but was refused. The principal had been suspended, either by administrator action or because the limit of consecutive password authentication failures was exceeded.

Solution: Investigate why the principal was suspended. If deemed appropriate, the suspended state can be reset with a SecAdmin enable command.

(SecSvc_007) Principal {0} password has expired.

Description: The indicated principal was refused its attempt to authenticate because its password had expired.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted authentication, but was refused. The principal's password had exceeded its expiration date and must be changed.

Solution: Update the principal's password either through administrator action, or by the principal changing the password on the authentication attempt.

(SecSvc_008) Improper password format for Principal {0}.

Description: The new password provided for the principal is of an unacceptable format.

Cause: The principal's password to be set on the Sun MSF security repository contains unacceptable characters, based on the configured acceptable password format (com.sun.emp.security.passwordFormat). In other words, if numericOnly is the configured value, the password contained nonnumeric characters; if alphaOnly is the configured value, the password contained nonalphabetic characters.

Solution: Notify the user attempting to set a new password for that principal of the acceptable format.

(SecSvc_009) Cannot activate Role {1}; Principal {0} has not been authenticated.

Description: The indicated principal has attempted to activate use of the indicated configured role, but has not yet been successfully authenticated with that principal's password.

Solution: Ensure that the principal has been authenticated before attempting to activate any role.

(SecSvc_010) Cannot deactivate Role; Principal {0} has not been authenticated.

Description: The indicated principal has attempted to deactivate use of its active role, but is not successfully authenticated with that principal's password.

Solution: Ensure that the principal has been authenticated before attempting to deactivate any role.

(SecSvc_011) Cannot activate Role {1}; Principal {0} has been suspended.

Description: The indicated principal was refused its attempt to activate use of the indicated role because of being suspended.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted to activate use of the indicated role, but was refused. The principal had been suspended, either by an administrator action or because of exceeding the limit of consecutive password authentication failures.

Solution: Investigate why the principal was suspended. If deemed appropriate, the suspended state can be reset with the SecAdmin tool's enablePrincipal command.

(SecSvc_012) Cannot deactivate Role; Principal {0} has been suspended.

Description: The indicated principal was refused its attempt to deactivate use of the indicated role because of being suspended.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted to deactivate use of the indicated role, but was refused.The principal had been suspended, either by an administrator action or because the limit of consecutive password authentication failures was exceeded.

Solution: Investigate why the principal was suspended. If deemed appropriate, the suspended state can be reset with the SecAdmin tool's enablePrincipal command.

(SecSvc_013) Principal {0} not allowed to activate Role {1}.

Description: The indicated principal was refused its attempt to activate use of the indicated role because it is not one of the principal's configured roles.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted to activate use of the indicated role, but was refused. That role is not configured for use by that principal.

Solution: Ensure that the principal has been configured with the necessary roles.

(SecSvc_014) Principal {0} has logged off.

Description: The indicated principal has logged out, and is no longer in an authenticated state.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_015) Principal {0} has been denied access to {1}.

Description: The indicated principal has been refused the indicated permission to the indicated resource type/name.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted to access the indicated resource type/ name using the indicated permission, but was refused. The configured Sun MSF security repository rules for that principal do not include the indicated permission for the indicated resource type/name in any resource domain, and thus access is denied. If the Sun MSF security policy is configured (defaulted) to "fail" the request, that denial was returned to the application; otherwise, this denial is only logged, and the application was allowed to access the resource as if it were not denied (com.sun.emp.security.denialReaction=FAIL|WARN).

Solution: Ensure that the principal has been assigned to the necessary roles and has the proper permissions to the resource domains that contain the required resources.

(SecSvc_016) Principal {0} has been granted access to {1}.

Description: The indicated principal has been given access with the indicated permission to the indicated resource type/name.

