SunVTS 6.0 Patch Set 1 Release Notes

The SunVTS 6.0 software is compatible with the Solaris 10 Operating System and future compatible releases.

For the latest version of this document, go to:

New Features

ramtest now supports 64-bit x86 Solaris platforms through the Command Line Interface (CLI).

x86 Solaris Support

Starting with Solaris 10, the SunVTS infrastructure and a few core diagnostics are available for x86 Solaris platforms. The current x86 support is for the 32-bit operating system only.

SunVTS is supported and tested on the following Sun x86 platforms:

You must install the x86 version of the SunVTS packages to be able to perform SunVTS on x86 platforms. The software packages use the same names as in the SPARC environment. The SunVTS packages delivered separately for both x86 and SPARC Solaris platforms are as follows:

The SunVTS components available for x86 Solaris platforms are as follows.



32- and 64-bit Support With x86 Platforms

SunVTS x86 Solaris tests are primarily available in 32-bit mode. In addition, three SunVTS tests also support 64-bit mode for x86 Solaris for the AMD64 based Sun platforms. By default, these files are installed in the /bin/64 directory under the base SunVTS install location.

The following tests support 64-bit architecture on x86 Solaris.

Currently, SunVTS does not provide 64-bit infrastructure support for x86 Solaris. For 64-bit x86 support, these tests can be performed as standalone with the Command Line Interface (CLI) only. To view the command-line options use the -u (usage) option as follows:

Refer to the README.64 file for more information.

Getting SunVTS Package and Version Information

Use the following command to receive SunVTS 5.1 package information:

# pkginfo -c SUNWvts SUNWvtsts SUNWvtsmn

You can also use either of the following commands to receive additional SunVTS 5.1 package information:

# pkginfo | grep vts
# showrev -p | grep vts

In addition, you can use the SunVTS standard command line argument, -V, to recieve version information.

Open Issues

Possible Installation Issue
Install and Uninstall Using the Same Program

Use the same tool or utility for installation and removal of the SunVTS software. If you use pkgadd for installation, use pkgrm to uninstall; if you use Web Start for installation, use the Product Registry to uninstall.

Possible Runtime Issues for Both x86 and SPARC Platforms

Invalid Memory ECC Errors When Using vmemtest and pmemtest (Bug ID 6259183)

The ECC Error Monitor in vmemtest and pmemtest is incorrectly enabled by default. The ECC Error Monitor will be disabled by default in the next release of SunVTS, and thus the memory ECC errors will be hidden. Do not replace DIMMs due to memory ECC errors unless the Solaris Fault Management Architecture (FMA) evaluates and suggests such an action.

sunpci2test Supports SunPCi-3 Cards in Solaris 10

sunpci2test now supports the SunPCi-3 cards. Solaris 10 supports SunPCi-3 Version 3.2.2 with Patch 118591-01 only. Solaris 10 does not support the SunPCi-2 card.

SAI/P and SPIF Hardware for Solaris 10

SAI/P and SPIF hardware is not currently supported on Solaris 10. The Serial Parallel Controller Test (spiftest) and Serial Asynchronous Interface (PCI) Test (saiptest) will be supported once the SAI/P and SPIF hardware is supported on Solaris 10. This support is expected to be available soon.

Using cddvdtest (Bug 6224907)

cddvdtest could possibly register readonly options for the DVD+RW media type. If the test is stopped during the writing operation for the DVD+RW media, the test could get registered with readonly options the next time SunVTS is invoked.

Workaround: Either replace the media with a blank copy or run the test only on the basis of pass counts. Do not stop the test during a pass.

Using cddvdtest (Bug 6220163)

cddvdtest could fail to test DVD+RW media. When cddvdtest is run on DVD+RW media, the test could cause media write failures. If this occurs, error messages similar to the following are displayed:

message: "FAILED at 0. on writing track 1"

Workaround: Replace the media with a blank copy.

Using usbtest (Bug ID 6207760)

Performing usbtest on systems with audio cards could cause the test to report errors that are not incremented in the error count. Error messages similar to the following are displayed in the vtsk.err file.

Dec 10 18:43:40 npgfx-1 SunVTS6.0: [VTSID 10006 usbtest.probe] WARNING: audio probe error:
Dec 10 18:43:40 npgfx-1 SunVTS6.0: [VTSID NONE usbtest.probe] Failed to open /dev/sound/2 (Invalid argument)." Probable_Cause(s): <Faulty USB device or motherboard hardware.> <System software problem.> Recommended_Action(s): <Examine system message files (/var/adm/messages) for other information.>
Dec 10 18:43:40 npgfx-1 SunVTS6.0: [VTSID NONE usbtest.probe]

Workaround: None

Using usbtest (Bug ID 6197522)

usbtest could fail with error messages in "Test Messages" and in the sunvts.err file, but "failures" does not get incremented and the test reports passes instead.

