Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

ProcedureHow to Display Ready or Running Zones

This procedure creates a shell script that displays the labels of the current zone and all zones that the current zone dominates.

Before You Begin

You must be in the System Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Use the trusted editor to create the getzonelabels script.

    For details, see How to Edit Administrative Files in Trusted Extensions.

    Provide the pathname to the script, such as /usr/local/scripts/getzonelabels.

  2. Add the following content, and save the file:

    echo "NAME\t\tSTATUS\t\tLABEL"
    echo "====\t\t======\t\t====="
    for i in `/usr/sbin/zoneadm list -p` ; do
            zone=`echo $i | cut -d ":" -f2`
            status=`echo $i | cut -d ":" -f3`
            path=`echo $i | cut -d ":" -f4`
            if [ $zone != global ]; then
                    if [ $myzone = global ]; then
            label=`/usr/bin/getlabel -s $path |cut -d ":" -f2-9`
            if [ `echo $zone|wc -m` -lt 8 ]; then
                    echo "$zone\t\t$status\t$label"
                    echo "$zone\t$status\t$label"
  3. Test the script in the global zone.

    # getzonelabels
    NAME            STATUS          LABEL
    ====            ======          =====
    global          running         ADMIN_HIGH
    needtoknow      running         CONFIDENTIAL : NEED TO KNOW
    restricted      ready           CONFIDENTIAL : RESTRICTED
    internal        running         CONFIDENTIAL : INTERNAL
    public          running         PUBLIC

    When run from the global zone, the script displays the labels of all ready or running zones. Here is the global zone output for the zones that were created from the default label_encodings file:

Example 16–1 Displaying the Labels of All Ready or Running Zones

In the following example, a user runs the getzonelabels script in the internal zone.

# getzonelabels
NAME            STATUS          LABEL
====            ======          =====
internal        running         CONFIDENTIAL : INTERNAL
public          running         PUBLIC