Solstice X.25 9.2 Developer's Guide

11.1.18 DL_RESET_IND--Indicates Remote Reset

Indicates that the remote user is resynchronizing the connection. This primitive is sent upstream when a SABME or SABM is received from the network, while in state DL_DATAXFER.

Associated Structure

This message consists of one M_PROTO message block containing the following structure:

typedef struct {
        t_uscalar_t     dl_primitive;   /* DL_RESET_IND */
        t_uscalar_t     dl_originator;  /* Provider or User */
        t_uscalar_t     dl_reason;      /* flow control, link error, resync */
} dl_reset_ind_t;

The members of the dl_reset_ind_structure are:

Table 11-29 Members of the dl_reset_ind_structure




Should be set to the name of this primitive. 


Always set to DL_USER.


Always set to DL_RESET_RESYNCH (there is no means of carrying a "reset reason" across the network).