You can display information about the iSCSI initiator and target devices by using the iscsiadm list command.
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Display information about the iSCSI initiator.
For example:
# iscsiadm list initiator-node Initiator node name: Initiator node alias: zzr1200 Login Parameters (Default/Configured): Header Digest: NONE/- Data Digest: NONE/- Authentication Type: NONE RADIUS Server: NONE RADIUS access: unknown Configured Sessions: 1 |
Display information about which discovery methods are in use.
For example:
# iscsiadm list discovery Discovery: Static: enabled Send Targets: enabled iSNS: enabled |
The following example shows how to display the parameter settings for a specific iSCSI target.
# iscsiadm list target-param Target: |
The iscsiadm list target-param -v command displays the following information:
The authentication settings for the target
The default settings for the target login parameters
The configured value for each login parameter
The iscsiadm list target-param -v command displays the default parameter value before the / designator and the configured parameter value after the / designator. If you have not configured any parameters, the configured parameter value displays as a hyphen (-). For more information, see the following examples.
# iscsiadm list target-param -v eui.50060e8004275511 Target: eui.50060e8004275511 Alias: - Bi-directional Authentication: disabled Authentication Type: NONE Login Parameters (Default/Configured): Data Sequence In Order: yes/- Data PDU In Order: yes/- Default Time To Retain: 20/- Default Time To Wait: 2/- Error Recovery Level: 0/- First Burst Length: 65536/- Immediate Data: yes/- Initial Ready To Transfer (R2T): yes/- Max Burst Length: 262144/- Max Outstanding R2T: 1/- Max Receive Data Segment Length: 65536/- Max Connections: 1/- Header Digest: NONE/- Data Digest: NONE/- Configured Sessions: 1 |
The following example output displays the parameters that were negotiated between the target and the initiator.
# iscsiadm list target -v eui.50060e8004275511 Target: eui.50060e8004275511 TPGT: 1 ISID: 4000002a0000 Connections: 1 CID: 0 IP address (Local): IP address (Peer): Discovery Method: Static Login Parameters (Negotiated): Data Sequence In Order: yes Data PDU In Order: yes Default Time To Retain: 0 Default Time To Wait: 3 Error Recovery Level: 0 First Burst Length: 65536 Immediate Data: yes Initial Ready To Transfer (R2T): yes Max Burst Length: 262144 Max Outstanding R2T: 1 Max Receive Data Segment Length: 65536 Max Connections: 1 Header Digest: NONE Data Digest: NONE |