C H A P T E R  5

CD DVD Read Write Test (cddvdrwtest)

cddvdrwtest verifies write read and other supporing functions of CD and DVD RW drives. Test media supported:

Disktest probe dectects media type in the drive and shows test options for the media found. If inserted media is not supported by the drive, disktest probe shows an error and registers cdtest as default.

For rewritable CD media, cddvdrwtest can write one or more tracks in one test pass. cddvdrwtest writes tracks on next available space on the media. If the media is full, cddvdrwtest automaticcaly erases the whole media and start next test pass from beginning of the media.

For rewritable DVD media, cddvdrwtest writes only one track in one test pass (because there is only one track in DVD format). cddvdrwtest blanks the media when starting the test, if media is not blank.

cddvdrwtest has the following subtests:

cddvdrwtest Test Requirements

You must do reprobing if the media is changed. To prevent accidentally erasing useful data on a media used for testing, cddvdrwtest accepts the test media only if it is blank or it contains SunVTS test data (data that is written by cddvdrwtest). cddvdrwtest checks these conditions at probe time and at the start of test.

If you want to use a nonblank, non-SunVTS test data media for testing, the media must be blanked first by using cdrw command or other utility.

Because -R or +R media can be written once, only a blank media can be used for testing. It will fail if being used in multiple pass test. However, it can be reprobed and run under cdtest/dvdtest after the first test pass.

To prevent media corruption, if stopped during a write, finalize, format, or erase, cddvdrwtest posts a Warning message and continues until the current operation is completed. Wait until the test completes before doing any operation on the drive.

Do not stop the test in the middle of a writing operation. Doing so may cause damage to the media in some cases. It is better to set a limited number of passes for cddvdrwtest, instead of setting Max Passes=0 (unlimited) and stop the test manually. If a media is damaged, you should blank the media with cdrw command.

Note - DVD+RW media can not be blanked.

The default Delay between passes is set to 20 minutes. This setting is intended to make cddvdrwtest run less passes in long hours testing to preserve the media. It is also intended to give plenty of time to stop the test between passes.

cddvdrwtest Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system may not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

FIGURE 5-1 cddvdrwtest CD-RW Test Parameter Options Dialog Box

Screenshot of the cddvdrwtest Test Parameter Options dialog box.

FIGURE 5-2 cddvdrwtest DVD-RW Test Parameter Options Dialog Box

Screenshot of the cddvdrwtest Test Parameter Options dialog box.

TABLE 5-1 cddvdrwtest CD-RW Options




Disable/Enable Simulation Write


Speed entered in term of nX. Speed will be set to closest approximation of nX allowed by device.


Write a Data Track in one Test Loop


Write an Audio Track in one Test Loop


Number of loop in one test pass comprising Data and Audio Track if enabled.


Close after writing. Can not write more track on media.


None: No erase All: Erase whole disk


Eject the disk when test completed. Do not enable this option in a multiple pass test session.

TABLE 5-2 cddvdrwtest DVD-RW Options




Disable/Enable Simulation Write


Speed entered in term of nX. Speed will be set to closest approximation of nX allowed by device.


Track Size, how much data is written: 2MB, 10MG, 2GB, 4GB


None: No erase

Fast: Erase with "fast" option. Only Table of Content is erased All: Erase with "all" option. Erase whole disk surface.


Eject the disk when test completed. Do not enable this option in a multiple pass test session.

cddvdrwtest Test Modes

TABLE 5-3 cddvdrwtest Supported Test Modes

Test Mode



Shows basic drive information and supporting modes. Shows disk Table of Content (TOC)


These subtests are done in sequence:Erase - Erases data if DVD-RW media is not blank, or CD-RW media if full.

Simulation (optional) - Performs a write track with Laser turned off. This mode tests writing function without data written to the media.Write - Writes to media with predefined data patterns of 0..ff hex. For CD media track can be specified as data or audio track.

Read - Reads the written data

Compare - Compares write/read data, reports failure if miscompared.

Blank media (optional)

Read Disk/Track - Reads and shows Disk Table of Content.

Eject (optional)

cddvdrwtest CD-RW Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/cddvdrwtest standard_arguments -o dev=cntndnsn, media=CD-RW, nosim, speed=n, nodata, noaudio, loop=n, close, erase={none, all}, eject

TABLE 5-4 cddvdrwtest CD-RW Command-Line Syntax




Specifies the device under test


Specifies media


Disables Simulation Write


Specifies the speed entered in terms of nX


Disables Data Track test


Disables Audio Track test


Specifies 1 to 40, the number of loops in one test pass


Closes track after test after the test, no track can be added

erase={none, all}

none - Do not erase media after test complete

all - Erase entire disk


Ejects disk after test completed

cddvdrwtest DVD-RW Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/cddvdrwtest standard_arguments -o dev=cntndnsn, media={DVD-RW, DVD+RW}, nosim, speed=n, imagesize={2MB,10MB,2GB,4GB}, erase={none, fast, all}, eject

TABLE 5-5 cddvdrwtest DVD-RW Command-Line Syntax




Specifies the devise under test

media={DVD-RW, DVD+RW}

Specifies media


Disables Simulation Write


Specifies the speed entered in terms of nX.


Specifies the image size used in write/read test

erase={none, fast, all}

none - Do not erase media after test complete

fast - Erase the last track added

all - Erase entire disk


Ejects the media