System Administration Guide: Security Services

ProcedureHow to Import a Certificate Into Your Keystore

This procedure describes how to import a file with PKI information that is encoded with PEM or with raw DER into your keystore. For an export procedure, see Example 15–4.

  1. Import the certificate.

    % pktool import keystore=keystore infile=infile-name label=label-name
  2. If you are importing private PKI objects, provide passwords when prompted.

    1. At the prompt, provide the password for the file.

      If you are importing PKI information that is private, such as an export file in PKCS #12 format, the file requires a password. The creator of the file that you are importing provides you with the PKCS #12 password.

      Enter password to use for accessing the PKCS12 file:Type PKCS #12 password
    2. At the prompt, type the password for your keystore.

      Enter pin for Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken: Type PIN for token
  3. Verify the contents of the keystore.

    % pktool list
    Found number certificates.
    1. (X.509 certificate)
          Label:  label-name
          ID: Fingerprint that binds certificate to private key
          Subject: subject-DN
          Issuer:  distinguished-name
          Serial:  hex-serial-number
    2. ...

Example 15–2 Importing a PKCS #12 File Into Your Keystore

In the following example, the user imports a PKCS #12 file from a third party. The pktool import command extracts the private key and the certificate from the gracedata.p12 file, and stores them in the user's preferred keystore.

% pktool import keystore=pkcs11 infile=gracedata.p12 label=GraceCert
Enter password to use for accessing the PKCS12 file:Type PKCS #12 password
Enter pin for Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken: Type PIN for token
Found 1 certificate(s) and 1 key(s) in gracedata.p12
% pktool list
Found 1 certificates.
1. (X.509 certificate)
        Label: GraceCert
        ID: 12:82:17:5f:80:78:eb:44:8b:98:e3:3c:11:c0:32:5e:b6:4c:ea:eb
        Subject: C=US, O=My Company, OU=Security Engineering Group, CN=MyCA
        Issuer: C=US, O=My Company, OU=Security Engineering Group, CN=MyCA
        Serial: 0x01

Example 15–3 Importing an X.509 Certificate Into Your Keystore

In the following example, the user imports an X.509 certificate in PEM format into the user's preferred keystore. This public certificate is not protected with a password. The user's public keystore is also not protected by a password.

% pktool import keystore=pkcs11 infile=somecert.pem label="TheirCompany Root Cert"
% pktool list
Found 1 certificates.
1. (X.509 certificate)
        Label: TheirCompany Root Cert
        ID: 21:ae:83:98:24:d1:1f:cb:65:5b:48:75:7d:02:47:cf:98:1f:ec:a0
        Subject: C=US, O=TheirCompany, OU=Security, CN=TheirCompany Root CA
        Issuer: C=US, O=TheirCompany, OU=Security, CN=TheirCompany Root CA
        Serial: 0x01