Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide

Selection Manager

The Selection Manager application arbitrates user-level interwindow data moves, such as cut and paste or drag and drop, where information is transferred between untrusted windows. When a transfer is attempted, the Selection Manager captures the transfer, verifies the controlling user's authorization, and requests confirmation and labeling information from the user. Any time the user attempts a data move, the Selection Manager automatically appears. You do not need to update your application code to get the Selection Manager to appear.

The administrator can set automatic confirmation for some transfer types, in which case the Selection Manager does not appear. If the transfer meets the MAC and DAC policies, the data transfer completes. The File Browser and the window manager also act as selection agents for their private drop sites. See the /usr/X11/lib/X11/xserver/TrustedExtensionsPolicy file to specify selection targets that are polyinstantiated. See the /usr/share/gnome/sel_config file to determine which selection targets are automatically confirmed.