C H A P T E R  8

Sun Netratrademark 240 Alarm Card Test (n240atest)

n240atest is designed to test the alarm card on Sun Netra 240 servers.

caution icon

Caution - Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment or later is required to perform the n240atest.

n240atest Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

FIGURE 8-1 n240atest Test Parameter Options Dialog Box

The following table describes the n240atest options:

TABLE 8-1 n240atest Options

n240atest Options


Alarm Critical

Toggles the Alarm critical LED.

Alarm Major

Toggle the Alarm critical Major.

Alarm Minor

Toggles the Alarm critical Minor.

Alarm User

Toggles the Alarm critical User.


Performs the FruID checksum test on the alarm card.

Loop Count

Sets up the loop count for toggling all four alarm LEDS. The count number is 1 to 10.

n240atest Test Modes
TABLE 8-2 n240atest Supported Test Modes

Test Mode



The test determines if the devices are connected to the system you are testing and verifies that they are accessible. Device functionality is not verified; however, you can safely run connection mode tests while the system is offline.


Tests fully exercise all aspects of the device through the associated device drivers. These tests use a significant portion of the system resources and assume that the device is available for testing. For this reason, the system must be offline with no other users or application running. This mode is sometimes referred to as Offline mode.


Enables users to perform alarmtest exclusively with no other applications running at the same time.

n240atest Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/n240atest standard_arguments [ -o

[ dev=<device_name> ][ cri=<E(nable)|D(isable)> ][ maj=<E|D> ][ min=<E|D> ][ usr=<E|D> ][ fru=<E|D>][ count=<count_number>] ]

TABLE 8-3 n240atest Command-Line Syntax




Specifies the name of the raw device to test.


Toggles the Alarm critical LED.


Toggles the Alarm critical Major.


Toggles the Alarm critical Minor.


Toggles the Alarm critical User.


Performs FruID checksum test on the alarm card.


Sets up the loop count for toggling all four alarm LEDS count_number is 1 to 10.

Note - 64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to the "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests" section of the SunVTS 5.1 Test Reference Manual (816-5145-10).