Cause: The indicated principal attempted to access the indicated resource type/ name using the indicated permission, and was allowed. The configured Sun MSF security repository rules for that principal includes the indicated permission for the indicated resource type/name in a resource domain.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required. If access should not have been granted, however, ensure that the principal has been configured with the correct permissions, or that the principal's roles have the correct permissions to the resource domains that contain the indicated resources.

(SecSvc_020) Principal {1} has primary Group {0}.

Description: The indicated principal is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated group as its primary group.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_021) Principal {1} has primary Role {0}.

Description: The indicated principal is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated role as its primary role.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_022) Groups for Principal {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated principal is configured on the Sun MSF security repository as a member of the indicated groups.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_023) Groups for Role {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated role is configured on the Sun MSF security repository as a member of the indicated groups.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_024) Roles for Principal {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated principal is configured on the Sun MSF security repository as a member of the indicated roles.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_025) Group {0} has Role {1}.

Description: The indicated group is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated role.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_026) Principals with permissions to resource domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed principals are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_027) Groups with permissions to resource domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed groups are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_028) Roles with permissions to resource domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed roles are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_029) Permissions for {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated role is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the listed permissions for the indicated resource domains.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_030) Parent of {0} is {1}.

Description: The indicated role is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated role as its parent in the hierarchy.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_031) Children of {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated role is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the listed roles as its children (subordinates) in the hierarchy.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_032) Principals with Permissions to Resource Domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed principals are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_033) Groups with Permissions to Resource Domain  {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed groups are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_034) Roles with Permissions to Resource Domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed roles are configured on the Sun MSF security repository with permissions to the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_035) Principals for Group {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated group is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated principals as its members.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_036) Principals for Role {0} include: {1}.

Description: The indicated role is configured on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated principals as its members.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_037) Resources of Resource Domain {0} include: {1}.

Description: The listed resources are configured on the Sun MSF security repository as members of the indicated resource domain.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_040) Resource {0} requires {2} of Permissions {1}.

Description: The indicated resource is configured on the Sun MSF security repository as requiring any or all of the listed permissions for access to be granted.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_100) Password was reset for Principal {0} by Administrative Principal {1}.

Description: The indicated principal has had their password changed on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_101) Password duration was reset for Principal {0} by Administrative Principal {1}; min = {2} max = {3}.

Description: The indicated principal has had their password duration controls changed on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_102) Principal {0} has been suspended by Administrative Principal {1}.

Description: The indicated principal has had their password suspended on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_103) Principal {0} has been enabled by Administrative Principal {1}.

Description: The indicated principal has had their password enabled on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_104) Password expiration date for Principal {0} was reset to {2} by Administrative Principal {1}

Description: The indicated principal has had their suspended password enabled on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_110) {0} was added by Administrative Principal {1}.

Description: The indicated principal, resource, permission type, or resource type was created on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_111) {0} with parent {1} was added by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated role, group, or resource domain has been created on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated parent in the hierarchy by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_112) The attempt to add {0} by Administrative Principal {1} failed; duplicate.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to create the indicated principal, role, group, resource domain, resource, permission type, or resource type on the Sun MSF security repository failed because it already exists.

Solution: Investigate why that component already exists, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_113) {0} was set as parent for {1} by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated role, group, or resource domain has been updated on the Sun MSF security repository with the indicated parent in the hierarchy by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_114) {0} was deleted by Administrative Principal {1}.

Description: The indicated principal, role, group, resource domain, resource, permission type, or resource type was deleted from the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_115) The attempt to delete {0} by Administrative Principal {1} failed; not found.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to delete the indicated principal, role, group, resource domain, resource, permission type, or resource type on the Sun MSF security repository failed because that component did not exist.

Solution: Investigate why that component was missing, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_116) {0} was added to {1} by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated principal or resource has been added as a member to the indicated role, group, or resource domain in the hierarchy on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_117) The attempt to use {0} to set parent by Administrative Principal {1} failed; not found.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to update the indicated role, group, or resource domain with the indicated parent in the hierarchy on the Sun MSF security repository failed because that parent did not exist.

