Writing Device Drivers

Capture System Crash Dumps

When a system panics, the system writes an image of kernel memory to the dump device. The dump device is by default the most suitable swap device. The dump is a system crash dump, similar to core dumps generated by applications. On rebooting after a panic, savecore(1M) checks the dump device for a crash dump. If a dump is found, savecore makes a copy of the kernel's symbol table, which is called unix.n. The savecore utility then dumps a core file that is called vmcore.n in the core image directory. By default, the core image directory is /var/crash/machine_name. If /var/crash has insufficient space for a core dump, the system displays the needed space but does not actually save the dump. The mdb(1) debugger can then be used on the core dump and the saved kernel.

In the Oracle Solaris operating system, crash dump is enabled by default. The dumpadm(1M) command is used to configure system crash dumps. Use the dumpadm command to verify that crash dumps are enabled and to determine the location of core files that have been saved.

Note –

You can prevent the savecore utility from filling the file system. Add a file that is named minfree to the directory in which the dumps are to be saved. In this file, specify the number of kilobytes to remain free after savecore has run. If insufficient space is available, the core file is not saved.