man pages section 1: User Commands
lari(1)– link analysis of runtime interfaces
last(1)– display login and logout information about users and terminals
lastcomm(1)– display the last commands executed, in reverse order
ld(1)– link-editor for object files
ldap(1)– LDAP as a naming repository
ldapadd(1)– ldap entry addition and modification tools
ldapdelete(1)– ldap delete entry tool
ldaplist(1)– search and list naming information from an LDAP directory using the configured profile
ldapmodify(1)– ldap entry addition and modification tools
ldapmodrdn(1)– ldap modify entry RDN tool
ldapsearch(1)– ldap search tool
ldd(1)– list dynamic dependencies of executable files or shared objects
-– runtime linker for dynamic objects
let(1)– shell built-in function to evaluate one or more arithmetic expressions
lex(1)– generate programs for lexical tasks
lgrpinfo(1)– display information about locality groups
limit(1)– set or get limitations on the system resources available to the current shell and its descendents
line(1)– read one line
list_devices(1)– list allocatable devices
listusers(1)– list user login information
llc2_autoconfig(1)– generate LLC2 configuration files
llc2_config(1)– configure LLC2 interface parameters
llc2_stats(1)– LLC2 Station, SAP, and Connection
ln(1)– make hard or symbolic links to files
ln(1B)– make hard or symbolic links to files
loadkeys(1)– load and dump keyboard translation tables
locale(1)– get locale-specific information
localedef(1)– define locale environment
logger(1)– add entries to the system log
logger(1B)– add entries to the system log
login(1)– sign on to the system
logname(1)– return user's login name
logout(1)– shell built-in function to exit from a login session
longline(1F)– reads file, gets longest line
look(1)– find words in the system dictionary or lines in a sorted list
lookbib(1)– find references in a bibliographic database
lorder(1)– find ordering relation for an object or library archive
lp(1)– submit print request
lpc(1B)– line printer control program
lpq(1B)– display the contents of a print queue
lpr(1B)– submit print requests
lprm(1B)– remove print requests from the print queue
lpstat(1)– print information about the status of the print service
lptest(1B)– generate line printer ripple pattern
ls(1)– list contents of directory
ls(1B)– list
the contents of a directory
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