Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

Developer Responsibilities When Creating Trusted Programs

Even though a program's developer can manipulate privilege sets in the source code, if the security administrator does not assign the required privileges to the program, the program will fail. The developer and security administrator need to cooperate when creating trusted programs.

    A developer who writes a trusted program must do the following:

  1. Understand where the program requires privileges to do its work.

  2. Know and follow techniques, such as privilege bracketing, for safely using privileges in programs.

  3. Be aware of the security implications when assigning privileges to a program. The program must not violate security policy.

  4. Compile the program by using shared libraries that are linked to the program from a trusted directory.

    For additional information, see Solaris Security for Developers Guide. For examples of code for Trusted Extensions, see Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer’s Guide.