Solaris Express Developer Edition Release Notes

sd Treats an fdisk Partitioned Disk as EFI Partitioned Disk (6355349)

If a GPT backup header is left on a disk after the disk is repartitioned to a format other than EFI or GPT, the Solaris OS might treat the disk as EFI or GPT labeled. This error occurs only if an EFI or GPT labeled disk is repartitioned with earlier releases of Solaris or by using a utility that is not EFI or GPT aware. If the GPT backup is used, the following warning is displayed:

primary label corrupt; using backup

Workaround 1: Clear the entire disk before you repartition the disk.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/c1t3d0

Workaround 2: Clear the GPT backup header that resides in the last block of the disk. Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the format command on the disk and specify the verify option. Note the values of the sectors.

    #echo  "verify" | format /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0 | grep "^sectors"
            Reading the primary EFI GPT label failed.  Using backup label.
            Use the 'backup' command to restore the primary label.
            sectors = 143374743
  2. (Optional) Copy the contents of the specified block.

    dd if=/dev/rdsk/c1t3d0 of=/var/tmp/lastblock iseek=143374743
  3. Clear the specified block.

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/c1t3d0 oseek=143374743