Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

ProcedureConfigure a Multilevel Port for the Sun Java System Directory Server

To work in Trusted Extensions, the server port of the Directory Server must be configured as a multilevel port (MLP) in the global zone.

  1. Start the Solaris Management Console.

    # /usr/sbin/smc &
  2. Select the This Computer (this-host: Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL) toolbox.

  3. Click System Configuration, then click Computers and Networks.

    You are prompted for your password.

  4. Type the appropriate password.

  5. Double-click Trusted Network Zones.

  6. Double-click the global zone.

  7. Add a multilevel port for the TCP protocol:

    1. Click Add for the Multilevel Ports for Zone's IP Addresses.

    2. Type 389 for the port number, and click OK.

  8. Add a multilevel port for the UDP protocol:

    1. Click Add for the Multilevel Ports for Zone's IP Addresses.

    2. Type 389 for the port number.

    3. Choose the udp protocol, and click OK.

  9. Click OK to save the settings.

  10. Update the kernel.

    # tnctl -fz /etc/security/tsol/tnzonecfg