Solaris Express Developer Edition Release Notes

gDesklets Fails to Start (6608943)

When you log in to the system as a new user, gDesklets fails to start. The following error message is displayed:

bash-3.00$ gdesklets shell

You're running gDesklets for the first time.
gDesklets will start a requirements check now...

Checking requirements:
 - sys ... found
 - xml.parsers.expat ... found
 - xml.sax ... found
 - gtk ... found
 - ORBit ... found
 - bonobo.ui ... missing
Version check failed.

bonobo python bindings are required.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Change to your home directory:

    cd <home_directory>
  2. Type the following command:

    mkdir .gdesklets