Solaris Express Developer Edition Release Notes

Solaris Express 11/05 Issues

The following issues apply to the Solaris Express 11/05 release.

SPARC: Power Management in Sun Expert3D and Sun Elite3D Hardware Not Working Under Certain Circumstances (6321362)

Sun Expert3D or Sun Elite3D cards in Sun BladeTM 1000 or Sun Blade 2000 workstations normally switch to low-power mode after an idle period. However, if these cards are set as the primary head in the Xserver, power management does not work. The affected cards remain at full power and no power savings are realized. No error message is displayed.

Workaround: None.

x86: GNOME Applications Fail With dtremote (6278039)

GNOME applications do not start if you log in remotely and enable accessibility in gnome-at-properties. If you attempt to start a GNOME application, the following error message is displayed:

** ERROR **: Accessibility app error: exception during 
registry activation from id: 
IDL:Bonobo/GeneralError:1.0  aborting...

Workaround: None. Do not enable accessibility when you log in by using dtremote. To revert to the default desktop settings in which accessibility is disabled, close the GNOME session. Issue the following command:

% gnome-cleanup