Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide

Labeled Workspaces

In Solaris Trusted Extensions (CDE), or Trusted CDE, the workspaces in Trusted Extensions are accessed through buttons in the center of the Front Panel, as in the Solaris OS. However, with Trusted Extensions, you can devote a workspace entirely to a single label. This setup is very convenient when you are in a multilevel session, and you do not want to confuse information at different labels. The following illustration shows the workspace switch area with four switches. Each switch opens a workspace at a different label. You can also assign several workspaces to the same label.

Figure 1–6 Workspace Switch Area

The illustration shows the Workspace Switch area on the
Front Panel with four labeled switches.

In Solaris Trusted Extensions (GNOME), or Trusted GNOME, the workspaces are accessed through buttons at the right of the bottom panel. As in Trusted CDE, you can assign a workspace to a single label. You can also assign the same label to several workspaces.