Memory and Thread Placement Optimization Developer's Guide

Using lgrp_mem_size()

The lgrp_mem_size(3LGRP) function takes a cookie that represents a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the size of installed or free memory in the given lgroup. The lgrp_mem_size() function reports memory sizes in bytes.

#include <sys/lgrp_user.h>
lgrp_mem_size_t lgrp_mem_size(lgrp_cookie_t cookie, lgrp_id_t lgrp,
                              int type, int content)

The type argument can have the following two values:


The lgrp_mem_size() function returns the amount of free memory in bytes.


The lgrp_mem_size() function returns the amount of installed memory in bytes.

The content argument can have the following two values:


The lgrp_mem_size() function returns the amount of memory in this lgroup and this lgroup's descendants.


The lgrp_mem_size() function returns the amount of memory in this lgroup only.

The lgrp_mem_size() function returns EINVAL when the cookie, lgroup ID, or one of the flags is not valid. The lgrp_mem_size() function returns ESRCH when the specified lgroup ID is not found.