C H A P T E R  23

Intelligent Fibre Channel Processor Test (ifptest)

ifptest tests the functionality of the PCI FC-AL card when there are no devices attached to the loop. The driver checks for devices on the fibre loop. If devices are detected the driver blocks any diagnostic commands.

Note - When devices are attached to the loop, do not run ifptest. Instead, run disktest tests on the individual devices. This will test the whole subsystem including the FC-AL controller.

ifptest uses the "mailbox" interface to the card. This interface allows certain firmware operations to be performed that normally would not be available to the application layer.

ifptest Subtests

Four subtests are run in online and functional modes:

Loads a series of registers into the input mailboxes on the card and then reads the output mailboxes and compares results. This verifies that the system side of the card is operating correctly, and that the internal data paths are okay.

Reads the firmware revision from the firmware and compares it against a revision loaded by the driver.

Runs an internal checksum test on the installed firmware. This verifies that the RISC RAM on the card is fully functional and that the installed firmware is still intact. This test also serves as a quick RAM check of the RISC RAM.

Extracts the hardware and firmware revision levels of different submodules on the card.

ifptest Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system may not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

FIGURE 23-1 ifptest Test Parameter Options Dialog Box

Screenshot of the ifptest Test Parameter Options dialog box.

TABLE 23-1 ifptest Options

ifptest Options


Mailbox Loopback test

Enables or disables the mailbox loopback command. This test writes data patterns into the mailboxes and then reads them

back from the output mailboxes and verifies the data is correct.

Firmware revision check

Enables or disables the firmware revision check command. This test extracts the firmware revision from the RISC firmware code and verifies against expected values.

Firmware checksum test

Enables or disables the firmware checksum command.

This command instructs the interface's RISC processor to calculate the checksum on the current microcode and then compare it against the checksum that was loaded in with the microcode.

Check Module Revisions

Enables or disables the firmware check module command. This command returns the revision level of several submodules on the interface card. Although this test is executed when enabled, the module revision levels are only printed out in VERBOSE mode.

ifptest Test Modes

TABLE 23-2 ifptest Supported Test Modes

Test Mode



Performs only an open/close operation.



Runs the full set of mailbox tests.

Note - Connection test mode will only open the controller to verify that the path is still viable.

ifptest Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/ifptest standard_arguments -o dev=device name,mbox=Enable|Disable,fwrevcheck=Enable|Disable,

TABLE 23-3 ifptest Command-Line Syntax




The name of the device to test.


Enables or disables the mailbox loopback command. This test writes data patterns into the mailboxes and then reads them back from the output mailboxes and verifies the data is correct.

fwrevcheck= Enable|Disable

Enables or disables the firmware revision check command. This test extracts the firmware revision from the RISC firmware code and verifies against expected values.

checksum= Enable|Disable

Enables or disables the firmware checksum command. This command instructs the interface's RISC processor to calculate the checksum on the current microcode and then compare it against the checksum that was loaded in with the microcode.

modrevcheck= Enable|Disable

Enables or disables the firmware checksum command. This command returns the revision level of several sub-modules on the interface card. Although this test is executed when enabled, the module revision levels are only printed out in VERBOSE mode.

Note - 64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname, or the relative path to which you installed SunVTS. If a test is not present in this directory, then it might be available as a 32-bit test only. For more information, see 32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests.