System Administration Guide: Network Services

ProcedureHow to Mount a File System From the Command Line

Mounting a file system from the command line is often performed to test a new mount point. This type of mount allows for temporary access to a file system that is not available through the automounter.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services. To configure a role with the Primary Administrator profile, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

  2. Mount the file system.

    Type the following command:

    # mount -F nfs -o ro bee:/export/share/local /mnt

    In this instance, the /export/share/local file system from the server bee is mounted on read-only /mnt on the local system. Mounting from the command line allows for temporary viewing of the file system. You can unmount the file system with umount or by rebooting the local host.

    Caution – Caution –

    Starting with the Solaris 2.6 release, all versions of the mount command do not warn about invalid options. The command silently ignores any options that cannot be interpreted. To prevent unexpected behavior, ensure that you verify all of the options that were used.

Example 5–5 Using Mirrormounts After Mounting a File System

The Solaris Express, Developer Edition 1/08 release includes the mirrormount facility. This new mounting technology can be used from any NFSv4 client accessing a second file system from an NFSv4 server. Once the first file system is mounted from the server using either the mount command or the automounter, then any file systems that are added to that mount point may be accessed. All you have to do is try to access the file system. The mirrormount occurs automatically. For more information, see How Mirrormounts Work.