Solution: Investigate why that component was missing, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_118) {0} was set to {1} by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated group was set to the indicated role by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_119) The attempt to add {0} to {1} by Administrative Principal {2} failed; not found.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to add the indicated principal or resource as a member to the indicated role, group, or resource domain on the Sun MSF security repository failed because that component did not exist.

Solution: Investigate why that component was missing, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_120) {0} was removed from {1} by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated principal or resource has been removed as a member from the indicated role, group, or resource domain on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_121) The attempt to remove {0} from {1} by Administrative Principal {2} failed; not found.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to remove the indicated principal or resource as a member from the indicated role, group, or resource domain on the Sun MSF security repository failed because that component did not exist.

Solution: Investigate why that component was missing, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_122) {1} was set as primary for Principal {0} by Administrative Principal {2}.

Description: The indicated principal had the indicated role/group set as its primary (default) role/group on the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_123) The attempt to set {1} as primary of {0} by Administrative Principal {2} failed; not found.

Description: An attempt by the indicated security administrator principal to set the indicated principal's primary role/group on the Sun MSF security repository failed because that component did not exist.

Solution: Investigate why that component was missing, and resolve whether the Sun MSF security repository configuration needs to be corrected.

(SecSvc_130) Permissions {0} to Resource Domain {1} for {2} were added by Administrative Principal {3}.

Description: The indicated principal/role had the indicated permissions for the indicated resource domain's resources added to the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_131) Permissions {0} to Resource Domain {1} for {2} were removed by Administrative Principal {3}.

Description: The indicated principal/role had the indicated permissions for the indicated resource domain's resources removed from the Sun MSF security repository by the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_200) {0} value must be a valid date, eg. {1}

Description: The indicated value was not specified in an acceptable date format (for the host's locale).

Solution: Correct the source of the faulty value specification (for example, the com.sun.emp.security.passwordExpiresDate property in the MSFconfig.properties file).

(SecSvc_201) {0} value cannot be less than zero

Description: The indicated value cannot be specified as a negative number.

Solution: Correct the source of the faulty value specification (for example, the com.sun.emp.security.passwordMaxDaysAllowed property in the MSFconfig.properties file).

(SecSvc_202) {0} value must be a positive integer

Description: The indicated value was specified as a non-numeric value.

Solution: Correct the source of the faulty value specification (for example, the com.sun.emp.security.passwordMinDaysRequired property in the MSFconfig.properties file).

(SecSvc_203) {0} invalid value: {1} acceptable value: {2}

Description: The indicated value was specified with an unacceptable setting. The acceptable settings are listed.

Solution: Correct the source of the faulty value specification (for example, the com.sun.emp.security.denialReaction property in the MSFconfig.properties file).

(SecSvc_204) {0} invalid value: {1} acceptable value range: {2} to {3}

Description: The indicated value was specified with an unacceptable setting. The range of acceptable settings is listed.

Solution: Correct the source of the faulty value specification (for example, the com.sun.emp.security.passwordMaxLength property in the MSFconfig.properties file).

(SecSvc_205) {0} non-zero value cannot be less than {1}

Description: The indicated first value is not allowed to be less than the indicated second value.

Cause: The indicated first value (such as passwordMaxLength) was specified with a nonzero value, and that value is less than the indicated second nonzero value specified (such as passwordMinLength). That combination of values is contradictory and cannot be used.

Solution: Reset the first value to be equal to the second value. Verify whether that is acceptable, and if not, correct the source of the fault value specification (either the first or second values), possibly by setting one of them to zero if acceptable.

(SecSvc_210) Syntax: MakeAnAdministrator [admin_domain]

Description: Acceptable syntax of the MakeAnAdministrator command.

