Application Packaging Developer's Guide

ProcedureHow to Create an Unsigned, Directory-Format Package

The procedure for creating an unsigned, directory-format package is the same as the procedure for creating a normal package, as previously described in this manual. The following procedure describes the process of creating this unsigned, directory-format package. If you need more information, refer to the previous sections about building packages.

  1. Create the pkginfo file.

    The pkginfo file should have the following basic content:

    NAME=My Test Package
  2. Create the prototype file.

    The prototye file should have the following basic content:

    $cat prototype
    i pkginfo
    d none usr 0755 root sys
    d none usr/bin 0755 root bin
    f none usr/bin/myapp=/tmp/myroot/usr/bin/myapp 0644 root bin
  3. List the contents of the object source directory.

    For example:

    $ ls -lR /tmp/myroot

    The output would appear similar to the following:

    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x   3 abc      other        177 Jun  2 16:19 usr
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x   2 abc      other        179 Jun  2 16:19 bin
    total 16
    -rw-------   1 abc      other       1024 Jun  2 16:19 myapp
  4. Create the unsigned package.

    pkgmk -d `pwd`

    The output would appear similar to the following:

    ## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
    ## Processing pkginfo file.
    WARNING: parameter <PSTAMP> set to "syrinx20030605115507"
    WARNING: parameter <CLASSES> set to "none"
    ## Attempting to volumize 3 entries in pkgmap.
    part  1 -- 84 blocks, 7 entries
    ## Packaging one part.
    ## Validating control scripts.
    ## Packaging complete.

    The package now exists in the current directory.