System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization

ProcedureHow to Install the Exclusive IP Zone on a VNIC

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that you have completed VNIC creation, as described in How to Create a Virtual Network Interface. You also must have created and committed an exclusive IP zone, as described in How to Create an Exclusive IP Zone Over a VNIC.

In this procedure you install the newly created zone1 over vnic1.

  1. On the system where you create the virtual network, become superuser or assume the equivalent root role.

    To create and assign the root role, see How to Make root User Into a Role in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

    Note –

    When you first log in to a system, you are automatically in its global zone. For an introduction to zones, refer to Zones Overview in System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System.

  2. Verify that the new zone exists.

    # zoneadm -z zoneID verify

    The zoneadm command displays output similar to the following for a zone that is not yet installed:

    WARNING: /export/home/zone1 does not exist, so it could not be verified.
    When 'zoneadm install' is run, 'install' will try to create
    /export/home/zone1, and 'verify' will be tried again,
    but the 'verify' may fail if:
    the parent directory of /export/home/zone1 is group- or other-writable
    /export/home/zone1 overlaps with any other installed zones.

    This message indicates that zone is ready to be installed.

  3. Install the new zone.

    Use the following syntax:

    # zoneadm -z zoneID install

    For example, you would type:

    # zoneadm -z zone1 install
    Preparing to install zone <zone1>
    Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
    Zone <zone1> is initialized.
  4. Verify that the zone is installed.

    zoneadm list -iv

    You receive output similar to the following:

     ID NAME              STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
       0 global           running    /                              native   shared
       - zone1            installed  /export/home/zone1             native   excl

    The output indicates that the exclusive IP zone is installed but not yet running.

  5. Boot the zone and then observe its new status.

    # zoneadm -z zone1 boot
    # zoneadm list -v
      ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
       0 global           running    /                              native   shared
       1 zone1            running    /export/home/zone1             native   excl

    Note that zone1 has changed its state to running.

  6. Repeat this procedure for all exclusive IP zones in your virtual network.

Example 11–3 Installing and Booting an Exclusive IP Zone Over a VNIC

The following example contains the zoneadm and zlogin -C commands for installing the exclusive IP zone zone1 that is configured over vnic1. This example assumes that both the VNIC and zone are created, as shown in Example 11–2. You can use this example for installing every exclusive IP zone over a VNIC for your virtual network. For an illustration of a basic virtual network, refer to Figure 10–1.

You must log in to the global zone of the system as superuser or equivalent role to run the next commands.

# zoneadm -z zone1 verify
WARNING: /export/home/zone1 does not exist, so it could not be verified.
When 'zoneadm install' is run, 'install' will try to create
/export/home/zone1, and 'verify' will be tried again,
but the 'verify' may fail if:
the parent directory of /export/home/zone1 is group- or other-writable
/export/home/zone1 overlaps with any other installed zones.

# zoneadm -z zone1 install
Preparing to install zone <zone1>.
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Zone <zone1> is initialized. 

zoneadm list -iv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              native   shared
   - zone1            installed  /export/home/zone1             native   excl

# zoneadm -z zone1 boot
# zoneadm list -v
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              native   shared
   1 zone1            running    /export/home/zone1             native   excl

Next Steps

After booting the zone, you need to perform initial configuration steps for the exclusive IP zone over a VNIC. Use one of the following methods to complete zone configuration: