Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

Trusted Extensions Audit Tokens

The audit tokens that Trusted Extensions software adds to the Solaris OS are listed alphabetically in the following table. The tokens are also listed in the audit.log(4) man page.

Table 24–2 Trusted Extensions Audit Tokens

Token Name 


label Token

Sensitivity label 

xatom Token

X window atom identification 

xclient Token

X client identification 

xcolormap Token

X window color information 

xcursor Token

X window cursor information 

xfont Token

X window font information 

xgc Token

X window graphical context information 

xpixmap Token

Xwindow pixel mapping information 

xproperty Token

X window property information 

xselect Token

X window data information 

xwindow Token

X window window information 

label Token

The label token contains a sensitivity label. This token contains the following fields:

A label token is displayed by the praudit command as follows:

sensitivity label,ADMIN_LOW

xatom Token

The xatom token contains information concerning an X atom. This token contains the following fields:

An xatom token is displayed by praudit as follows:


xclient Token

The xclient token contains information concerning the X client. This token contains the following fields:

An xclient token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X client,15

xcolormap Token

The xcolormap token contains information about the colormaps. This token contains the following fields:

An xcolormap token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X color map,0x08c00005,srv

xcursor Token

The xcursor token contains information about the cursors. This token contains the following fields:

An xcursor token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X cursor,0x0f400006,srv

xfont Token

The xfont token contains information about the fonts. This token contains the following fields:

An xfont token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X font,0x08c00001,srv

xgc Token

The xgc token contains information about the xgc. This token contains the following fields:

An xgc token is displayed by praudit as follows:

Xgraphic context,0x002f2ca0,srv

xpixmap Token

The xpixmap token contains information about the pixel mappings. This token contains the following fields:

An xpixmap token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X pixmap,0x08c00005,srv

xproperty Token

The xproperty token contains information about various properties of a window. This token contains the following fields:

An xproperty token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X property,0x000075d5,root,_MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS

xselect Token

The xselect token contains the data that is moved between windows. This data is a byte stream with no assumed internal structure and a property string. This token contains the following fields:

An xselect token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X selection,entryfield,halogen

xwindow Token

The xwindow token contains information about a window. This token contains the following fields:

An xwindow token is displayed by praudit as follows:

X window,0x07400001,srv