Solstice X.25 9.2 Developer's Guide

13.3 Structures Used by the X25_SET_FACILITY and X25_GET_FACILITY ioctl Commands

The following structures are referenced in "12.7.2 X25_SET_FACILITY/X25_GET_FACILITY ioctls".

Example 13-1 Structures Used by ioctls that Set and Get X.25 Facilities

/* Packet sizes allowed are 0 (default), 16, 32, 64,
  * 128, 256, 512, 1024,2048, 4096

 typedef struct packet_size_s {
    u_short sendpktsize;   
    u_short recvpktsize;
 /* window sizes allowed are 0:
  * (default), 1-7 (normal), 1-127 (extended)

 typedef struct window_size_s {
    u_char sendwndsize;
    u_char recvwndsize;
 /* throughput values allowed are
  *   0 (default), 3 (75) , 4 (150), 5 (300),
  *   6 (600), 7 (1200), 8 (2400), 9 (4800),
  *   10 (9600), 11 (19200), 12 (48000)

 typedef struct throughput_s {
    u_char sendthruput:4;
    u_char recvthruput:4;

 typedef struct cug_s {
    u_char cug_req;
 #define CUG_NONE 0 /* no CUG */
 #define CUG_REQ 1 /* CUG */
 #define CUG_REQ_ACS 2 /* CUG with outgoing access */
 #define CUG_BI 3 /* bilateral CUG */
    u_short cug_index;
 } CUG;

 typedef struct rpoa_s {
    u_char nrpoa;   /* number of RPOAs requested */
 #define MAX_RPOA 3
    u_short rpoa_index[MAX_RPOA]; /* rpoas;
                       nrpoa = 1 => normal format */
 } RPOA;
 /* Zero value for a field means the field is not specified; if a
  * field has zero value, that and the foll. fields are not sent.

 typedef struct ete_tr_delay_s {
    u_short req_delay;
    u_short desired_delay;
    u_short max_delay;

 typedef struct nui_s {
    u_char nui_len; /* NUI length */
 #define MAX_NUI 64
    u_char nui_data[MAX_NUI]    /* NUI */
 } NUI;

 typedef struct charge_info_s {
    u_char charge_len;
 #define MAX_CHARGE_INFO 64
    u_char charge_data[MAX_CHARGE_INFO];

 typedef struct call_redir_s {
    u_char cr_reason;
    u_char cr_hostlen;
    u_char cr_host[(MAXHOSTADR+1)/2];

 typedef struct aef_s {
    u_char aef_type;
 #define AEF_NONE 0
 #define AEF_NSAP 1
 #define AEF_NON_OSI 3
    u_char aef_len;
 #define MAX_AEF 40
    u_char aef[(MAX_AEF+1)/2];
 } AEF;

 typedef struct precedence_s {
    u_char precedence_req;   /* no precedence when = 0
                                    * else precedence level
    u_char precedence;   /* valid when precedence_req = 1 */

 typedef struct private_fact_s {
    u_char p_len; /* total length of facilities */
 #define MAX_PRIVATE 64
    u_char p_fact[MAX_PRIVATE];
 /* facilities exactly as they
  * are present in Call Request or
  * Call Accept packets

 typedef struct facility_s {
    u_int type;
 #define T_FACILITIES 0x00000001
 #define T_REVERSE_CHARGE 0x00000002
 #define T_FAST_SELECT_TYPE 0x00000003
 #define T_PACKET_SIZE 0x00000004
 #define T_WINDOW_SIZE 0x00000005
 #define T_THROUGHPUT 0x00000006
 #define T_CUG 0x00000007
 #define T_RPOA 0x00000008
 #define T_TR_DELAY 0x00000009
 #define T_MIN_THRU_CLASS 0x0000000a
 #define T_ETE_TR_DELAY 0x0000000b
 #define T_NUI 0x0000000c
 #define T_CHARGE_REQ 0x0000000d
 #define T_CHARGE_MU 0x0000000e
 #define T_CHARGE_SEG 0x0000000f
 #define T_CHARGE_DUR 0x00000010
 #define T_LINE_ADDR_MOD 0x00000011
 #define T_CALL_REDIR 0x00000012
 #define T_EXPEDITED 0x00000013
 #define T_CALLED_AEF 0x00000014
 #define T_CALLING_AEF 0x00000015
 #define T_STDSERVICE 0x00000016
 #define T_OSISERVICE 0x00000017
 #define T_PRECEDENCE 0x00000018
 #define T_PRIVATE 0x00000019

    union {
       u_intfacilities;/* quick way to check
                                 * if a facility is present
 #define F_REVERSE_CHARGE 0x00000001
 #define F_FAST_SELECT_TYPE 0x00000002
 #define F_PACKET_SIZE 0x00000004
 #define F_WINDOW_SIZE 0x00000008
 #define F_THROUGHPUT 0x00000010
 #define F_MIN_THRU_CLASS 0x00000020
 #define F_CUG 0x00000040
 #define F_RPOA 0x00000080
 #define F_TR_DELAY 0x00000100
 #define F_ETE_TR_DELAY 0x00000200
 #define F_NUI 0x00000400
 #define F_CHARGE_REQ 0x00000800
 #define F_CHARGE_MU 0x00001000
 #define F_CHARGE_SEG 0x00002000
 #define F_CHARGE_DUR 0x00004000
 #define F_LINE_ADDR_MOD 0x00008000
 #define F_CALL_REDIR 0x00010000
 #define F_EXPEDITED 0x00020000
 #define F_CALLED_AEF 0x00040000
 #define F_CALLING_AEF 0x00080000
 #define F_STDSERVICE 0x00100000
 #define F_OSISERVICE 0x00200000
 #define F_PRECEDENCE 0x00400000
 #define F_PRIVATE 0x00800000
       u_char reverse_charge;
 /* permit/request reverse charge */
       u_char fast_select_type;
 #define FAST_OFF 0 /* don't use fast select */
 #define FAST_CLR_ONLY 1 /* restricted response */
 #define FAST_ACPT_CLR 2 /* unrestricted response */
                     PACKET_SIZE packet_size; /* packet sizes */
                     WINDOW_SIZE window_size; /* window sizes */
                      THROUGHPUT throughput; /* used for throughput
                            negotiation */
          THROUGHPUT min_thru_class; /* minimum throughput class */
          CUG cug; /* closed user group */
          RPOA rpoa; /* RPOA specification */
          u_short tr_delay; /* network transit delay */
          ETE_TR_DELAY ete_tr_delay; /* end-to-end transit delay */
          NUI nui; /* network user identification */
          u_char charge_req; /* request charging info */
          CHARGE_INFO charge_mu; /* charging info, monetary unit */
          CHARGE_INFO charge_seg; /* charging info, segment */
          CHARGE_INFO charge_dur; /* charging info, call duration */
          u_char line_addr_mod; /* called line addr modified */
          CALL_REDIR call_redir; /* call redirect notification */
          u_char expedited; /* expedited data negotiation */
          AEF called_aef; /* called aef */
          AEF calling_aef; /* calling aef */
          u_char osiservice; /* set when VC carries CLNP data */
          u_char stdservice; /* set for DDN services */
          PRECEDENCE prec; /* precedence for standard services */
          PRIVATE_FACT private; /* non-X.25 local/rem facilities */
       } facility;

 /* Some convenient definitions. */
 #define f_facilities facility.facilities
 #define f_reverse_chargefacility.reverse_charge
 #define f_fast_select_typefacility.fast_select_type
 #define f_packet_size facility.packet_size
 #define f_recvpktsize facility.packet_size.recvpktsize
 #define f_sendpktsize facility.packet_size.sendpktsize
 #define f_window_size facility.window_size
 #define f_recvwndsize facility.window_size.recvwndsize
 #define f_sendwndsize facility.window_size.sendwndsize
 #define f_throughput facility.throughput
 #define f_recvthruput facility.throughput.recvthruput
 #define f_sendthruput facility.throughput.sendthruput
 #define f_min_thru_classfacility.min_thru_class
 #define f_min_recvthruputfacility.min_thru_class.recvthruput
 #define f_min_sendthruputfacility.min_thru_class.sendthruput
 #define f_cug  facility.cug
 #define f_cug_req facility.cug.cug_req
 #define f_cug_index facility.cug.cug_index
 #define f_rpoa  facility.rpoa
 #define f_nrpoa  facility.rpoa.nrpoa
 #define f_rpoa_req facility.rpoa.rpoa_req
 #define f_tr_delay facility.tr_delay
 #define f_ete_tr_delay facility.ete_tr_delay
 #define f_req_delay facility.ete_tr_delay.req_delay
 #define f_desired_delay facility.ete_tr_delay.desired_delay
 #define f_max_delay facility.ete_tr_delay.max_delay
 #define f_nui  facility.nui
 #define f_charge_req facility.charge_req
 #define f_charge_mu facility.charge_mu
 #define f_charge_seg facility.charge_seg
 #define f_charge_dur facility.charge_dur
 #define f_line_addr_mod facility.line_addr_mod
 #define f_call_redir facility.call_redir
 #define f_cr_reason facility.call_redir.cr_reason
 #define f_cr_hostlen facility.call_redir.cr_hostlen
 #define f_cr_host facility.call_redir.cr_host
 #define f_expedited facility.expedited
 #define f_called_aef facility.called_aef
 #define f_cd_aef_type facility.called_aef.aef_type
 #define f_cd_aef_len facility.called_aef.aef_len
 #define f_cd_aef facility.called_aef.aef
 #define f_calling_aef facility.calling_aef
 #define f_cg_aef_type facility.calling_aef.aef_type
 #define f_cg_aef_len facility.calling_aef.aef_len
 #define f_cg_aef facility.calling_aef.aef
 #define f_osiservice facility.osiservice
 #define f_stdservice facility.stdservice
 #define f_prec  facility.prec
 #define f_precedence_reqfacility.prec.precedence_req
 #define f_precedence facility.prec.precedence
 #define f_private facility.private