Cause: The MakeAnAdministrator command was attempted with an unacceptable set of parameters; this message provides the acceptable syntax, and MakeAnAdministrator terminates.

Solution: Retry the MakeAnAdministrator command using the proper syntax.

(SecSvc_211) [MakeAnAdministrator] Cannot create Security Administrator: repository not empty and Admin chose not to recreate.

Description: A nonempty security repository already exists when attempting MakeAnAdministrator to create that repository and initialize it for the security administrator.

Cause: The MakeAnAdministrator tool has detected that a nonempty security repository already exists, and has not been directed to destroy/recreate that repository (see the SecSvc_213 message for more information). This message is issued, and MakeAnAdministrator terminates.

Solution: Investigate what the existing security repository contains, and whether it should be destroyed and recreated with MakeAnAdministrator.

(SecSvc_212) [ERROR] Exception trying to create Security Administrator principal {0}: {1}

Description: The MakeAnAdministrator tool has encountered the indicated exception while attempting to create and initialize the security repository for the indicated security administrator principal.

Solution: Investigate and correct the source of the indicated exception, and retry the MakeAnAdministrator command. Contact your authorized service provider if assistance is needed.

(SecSvc_213) [MakeAnAdministrator] Repository not empty; do you want to destroy current contents and reinitialize?

Description: A nonempty security repository already exists when attempting to use the MakeAnAdministrator command to create that repository and initialize it for the security administrator.

Cause: The MakeAnAdministrator tool has detected that a nonempty security repository already exists, and is asking whether to destroy and recreate that repository.

Solution: Type yes only if the contents of that security repository are not to be retained, and a new repository is to be created and initialized for this security administrator. Any other response will retain the existing repository (see the SecSvc_211 message).

(SecSvc_214) [MakeAnAdministrator] Security Administrator principal {0} successfully created, with permissions to resource domain {1}

Description: The indicated security administrator principal now exists on the initialized security repository, and has the necessary permissions (to the indicated resource domain) to do additional security rule configuration.

Cause: The MakeAnAdministrator tool has successfully created and initialized the security repository with the user ID and password provided, with permissions to the (optionally specified) administrative resource domain.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_215) [ERROR] Problem trying to create Security Administrator principal {0}:

Description: An error occurred while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool and trying to create the security administrator.

Solution: Evaluate the error specified in {1} of the error message.

(SecSvc_216) [ERROR] Unknown exception in MakeAnAdministrator: 

Description: This error message is used for unforeseen errors that might occur while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_217) [ERROR] Cannot write to keyfile: {0}

Description: This error message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, if the key file is not writable.

Solution: Check the write permissions on the key file and the directory.

(SecSvc_218) [ERROR] Cannot create security secret key: {0}

Description: This error message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, if there are problems creating the secret key.

Solution: Evaluate the error in {0}. Check the write permissions on the key file and the directory.

(SecSvc_219) [ERROR] Cannot read from keyfile: {0}

Description: This error message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, if the key file is not readable.

Solution: Check the read permissions on the key file and the directory. Verify that the key file exists.

(SecSvc_220) Syntax: SecurityServer requires a supplied userid and password

Description: Acceptable syntax of the SecurityServer command.

Cause: The SecurityServer command was attempted with an unacceptable set of parameters. This message provides the acceptable syntax, and the SecurityServer command terminates.

Solution: Retry the SecurityServer command using the proper syntax.

(SecSvc_221) Invalid port number {0}

Description: The indicated security server port number specified is invalid.

Cause: The security server has detected that the specified port number is not valid, and cannot be used to listen for socket connections from Sun MTP regions.

Solution: Change the value of the com.sun.emp.security.serverPortNumber property in the MSFconfig.properties file to the correct socket port number to be used.

(SecSvc_222) Security Server started, using port {0}

Description: The security server has successfully started, and is listening for socket connections from Sun MTP regions on the indicated port number.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_223) Security Server encountered exception from {0}: {1}

Description: The security server has fielded the indicated exception from the indicated internal service.

Cause: An unexpected exception has occurred in a service that the security server invokes. The security server continues to run, but the result of the exception might have rendered some or all of it capabilities unusable.

Solution: Investigate the exception reported to determine whether it is necessary to bring down the security server. Contact your authorized service provider if assistance is needed.

(SecSvc_224) Security Server terminated

Description: The security server has terminated normally, in response to a ShutdownSecurityServer command.

Solution: Informational audit message; no user action is required.

(SecSvc_225) Security Server terminated, exception: {0}

Description: The security server has terminated abnormally due to an unexpected internal exception.

Solution: Investigate the exception reported to determine whether it is possible or necessary to bring the security server back up. Contact your authorized service provider if you need assistance.

(SecSvc_226) Security Server login failed for userid {0}

Description: The user name and password supplied with the SecurityServer command failed to log in and authenticate with the Security Server.

Solution: Correct the user name and password and retry the command.

(SecSvc_227) Invalid Security Server command: {0}

Description: The specified command option is not a valid security server command option.

Solution: Check the syntax of the SecurityServer command and retry with a valid command option.

(SecSvc_228) Security Server successfully completed {0}

Description: Confirmation of the indicated Security Server command: RefreshPolicy, DumpEntries, ShutdownSecurity.

Solution: No action is required.

(SecSvc_229) Security Server rejected {0}

Description: The indicated security server command was not completed, likely because the authenticated user ID on the SecurityServer command was not authorized for that command (for example, RefreshPolicy).

Solution: Check the security audit log for a corresponding access denial message, and retry the request with a user name and password that has the required authority.

(SecSvc_230) Security Server protocol error: {0}

Description: An internal protocol error occurred between the security server and this command.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

(SecSvc_231) Security Server not responding on port {0}: {1}

Description: The security server is not responding on the indicated socket port number. Either the security server is not running, or the port configured in the MSFconfig.properties file does not match the one used when the security server was started.

(SecSvc_250) [MakeAnAdministrator] Security {0} name: {1}

Description: While running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, this message displays the schema, administrator, and user names, by substituting strings.

(SecSvc_251) [MakeAnAdministrator] Creating security admin: {0}...

Description: Indicates that the security administrator is being created in the repository.

(SecSvc_253) [MakeAnAdministrator] Enter security {0} password (or 'quit'):

Description: While running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, this message prompts for schema, administrator, and user passwords.

(SecSvc_257) [MakeAnAdministrator] Password for {0} looks good!

Description: While running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, this message indicates that the password for the schema, administrator, or end user seems to work with the repository.

(SecSvc_258) [MakeAnAdministrator] Are you sure that's the correct password?
No? Let's try again...

Description: While running the MakeAnAdministrator tool, this message indicates that the password does not appear to work.

Solution: Try retyping the password. If the problem persists, type quit to exit the MakeAnAdministrator command, and consult your database administrator.

(SecSvc_259) [MakeAnAdministrator] Deleting old repository tables...

Description: Indicates that old repository tables are being dropped. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_260) [MakeAnAdministrator] Creating new repository tables...

Description: Indicates that new repository tables are being created. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_261) [MakeAnAdministrator] Granting accesses to repository...

Description: Indicates that access to repository tables is being granted. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_262) [MakeAnAdministrator] Loading security configuration data...

Description: Indicates that configuration values are being loaded. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_263) [MakeAnAdministrator] Creating new secret key...

Description: Indicates that the secret key is being generated. That key will later reside in the key file. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

(SecSvc_264) [ERROR] This character not allowed in DB passwords: {0}

Description: Error message indicating that one of the characters used is not allowed. This message occurs while running the MakeAnAdministrator tool.

Solution: Type quit to exit the MakeAnAdministrator tool, and contact your database administrator to get a new password that does not contain an invalid character.

