Solstice X.25 9.2 Developer's Guide
 D-bit ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  control of ( Index Term Link )
  control of in sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
  how to set ( Index Term Link )
  reading using sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
 Data ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  receiving ( Index Term Link )
  receiving using sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
  sending ( Index Term Link )
  sending using sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
 Data Acknowledgment Request/Indication ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 data structure, fields in, for address structure ( Index Term Link )
 data transfer phase, overview of ( Index Term Link )
 DATAPAC Priority Bit ( Index Term Link )
 DATAPAC Traffic Class ( Index Term Link )
 diagnostic byte, allowing omission of ( Index Term Link )
 diagnostic code
  accessing in sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
  sending in sockets-based interface ( Index Term Link )
 diagnostic packets, allowing for specialized treatment of ( Index Term Link )
 Disconnect ( Index Term Link )
  remote ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 disconnect behavior, after application receives disconnect message ( Index Term Link )
 disconnect collision ( Index Term Link )
 disconnect confirm ( Index Term Link )
 Disconnect Indication ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Disconnect Request ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 disconnect request/indication ( Index Term Link )
 DL_ATTACH_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_BIND_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_CONNECT_CON ( Index Term Link )
 DL_CONNECT_IND ( Index Term Link )
 DL_CONNECT_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_CONNECT_RES ( Index Term Link )
 DL_DETACH_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_DISCONNECT_IND ( Index Term Link )
 DL_DISCONNECT_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_ERROR_ACK ( Index Term Link )
 DL_INFO_ACK ( Index Term Link )
 DL_INFO_REQ ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DL_OK_ACK ( Index Term Link )
 DL_RESET_CON ( Index Term Link )
 DL_RESET_IND ( Index Term Link )
 DL_RESET_REQ ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DL_TOKEN_ACK ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DL_TOKEN_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DL_UNBIND_REQ ( Index Term Link )
 DLPI ( Index Term Link )
 driver configuration ( Index Term Link )
 DTE address
  as stored in address data structure ( Index Term Link )
  as stored in configurable-parameters structure ( Index Term Link )
 DTE/DCE resolution ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DTE-DTE operation ( Index Term Link )