Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration

Encoding the Information Labels

Even though information labels are not used, values must be supplied under the INFORMATION LABELS: WORDS: section for the file to pass the encodings check. The Security Administrator role copies the words from the SENSITIVITY LABELS: WORDS: section, as shown in the following example.

Example 6–6 SecCompany WORDS in the INFORMATION LABELS Section



name= ALL_DEPARTMENTS; sname= ALL; compartments= 11-20;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= EXECUTIVE_MGT_GROUP; sname= EMGT; compartments= 11;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= SALES; sname= SALES; compartments= 12;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= FINANCE; sname= FINANCE; compartments= 13;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= LEGAL; sname= LEGAL; compartments= 14;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= MARKETING; sname= MKTG; compartments= 15 20; minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= HUMAN_RESOURCES; sname= HR; compartments= 16; minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= ENGINEERING; sname= ENG; compartments= 17 20; minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= MANUFACTURING; sname= MANUFACTURING; compartments= 18;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATION; sname= SYSADM; compartments= 19;
minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;
name= PROJECT_TEAM; sname= P_TEAM; compartments= 20; minclass= NEED_TO_KNOW;