Solaris CIFS Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Create a CIFS Share (sharemgr)

This procedure describes how to create a share definition on the Solaris CIFS service and make the share available to clients.

To create an autohome share, you must have defined autohome rules. For more information, see How to Create a Specific Autohome Share Rule.

  1. Become superuser, assume an equivalent role, obtain the solaris.smf.value.smb and solaris.smf.manage.smb RBAC authorizations, or use the “SMB Management” RBAC profile, which is part of the “File System Management” profile.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services. To configure a role with the Primary Administrator profile, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

  2. Define a share in the default share group or in another share group.

    A share name can include any alphanumeric characters, but not the characters listed here:

    " / \ [ ] : | + ; , ? * =

    Create a share group and add a share to that group.

    # sharemgr create -P smb group-name
    # sharemgr add-share -r resource-name -s share-path group-name
  3. If AD is enabled, specify the AD container where the share will be published.

    Note –

    The container must already exist for the share to be published in that container. The system does not create container objects in the AD tree.

    # sharemgr set [-hnv] -P smb [-S option-set] [-p property=value … \
    [-s share-path] group-name