man pages section 1: User Commands
  • U
    • u370(1)– get processor type truth value
    • u3b(1)– get processor type truth value
    • u3b15(1)– get processor type truth value
    • u3b2(1)– get processor type truth value
    • u3b5(1)– get processor type truth value
    • ul(1)– do underlining
    • ulimit(1)– set or get limitations on the system resources available to the current shell and its descendents
    • umask(1)– get or set the file mode creation mask
    • unalias(1)– create or remove a pseudonym or shorthand for a command or series of commands
    • uname(1)– print name of current system
    • uncompress(1)– compress, uncompress files or display expanded files
    • unexpand(1)– expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa
    • unget(1)– undo a previous get of an SCCS file
    • unhash(1)– evaluate the internal hash table of the contents of directories
    • unifdef(1)– resolve and remove ifdef'ed lines from C program source
    • uniq(1)– report or filter out repeated lines in a file
    • units(1)– converts quantities expressed in standard scales to other scales
    • unix2dos(1)– convert text file from ISO format to DOS format
    • unlimit(1)– set or get limitations on the system resources available to the current shell and its descendents
    • unpack(1)– compress and expand files
    • unset(1)– shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
    • unset(1F)– set and unset local or global environment variables
    • unsetenv(1)– shell built-in functions to determine the characteristics for environmental variables of the current shell and its descendents
    • until(1)– shell command interpreter built-in commands
    • uptime(1)– show how long the system has been up
    • users(1B)– display a compact list of users logged in
    • uucp(1C)– UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
    • uudecode(1C)– encode a binary file, or decode its encoded representation
    • uuencode(1C)– encode a binary file, or decode its encoded representation
    • uuglist(1C)– print the list of service grades that are available on this UNIX system
    • uulog(1C)– UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
    • uuname(1C)– UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
    • uupick(1C)– public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
    • uustat(1C)– uucp status inquiry and job control
    • uuto(1C)– public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
    • uux(1C)– UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution