Device Driver Tutorial

Writing Quote Of The Day Version 1

Enter the source code shown in the following example into a text file named qotd_1.c.

Example 3–1 Quote Of The Day Version 1 Source File

#include <sys/modctl.h>
#include <sys/conf.h>
#include <sys/devops.h>
#include <sys/cmn_err.h>
#include <sys/ddi.h>
#include <sys/sunddi.h>

#define QOTD_MAXLEN     128

static const char qotd[QOTD_MAXLEN]
        = "Be careful about reading health books. \
You may die of a misprint. - Mark Twain\n";

static struct dev_ops qotd_dev_ops = {
        DEVO_REV,               /* devo_rev */
        0,                      /* devo_refcnt */
        ddi_no_info,            /* devo_getinfo */
        nulldev,                /* devo_identify */
        nulldev,                /* devo_probe */
        nulldev,                /* devo_attach */
        nulldev,                /* devo_detach */
        nodev,                  /* devo_reset */
        (struct cb_ops *)NULL,  /* devo_cb_ops */
        (struct bus_ops *)NULL, /* devo_bus_ops */
        nulldev,                /* devo_power */
        ddi_quiesce_not_needed, /* devo_quiesce */

static struct modldrv modldrv = {
        "Quote of the Day 1.0",

static struct modlinkage modlinkage = {
        (void *)&modldrv,

        cmn_err(CE_CONT, "QOTD: %s\n", qotd);
        return (mod_install(&modlinkage));

_info(struct modinfo *modinfop)
        return (mod_info(&modlinkage, modinfop));
        return (mod_remove(&modlinkage));

Enter the configuration information shown in the following example into a text file named qotd_1.conf.

Example 3–2 Quote Of The Day Version 1 Configuration File

name="qotd_1" parent="pseudo" instance=0;