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System Administrationflashupdate(1m)


 flashupdate - update the flash PROMs located on the CPU boards, MaxCPU boards, and system controllers (SC)


 flashupdate -d domain_indicator -f path [-q|-v] [-y|-n]
 flashupdate -f path [-q|-v] [-y|-n ] location ...
 flashupdate -h



flashupdate(1M) updates the flash PROMs (FPROMs) in the system controllers (SC), and the FPROMs in a domain's CPU and MaxCPU boards, given the board location.

To update the FPROMs in the system controller, you must log in to the SC you want to update, and specify the FPROM to be updated. (You cannot update one SC from the other SC.) Each FPROM has a specific image file associated with it. Once you have finished updating the SC FPROMs, you must shut down and reset the SC. See Resetting the SC After Updating the SC FPROMs in the EXAMPLES section. You do not need to reset the SC after updating CPU FPROMs.

Before you can update the CPU FPROMs, SMS must be running and the specified board must be powered on. This is not required for updating the SC FPROMs. If any of the domain's CPU or MaxCPU boards have the virtual keyswitch set to the secure position, the FPROM(s) are not updated.

flashupdate displays both the current FPROM and the flash image file information prior to any updates. You are prompted to update the FPROMs.

Note – No CLIs should be executed on a system board while flashupdate is running on that board. Wait until flashupdate completes before running any SMS commands involving that system board.



The following options are supported:

-d domain_indicator
Specifies the domain using one of the following:

domain_id - ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are A-R and are not case sensitive.

domain_tag - Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).

-f path
Name of the flash image file.

The path argument specifies the name of the image file that is used to update the FPROM given in the location argument.

Help. Displays usage descriptions. Note – Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.
Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.
Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts.

When used alone, -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts.

When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen.

Verbose. Displays version information about the firmware. The information displayed is intended for internal use by Sun service personnel. Its format is private and subject to change.
Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.



The following operands are supported:

FPROM location.

The FPROM location consists of board_loc/FPROM_id, separated by a forward slash.

The FPROM_id is specified only when you want to update a particular FPROM (FP0 or FP1) on a CPU board and the system controller (SC).

For example, the location, SB4/FP0, indicates the FPROM 0 on the CPU board in slot 4.

Sun Fire 15K, Sun Fire 12K

SB(0...17), SB(0...8)

IO(0...17), IO(0...8)

SC(0|1), SC(0|1)

The following FPROM_id forms are accepted:

FP(0|1), FP(0|1)



Group Privileges Required


You must have platform administrator or domain administrator privileges to run this command. If you have platform administrator privileges, all boards can be updated. For domain administrators, only boards that are active in the administrator's domain or available to the administrator's domain can be updated.

Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4 Administrator Guide for more information.


 Example 1. Updating FPROM 0 in the System Controller 0

You must reset the SC after running this command.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di SC0/FP0
Example 2. Updating FPROM 1 in the System Controller 0

The first instance is for an SC with a CP1500 board, the second for an SC with a CP2140 board. You must reset the SC after running this command.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/nSSCPOST.di SC0/FP1

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/oSSCPOST.di SC0/FP1
Example 3. Updating FPROM 0 in the System Controller 1

You must reset the SC after running this command.

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di SC1/FP0
Example 4. Updating Both FPROMs on CPU Board 0

SMS must be running, and the SB0 board must be powered on.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash SB0
Do you wish to update the FPROM (yes/no)? y
Example 5. Updating FPROMs in Domain A

SMS must be running, and the CPU boards in domain A must be powered on.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -d A -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash
Example 6. Resetting the SC After Updating the SC FPROMs

Switch to superuser and shut down the SC.

sc0:sms-user:> su -
sc0:#  shutdown -y -g0 -i0
 ...[system messages]ok 

In order for the new firmware to be enabled on your SC, you must now perform a reset of the SC. Type:

ok reset-all 

If this does not reset the SC, then you must perform a hard reset.

Physically locate your system controller within your Sun Fire high-end system cabinet, and depress the Abort button and then the Reset button on the SC board. Once the SC has been reset you should see OpenBoot PROM messages indicating that the new version of the firmware is loading. After the system successfully returns to the ok prompt, verify that the flash update worked by typing:
ok show-dropins 
Dropins for Flash device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,400000 
Dropin name      Size  Checksum  Date        Date       Version  Vendor            
                                created    flashed
SSCOBP-dropins    90    c84e   11/13/2001  11/13/2001   1.2  SUNW,sscobp

Note the version number of the Dropins (1.2).

You can now boot your new installation of the Solaris software. Type:
ok boot new disk 

Log in as a platform administrate and type:
sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di SC0/FP0  

Current SC FPROM Information
SC at SC0, FPROM 0: 
Name: SSCOBP-dropins, 
Version: 1.2  
Size: 144, 
Check Sum: 51278 
Date Flashed: 11/13/01 
Date Created: 11/13/01

Do you wish to update the SC User FPROM (yes/no)? n


Compare version numbers. If they are the same, flashupdate was successful.



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion.
An error occurred.



The following files are used by this command:

Used to update the FPROM 0 on the SC.
Used to update the FPROM 1 on the CP1500 SC.

Used to update the FPROM1 on the CP2140 SC.

Used to update the FPROMs on the CPU and MaxCPU boards.



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute TypesAttribute Values
Interface stabilityEvolving




SMS 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 19 September 2003