Additionally, usbtest could report error messages similar to the following on a system without a printer attached.

11/18/04 14:28:55 machinename SunVTS6.0build73: VTSID 6000 usbtest.
  ERROR printers/0:   	"Cannot get printer_info for /dev/printers/0"
11/18/04 14:29:07 machinename SunVTS6.0build73: VTSID 8100 usbtest.
  ERROR printers/0: "ECPPIOC_GETDEVID failed (I/O error)" 
    (1)Faulty printer or cable.
    (2)Faulty ecpp device or motherboard hardware.
    (3)System software problem.
    (1) Check printer cable connectivity 

Workaround: None.

Using serialtest and disktest Simultaneously (Bug ID 4858028)

Sun Blade 100 and 150 systems with SunVTS can produce errors when the serial port controller (southbridge) is also handling other traffic as data access from and to the IDE hard disk. With SunVTS simultaneously running serialtest and disktest on Sun Blade 100 and 150 systems, you might see serialtest report failures.

Workaround: Do not perform serialtest and disktest simultaneously.

Using Online Help HTML files in the vtsui Interface (Bug ID 6217364)

The SunVTS 6.0 SUNWvtsmn package contains HTML files from the SunVTS 6.0 Test Reference Manual and User's Guide. However, updates were made to the SunVTS 6.0 Test Reference Manual that are not reflected in the version of the HTML files located in the SUNWvtsmn package.

Workaround: Use the SunVTS 6.0 Test Reference Manual available at

SunVTS Does not Support Processor Sets

If processor sets are defined, you must first delete the processor sets before running SunVTS.

Workaround: None.

Netra CT 820 Server Support

The Netra CT 820 Server is not currently supported in Solaris 9 or Solaris 10 Operating Systems.

Possible Runtime Issues for x86 Platforms

Using systest (Bug ID 6206510)

32-bit SunVTS software performed with the x86 binary on a 64-bit Solaris Operating System causes a systest error. The SunVTS 6.0 x86 version supports the 32-bit SunVTS binary only. If a 32-bit SunVTS binary is used on a 64-bit Solaris Operating System and systest is performed with the vtsui or the vtstty interface, systest fails immediately. systest does not display the right error message, for example:

12/08/04 14:19:23 machinename SunVTS6.0: VTSID 8010 systest.FATAL system: "kvm_open() failed: Error 0."Probable_Cause(s): <Attempted to use a 32-bit version of the libkvm interfaces to open a 64-bit kernel image.> Recommended_Action(s): <Run the 64-bit version of the test.>
12/08/04 14:19:24 ctech75 SunVTS6.0: VTSID 7012 vtsk.INFO : *Failed test*
 system(systest)          passes: 0  errors: 1

Workaround: for systest by using command line interface with option

Possible Runtime Issues for SPARC Platforms

Using env5test (Bug ID 6176527) and i2ctest (Bug ID 6176554)

env5test and i2ctest could fail due to a Solaris 10 Operating System PICL initialization issue. When PICL is stopped and started, the tests pass appropriately.

Workaround: Enter the following commands directly after the Solaris Operating System is booted:

# cvsadm disable /system/picl
# cvsadm enable /system/picl

Adding Boards With Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) to Sun Fire 15K Systems (Bug ID 4959606)

On Sun Fire 15K systems, adding new boards with DR might cause some of the processor and memory related tests to perform ineffectively. Specifically, cmttest might fail to recognize the CMT processors on the new board. Similar failures might also occur in l2sramtest, l1dcachetest, dtlbtest, ramtest, bustest, mptest, and fputest.

Workaround: Reboot the system after adding a new board with DR.

Using pptest (Bug ID 6180140)

pptest could hang when performed in the Functional test mode with the Printer subtest enabled in the Test Parameter Options dialog box.

Workaround: None.

Using fwcamtest (Bug ID 5062974)

fwcamtest could hang with the following error message: "Termination of tests could be hung. Deselect tests to bring sunvts to an idle status." If dcamtest is deselected, all records regarding the test are removed. Display of the video does not go away after deselecting and quitting SunVTS. Black video output is seen from the video window.

pfbtest Fails When Used in the Gnome Desktop Environment (Bug ID 4938281)

pfbtest might fail when performed in the Gnome desktop environment on a Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator if the test is performed in the default console window.

This failure does not occur in the Solaris 8 2/02 and Solaris 8 HW 3/03 operating systems. If this failure occurs, you see an error message similar to the following:

pfb3(pfbtest)            passes: 26 errors: 12

Workaround: Most graphics tests fail when running under Gnome; enter the xscreensaver-command -exit command before performing graphics test under the Gnome desktop environment to avoid these failures.