(SecSvc_FATAL) {0}

Description: The indicated unexpected condition (typically an exception) has occurred.

Cause: The message contains the information about the FATAL condition that has been detected. The involved security services have been rendered unusable.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for assistance.

(SecLog_001) Starting the Log Server.

Description: This message is displayed in the trace and message log files when the log servers are started.

(SecLog_002) Creating a server socket on port {0}.

Description: This message is displayed upon successful socket creation after the log servers are started. The {0} is replaced with the port number.

(SecLog_003) Sending output to the console and to the file {0}.

Description: This message is displayed when the logger has successfully opened the file and console for output. The log file name will replace {0}.

(SecLog_004) Unable to open the MessageCatalog properties file {0}.

Description: The loggers cannot open the properties file that contains localized messages. The {0} will display the file name.

Cause: The loggers cannot find the secsvc_messages property file.

Solution: Check the $CLASSPATH. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

(SecLog_005) Established connection with {0} at {1}.

Description: This message is displayed when a client successfully connects to the log server. The {0} contains the host name of the client. The {1} is the date and time the connection opened.

(SecLog_006) Connection from {0} closed at {1}. 

Description: This message is displayed in the log console and file when a connection is closed. The {0} contains the host name of the client. The {1} is the date and time the connection closed.

(SecLog_007) Unable to get the socket's input stream.

Description: This message indicates socket input stream errors.

Cause: Possible network congestion or an incorrect host name or port.

Solution: Check the MSFconfig.properties file to verify the host name or port.

(SecLog_008) Unable to open the file {0}.

Description: This error message is displayed if the logger was unable to open the output file. The name of the file will be displayed in the {0}.

Cause: Permissions to the directory where the log files reside might be wrong, or the directory might not exist.

Solution: Check for the existence of the directory and verify the permissions.

(SecLog_009) Sending output to the console only.

Description: Informational message indicating that the output will only go to the console and is not being logged to a file.

(SecLog_100) Security Logging configuration errors, terminating

Description: This message is displayed when you execute a Sun MSF command and there are problems with the properties values for logging configured in the MSFconfig.properties file. A message indicating the misconfigured property is displayed just prior to this message.

Solution: Correct the logging properties in the MSFconfig.properties file and resubmit the Sun MSF command.

(SecLog_101) Security Message Log open error, terminating: {0}
(SecLog_102) Security Message Log close error, terminating: {0}
(SecLog_103) Security Message Log write error, terminating: {0}
(SecLog_104) Security Message Log flush error, terminating: {0}
(SecLog_105) Security Message Log failed, terminating: {0}

Description: These messages are displayed on the console where the Sun MSF command was executed. They indicate that the Sun MSF security message logging has failed. The command terminates immediately.

Cause: Apparently, the security message log collection server has been terminated while the command was still executing, preventing Sun MSF from logging required security events.

Solution: Restart the security message log collection server by running the startLogs command, and resubmit the terminated command.

(SecLog_111) Security Trace Log open error: {0}
(SecLog_112) Security Trace Log close error: {0}
(SecLog_113) Security Trace Log write error: {0}
(SecLog_114) Security Trace Log flush error: {0}
(SecLog_115) Security Trace Log failed: {0}

Description: These messages are displayed on the console where the Sun MSF command was executed, if there is a problem with the trace logger and tracing is enabled. They indicate that Sun MSF security trace logging has failed. The command continues running.

Cause: Apparently, the security trace log collection server has been terminated while the command was still executing, preventing internal tracing from continuing.

Solution: Restart the security trace log collection server by running the startLogs command. After the server is restarted, tracing will be performed on new commands issued from the console. The commands that were executing at the time of the failure will not record traces unless you shut down and restart the processes that were started by those commands.

(SecSvc_232) Security Server terminated unexpectedly

Description: The security server has been terminated, but not by its own internally generated exception or error.

Solution: Check for other messages preceding this message to determine what terminated the security server.