Solaris Express Developer Edition What's New

Sun Java Web Console Changes

The Sun Java Web Console provides a common location for users to work with web-based management applications. Users access the console by logging in through an HTTPS port, using one of several supported web browsers. The single entry point that is provided by the console eliminates having to learn URLs for multiple applications. The console provides authentication and authorization services for all applications that are registered with the console.

All console-based applications conform to the same user interface guidelines. The Sun Java Web Console also provides auditing and logging services for all registered applications.

Starting with the Solaris Express 8/06 release, the Sun Java Web Console includes the following changes:

For more information, see “Java Web Console” in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

Note –

Starting with the Solaris Express 4/06, the Solaris ZFS web-based management tool is available in the Sun Java Web Console. This tool enables you to perform most of the administration tasks that you can perform with the command-line interface (CLI).

For more information about using the Solaris ZFS web-based management tool, see the Solaris ZFS Administration Guide.