Solstice X.25 9.2 Developer's Guide

7.21 N_X25_FLUSH_ROUTES--Flush all Routes

Flushes all routes out of X25_ROUTE structure.

Note -

This ioctl can disrupt other users significantly. For this reason it can only be used by root.

Associated Structure

The x25_route_s data structure takes the following form:

typedef struct x25_route_s {
        uint32_t        index;          /* used for reading next route */
        u_char          r_type;
#define R_NONE          0
#define R_X121_HOST     1
#define R_X121_PREFIX   2
#define R_AEF_HOST      3
#define R_AEF_PREFIX    4
#define R_AEF_SOURCE    5
        CONN_ADR        x121;
        u_char          pid_len;
#define MAX_PID_LEN     4
        u_char          pid[MAX_PID_LEN];
        AEF             aef;
        int             linkid;
        X25_MACADDR     mac;
        int             use_count;
        char            pstn_number[16];
} X25_ROUTE;
#include <sys/strupts.h>
 struct strioctl ioc ;
 int          fd ;
 X25_ROUTE      r;

 fd = open("/dev/x25", O,RDW);
  /*prepare route*/

  io.ic_cmd = N_X25_FLUSH_ROUTES;
        io.ic_timout = 0;
        io.ic_len = 0;
        io.ic_dp = (char *)NULL;

        if (ioctl(x25s, I_STR, &ioc))